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Complete MySQL Tutorial: Learn SQL from Setup to Advanced Queries


MySQL is a popular and powerful database system used to store and manage data, while SQL is the language used to interact with that data. They are essential in the world of web development and data management.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that stores, retrieves, and manages data in tables using SQL (Structured Query Language).

What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is a standard programming language used to communicate with databases to perform tasks such as querying, updating, and managing data.

How Does MySQL Work?

  • MySQL uses SQL commands to interact with a database.
  • It organizes data into tables with rows (records) and columns (fields).
  • MySQL handles operations like adding, updating, and retrieving data from these tables.

What are the types of SQL Commands?

  • Data Query Language (DQL): Commands like SELECT to retrieve data.
  • Data Definition Language (DDL): Commands like CREATE, ALTER, DROP to define and modify database structures.
  • Data Manipulation Language (DML): Commands like INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE to modify data.
  • Data Control Language (DCL): Commands like GRANT, REVOKE to control access to data.
  • Transaction Control Language (TCL): Commands like COMMIT, ROLLBACK to manage transactions.

What is a Subquery in SQL?

A Subquery is a query within another query. It is used to return data that will be used by the outer query. Subqueries can be in the WHERE, FROM, or SELECT clauses.

DBMS(Data Base Management System)

There are Two types of DBMS:

  1. SQL (RDBMS-Relational DataBase Management System)
  2. NoSQL

In SQL & NoSQL Classifiaction:

MariaDB Casendra

Storing data in Hard Disk is permanent/persistant data.

For Storing Data in HD that must be in "file".

MySQL & MariaDB Port NO:- 3306

Table & Data Base:

DataBase is just concept behind the scence the "data" is arranged in specific model, that data is put in "file" that is known as "Table". & That file is always put in Directory/Folder that directory is known as "Data Base".

Installation of MySQL on Window:

MySQL Community Download MSI Installer link : MySQL-MSI_installer-link

  • Click On Custom MySQL-custom

  • Select MySQL Server & Workbench MySQL-server

  • Then click next, execute then next MySQL-insatll

  • Strong Password for version 8 MySQL-Pass

  • Create Password for MySQL, To access MySQL we need to connect MySQL Server for this we use Authentication:(MySQL root user have unlimited power) MySQL-Set-pass

  • Start Workbench MySQL-set

  • MySQL Workbench open MySQL-Workbench

  • Go to "+" button to add new user 'MySQL Connection' then fill info, then Test connection and fill password that was created during Installation: MySQL-Add-pratik-connection

  • Here see pratik user created and click on that we land on Client Workbench: Land-workbench

On Workbech:

on "MySQL WorkBench" can run query from created connection.

  • Note:
  1. There is no special need of remember or maintain Capital or Small letters syntax in MySQL.
  2. In MySQL for string data type use "char" or "varchar".
  3. We can put data in table, that data if is string & char then we put that data in "..." or '...'.

To Check List of Data Base Query is:

show databases;

To Check list of Tables query is:

show tables;

Create Data Base query:

create database psDB;

To Use Data Base then query is:

use psDB;

Create Table in Data Base:

create table Students(YearOfPass int, nameSTD char(30), mobile char(10), remark char(7) );


Describe Table query:

describe table Students;

Insert data into table: [Insert into table-name values()]

There are different approch to add data in table:

  1. Just add data in series:

    insert into Students values(24, "Pratik Shinde", 1234567890, 'nice');
  2. Add Specific values in certain coloumn:

     insert into Students (nameSTD, remark) values("Luckhan", 'pass');
  3. Add Values:

     insert into students (YearOfPass, nameSTD, mobile, remark) values(2024, "Soma", 1234123412, 'pass');
  4. Add multiple values in Table in single query:

     insert into students (YearOfPass, nameSTD, mobile, remark) values(2020, "Panakj", 0535, 'good'), (20222, "Datta", 96171819, 'ok'), (2018, "Sagar", 11111111, 'fail');


To Read Data query or Retrieve:

There different way to retrieve data

  1. To retrieve data:

     select * from Students;
  2. To retrieve specific column:

     select  nameSTD, remark from Students;


  1. To retrieve specific values in column:

     select * from Students where nameSTD="Pratik Shinde" ;


  1. To retrieve specific coloumn with specific values:

     select mobile from Students where nameSTD="Sagar" ;


  1. select sum() function:

      select sum(mobile) from Students where nameSTD='Pratik Shinde'
  2. count ():

      select count() from Students;

Normalization: [Data Base design:- Normalization & RDBMS]

Normalization is a efficent way to organize data in the Data Base.

unique: To avoid duplication in table data we use "unique" keyword.

auto_increment: This keyword we use during create a table, This helps to automatic increment in number & make specific column.

enum: enum data type/keyword used in MySQL to fix table certain values.

char: We use char for phone no. because phone no. is 10 digit When we use int then is problem in memory allocation.

decimal: price decimal(3, 2), If any value in decimal then we use decimal keyword in query during creating table.

  create table Students (
 StudentID int unique auto_increment,
     name char(30),
     Gender  enum("Male" , "Female"),
     Phone  char(12),
     Course char(40),
     CoursePrice  decimal(3,2),
     RegTime char(20),
     Teacher char(15)

Insert values in table:

name, Gender, Phone, CoursePrice, RegTime, Course, Teacher
('Pratik Shinde', 'Male', 98505555, 3.5, '2023-01-30', 'DevOps', 'Vimal'),
('Pankaj', 'Male', 11105350, 1.2, '2022-02-03', 'MachineLearning', 'Patil'),
('Soma', 'Male', 12341234, 1.5, '2024-09-15', 'AI', 'Vimal'),
('Lucky', 'Male', 111112222, 2.2, '2024-12-29', 'Application', 'Kande'),
('Shrdha', 'Female', 123123123, 3.5, '2018-10-22', 'DevOps', 'Vimal');


  • Schemas: "Schemas is Virtual planning or all data. Schemas also known as DataBase. Schemas show all sturcture of tables, columns DataBase."
  • Primary Key: "Primary key serve as unique identifiers for each row in database table."
  • Foreign key: "Foreign key link data in one table to the data in another table."

Alter & Update/set keyword:

ALTER is keyword use in SQL to add new column in precreated table.

alter table Students add column country char(10);


Set-update: Set is MySQL Keyword use to set a new value in already defined value in table.

update Students SET course="DevOps" WHERE StudentID=3;


Delete Data Base & Table: [DROP, delete, truncate]


It is use to delete data base as well as table. Entire Table and also Table name same for DataBase

 drop table Students;

Drop data base:

 drop database psDB;



delete is SQL keyword use to delete specific row in the table.

 delete from Students WHERE StudentID=2;



This is use to delete only all data in the table but table put with columns.

 truncate table Students;


MySQL User & Power/Permissions :[GRANT, USER, ALL PRIVILEGES, SHOW]

We can create MySQL user and give permissions to that user. We can also able to set user for specific machine/OS(IP_Address) in mysql.

  • WE can give power to general user from root user only. It mean's first we need login to root & then give power to pratik user from GitBash MySQL-CLI.

Connect to MySQL with root user:

msql -h <ec2_public_IP> -u root -p

Command of create user for MySQL with password ps:(This user create for only my Laptop)

create user pratik@localhost identified by 'ps';

Connect to this user from GitBash and we inter in MySQl:

mysql -h -u pratik -p;

GRANT ON TO:[Give Power to user]

We need power to pratik user for create tables, databases & so on things:

Give select power to specific table and specific Database(DataBase.Table):

GRANT select on <DataBase_name>.<Table_Name to 'pratik'@'Public_IP'

Give power multiple power to pratik user to all DataBases and Tables(.):

grant select,insert ON *.* TO 'pratik'@'my_laptop_public_ip';

See the power of pratik user:

show grants for 'pratik'@'localhost';

See the power of pratik user:

show grants for 'pratik'@'my_laptop_public_ip';

Give ALL Power(ALL PRIVILEGES) To Pratik User:(We can get all power like root for run query)

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on *.* to 'pratik'@'IP';

REVOKE ON FROM :[Remove Power]

This is used to remove power from user.

Remove All Power from user for all DataBases and Tables command is:

REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM 'pratik'@'Ip_lpatop_' ;

Create user for all machines(%) and give power(ALL PRIVILEGES):

Create user for any laptop or from any machine this user can able to connect with MySQL EC2 server.

create user pratik@'%' identified by "PS" ;

Give Power to User for all machines(%):

grant ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'pratik'@'%' ;

Show list of pratik user power for all machines login:

show grants for 'pratik'@'%' ;