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This table may be outdated, please look at settings.ts for the full list of environment variables you can set.

Environment Variable Default Value Description
ADDON_NAME AIOStreams The name of the addon.
ADDON_ID The unique identifier for the addon.
PORT 3000 The port on which the server runs.
BRANDING undefined Custom branding for the addon, displayed at the top of the configuration page. This is a BUILD TIME environment variable.
SECRET_KEY Empty string ('') The secret key used for encryption or sensitive operations. openssl rand -hex 32 or [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(0, 32) + [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString("N").Substring(0, 32) can be used to generate a new secret key for Linux/MacoS and Windows respectively.
CUSTOM_CONFIGS Empty string ('') Custom configurations in JSON format, using the alias as the key, and the encoded/encrypted string as the value. e.g. {"default": "eyJyZXNvbHV0....", "rd": "E-affedc...}.

In this case, using /default/manifest.json would use the configuration stored at the default key.

To easily generate the value for this environment variable, head to /custom-config-generator on your instance to find a tool that outputs the necessary value based on your configurations.
DISABLE_CUSTOM_CONFIG_GENERATOR_ROUTE false Whether to disable the /custom-config-generator route
COMET_URL The URL for the Comet addon. You can replace this with your self-hosted instance of Comet.
MEDIAFUSION_URL The URL for the MediaFusion addon
MEDIAFUSION_API_PASSWORD Empty string ('') The API_PASSWORD variable you set for your self-hosted MediaFusion instance. This is required if you want AIOStreams to generate configurations for MediaFusion based on the services you entered. If you provide the override url option for MediaFusion, this environment variable isn't required
TORRENTIO_URL The URL for the Torrentio addon.
TORBOX_STREMIO_URL The URL for the Torbox Stremio addon.
EASYNEWS_URL The URL for the Easynews addon.
EASYNEWS_PLUS_URL The URL for the Easynews Plus addon. This can be replaced with your self-hosted instance
ADDON_PROXY Empty string ('') You can run the requests AIOStreams makes to other addons through a proxy such as
DEFAULT_MEDIAFLOW_URL Empty string ('') You can set a default MediaFlow URL. All configurations made at an instance with this enabled will use this MediaFlow URL if it is not overriden by a user-set URL at the configure page
DEFAULT_MEDIAFLOW_API_PASSWORD Empty string ('') The API password for the default MediaFlow URL.
DEFAULT_MEDIAFLOW_PUBLIC_IP Empty string ('') Public IP for the default MediaFlow instance. This IP is forwarded to other addons
MAX_ADDONS 15 Maximum number of addons allowed.
CACHE_STREAM_RESULTS true Whether to cache the responses from addons for a specific requests. Only useful when the exact same request with the same debrid service configuration is repeated within a small timeframe. This can end up overwriting the MediaFlow public IPs depending on how many users are using the instance
CACHE_STREAM_RESULTS_TTL 600 The time to live (TTL) for cached stream responses in seconds. Cache that becomes older than this time is discarded
CACHE_MEDIAFLOW_IP_TTL 900 The time to live (TTL) for cached public IPs for the same MediaFlow URL and password.
MAX_CACHE_SIZE 1024 Maximum number of items the memory cache can hold. The cache stores streams from addon responses (for 10 minutes) and MediaFlow Public IPs (for 5 minutes).
MAX_KEYWORD_FILTERS 30 The maximum number of individual filters that you are allowed to enter for all keyword filters
MAX_MOVIE_SIZE 161061273600 (150 GiB) The maximum movie size that the user can set with the slider at the configuration page
MAX_EPISODE_SIZE 16106127360 (15 GiB) The maximum episode size that the user can set with the slider at the configuration page
MAX_TIMEOUT 50000 Maximum timeout that can be entered by the user in the configuration options
MIN_TIMEOUT 1000 Minimum timeout that can be entered by the user in the configuration options
MEDIAFLOW_IP_TIMEOUT 30000 The timeout for public IP requests to MediaFlow. When AIOStreams fails to get the IP, it will not make the request to the addon.
DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 15000 The value of this environment variable applies to all addon requests by default, unless overriden by an addon specific environment variable.

What this means is that this value essentially controls the time you wait for AIOStreams to response. As AIOStreams barely takes any time for its post-sorting and filtering. If all timeouts are set to 5000ms, the addon is forced to respond within 5 seconds, as all addon requests are carried out concurrently.
DEFAULT_TORRENTIO_TIMEOUT 5000 Default timeout for Torrentio requests (in milliseconds).
DEFAULT_TORBOX_TIMEOUT 15000 Default timeout for Torbox requests (in milliseconds).
DEFAULT_COMET_TIMEOUT 15000 Default timeout for Comet requests (in milliseconds).
DEFAULT_MEDIAFUSION_TIMEOUT 15000 Default timeout for MediaFusion requests (in milliseconds).
DEFAULT_EASYNEWS_TIMEMOUT 15000 Default timeout for Easynews requests (in milliseconds).
DEFAULT_EASYNEWS_PLUS_TIMEMOUT 15000 Default timeout for Easynews Plus requests (in milliseconds).
SHOW_DIE true Whether to display the die emoji in AIOStreams results
LOG_SENSITIVE_INFO false Whether to log sensitive information.
DISABLE_TORRENTIO false Whether to disable adding Torrentio as an addon, through override URLs, custom addons, or through the public ElfHosted instance of StremThru
DISABLE_TORRENTIO_MESSAGE ''The Torrentio addon has been disabled, please remove it to use this addon.' The message shown when DISABLE_TORRENTIO is true and Torrentio is present in the configuration