Thank you for considering contributing to ilastik, we really appreciate it. The following text equips you with knowledge that makes contributing to ilastik easier.
Download and install Git, GitHub CLI, and the latest 64-bit miniconda.
- Windows: all following commands should be executed in the Anaconda Prompt from the Start Menu.
- Linux: Git might be already preinstalled, GitHub CLI might be available in your system package manager.
- macOS: Git is already preinstalled, GitHub CLI is available in Homebrew.
Fork and clone repositories:
gh repo fork --clone=true --remote=true ilastik/volumina gh repo fork --clone=true --remote=true ilastik/ilastik
If you already forked repositories before, just clone them:
gh repo clone volumina gh repo clone ilastik
Install conda-build in order to access the conda develop command:
conda install --name base conda-build
Create a new environment and install dependencies:
conda deactivate conda env remove --name ilastik conda create --name ilastik --channel ilastik-forge --channel conda-forge ilastik-dependencies-no-solvers pre-commit
Install repositories as packages in development mode:
conda develop --name ilastik volumina conda develop --name ilastik ilastik
Install pre-commit hooks:
conda activate ilastik cd volumina pre-commit install cd .. cd ilastik pre-commit install cd ..
Launch ilastik:
conda activate ilastik cd ilastik python
We use GitHub Flow workflow without the Deploy step.
The whole ilastik project is split into 2 repositories: ilastik and volumina. Therefore, for some changes you need to repeat the instructions twice in the corresponding directories.
Make sure that your local and remote master branches are synced with the upstream.
git pull --ff-only upstream master:master git push origin master
Create a new branch from master:
git switch --create your-branch-name-here master
Write some code, and, if possible, add tests for your changes.
Run the test suite for all repositories:
cd volumina pytest cd .. cd ilasitk pytest --run-legacy-gui cd ..
Commit the changes; see on how to write a good commit message.
Create a pull request:
gh pr create --web
If you have changes in multiple repositories, create multiple pull requests, and then append the following paragraph to each one:
If your changes require feedback, create a draft pull request (select the type from the dropdown list on the green button).
Discuss your work with the other people, and wait for the approval from maintainers.
After your pull request has been merged, remove your local branches:
git branch --delete your-branch-name-here
You can also remove your remote branches by clicking "Delete branch" in the pull request web page, or running the following:
git push --delete origin your-branch-name-here
Many users with different backgrounds have contributed to ilastik in the past. Code quality and coding styles can be quite different throughout the code-base.
In general, when working on an existing file, please try to deduce the used coding style from what you see there, and adapt to it while working on this particular file.
For new files, we adhere to the Google Python style guide and black code style.
Note: please refrain from including changes by some automatic tools on existing code in your pull requests. We would like to preserve the history there. But please run those tools on the code you are contributing :)
The file
holds some commits that were generated automatically and only affected code style. These commits can be ignored ingit-blame
:git blame --ignore-revs-file .git-blame-ignore-revs <some-file>
This setting can also be made permanent for your local repo:
git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs