This webhook forwarder can be used to forward webhook payloads to multiple endpoints. This can be useful when developing and testing. For example when a payment provider has the limitation that only one webhook can be set for testing. Use an URL from this app to forward the webhook payload to both the test enviroment and development environment (using a local tunnel).
First add a 'webhook identifier'. For example if this webhook will be used for the sandbox environment
for Acme Payments, name it Acme Payments (sandbox env)
In the same form when adding or editing a 'webhook identifier', one or more URLs can be added to which the webhook payload should be forwarded. To test you could use a URL from
The name enetered earlier will be converted to a slug. The URL path will look like:
Finally, add the URL to the service which fires the webhook. When a request is sent to the above, the app will forward the request to the URLs set in the webhook identifier.
Open API docs are available at /api/docs
. However it is not possible to set a http payload via
this interface. As Django Ninja is geared towards JSON and plain-text data schemas are not possible.
A tunnelling solution can be used to set-up a local tunnel from your development env to this app.
For example using local tunnel:
npm install -g localtunnel
lt --port 8000 --subdomain example-subdomain
Or any of the tunneling solutions listed here: