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Joshua Parker edited this page Aug 21, 2020 · 9 revisions

Basic Routing

Below is a basic example of setting up a route. The route's first parameter is the uri, and the second parameter is a closure or callback.

 * Step 1: Require autoloader and import a few needed classes.
use Qubus\Router\Router;
use Qubus\Router\RouteCollector;

 * Step 2: Instantiate the Router.
$router = new Router(new RouteCollector);
$router->setBasePath('/'); // This assumes root directory.

 * Step 3: Include the routes needed
// Prints `Hello world!`.
$router->get('/hello-world/', function () {
    return 'Hello world!';

Closure Routing

In passing a closure as a route handler, you need to pass in two arguments: Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface and Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface. Qubus Router requires Laminas/Diactoros. This library includes two classes that implement the two needed interfaces.

 * Step 1: Require autoloader and import a few needed classes.
use Laminas\Diactoros\Response;
use Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory as Request;
use Qubus\Router\Router;
use Qubus\Router\RouteCollector;

 * Step 2: Instantiate the Router.
$router = new Router(new RouteCollector);
$router->setBasePath('/'); // This assumes root directory.
 * Step 3: Include the routes needed
// Get hello-world route.
$router->get('/hello-world/', function (Request $request, Response $response) {
    $response->getBody()->write('Hello World!');
    return $response;

CRUD routing

namespace Qubus\Router;

class UserController
    public function create()

    public function read()
        return 'Read user details.';

    public function update()

    public function delete()

// The example UserController class above has 4 methods create,read,update,delete
// create => POST user/create
// read   => GET with optional parameter user/read/
// update => PUT with optional parameter user/update/
// delete => DELETE with optional parameter user/delete/
$router->crud('/user', '\Qubus\Router\UserController');

// disable some methods
$router->crud('/user', '\Qubus\Router\UserController', ['c']); // only create
$router->crud('/user', '\Qubus\Router\UserController', ['create']); // only create
$router->crud('/user', '\Qubus\Router\UserController', ['c', 'u']); //  create & update
$router->crud('/user', '\Qubus\Router\UserController', ['create', 'update']); //  create & update

// named crud
$router->crud('/user', '\Qubus\Router\UserController', null, 'named.crud'); //  name can be used for redirection
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