- collective.geolocationbehavior 1.7.1 -> 1.7.2
- Updated collective.geolocationbehavior version to fix translation in geolocation. [daniele]
- redturtle.bandi 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1
- Fix upgrade-step to not broke on missing values. [cekk]
- plone.autoinclude 2.0.1 [pnicolli]
- collective.volto.formsupport 3.2.2 -> 3.2.3
- Add current form columns to CSV export event if field are empty and export obsolete fields ordered after current ones. [folix-01]
- collective.volto.formsupport 3.1.5 -> 3.2.2
- Format list values in format_fields as comma separated strings to improve readability on email messages. [cekk]
- Adapt email subject templating functionality to different value types. [folix-01]
- Added an adapter (IDataAdapter) to allow information to be added as a return value to the form-data expander. This allows addons that integrate information to be added rather than overwriting the expander each time. [mamico]
- Add FormSubmittedEvent to handle the new compiled forms. [folix-01]
- Add PostAdapter to predispose the customization of data handling by other add-ons. [folix-01]
- design.plone.policy 5.0.14 -> 5.0.15 [cekk]
- Align formsupport patches with collective.volto.formsupport >= 3.2.0. [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.3.3 -> 6.3.4
- Added download xlsx of users in design-utils [mamico]
- Change number of related assessore_riferimento [lucabel]
- Add File to CT Documento but hide it from volto add menu [lucabel]
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.2.0 -> 1.2.1
- design.plone.ioprenoto 1.2.9 -> 1.2.10 gestione onceonly ioprenoto (campi email e telefono vengono mantenuti se l'utente è autenticato e iocittadino attivo)
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.1.5 -> 1.2.0
- TODO: quando si porta questo su ioComune va valutato se mettere nella release.md di iocittadino le migliorie sul pdf e sulle notifiche email
- molte modifiche relative alla formattazione delle mail e del pdf (vedere changelog) [mamico]
- modifiche per la gestione del protocollo in uscita [lucabel]
- plone.restapi 9.9.0 -> 9.10.0 https://github.com/plone/plone.restapi/blob/main/CHANGES.rst#9100-2025-01-27 (in particolare problema di mimetype, che genera errori nell'endpoint navigation quando vengono usati file come pdf firmati, e lockinfo che generea errori se il servizio ldap non performa correttamente)
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.3.2 -> 6.3.3
- dependency with redturtle.bandi >= 1.5.0 [cekk]
- redturtle.bandi 1.4.7 -> 1.5.0
- [BREAKING..NEED UPGRADE-STEP] Do not use key/value pairs in tipologia_bando and destinatari. [cekk]
- Refactor retrieveContentsOfFolderDeepening to be more pluggable and use hooks for content-types based additional data. [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.3.2 ->
- Change max number of related assessore_riferimento from 1 to 2 [lucabel]
- collective.feedback 1.1.5 -> 1.2.0
- Add feature to give feedback to view without context [eikichi18]
- collective.volto.sitesettings 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4
- Add absolute_url method in registry-images view for compatibility with plone.namedfile >= 6.4.0. [cekk]
- design.plone.policy 5.0.13 -> 5.0.14 [eikichi18]
- Fix volto.formsupport path to not alter returned data on POST (#74). [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.3.0 -> 6.3.2 [eikichi18]
- Update it translations [lucabel]
- Removed moduli limitation on Documento CT serializer. [eikichi18]
- Fix sorting in @scadenziario-day endpoint. [folix-01]
- add SEO behavior to File [mamico]
- Added the metadata preview_caption and image_caption. An upgrade step is not necessary because the metadata will primarily be used for new content. [mamico]
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.8.4 -> 2.8.6 [cekk]
- Add also fiscalcode to stringinterp variables. [cekk]
- Add booking code as qrcode attachment in email messages [mamico]
- Plone 6.0.13 -> Plone 6.0.14 [mamico]
- collective.feedback 1.1.3 -> 1.1.5
- Feedbacks list update endpoint @@feedback-list. [folix-01]
- Add feedback update endpoint. [folix-01]
- Add read field to the comment. [folix-01]
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.1.2 -> 1.1.5
- Forwarding pratica change state event to the message add method in order to handle events on the message itself [lucabel]
- Add protocollo chiusura to pdf pratica [lucabel]
- pas.plugins.ldap 1.8.2 -> 1.8.3 [mamico]
- Fix: use exact_match for searchUsers/searchGroups in getRolesForPrincipal/getPropertiesForUser to avoid unexpected results
- design.plone.ioprenoto 1.2.8 -> 1.2.9
- update rolemap [cekk]
- redturtle.volto 5.5.7 -> 5.5.8 [lucabel]
- update translations
- Remove eea.api.taxonomy dependency [cekk]
- collective.taxonomy 3.0.1 -> 3.1.5
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.24 -> 6.3.0
- design.plone.policy 5.0.11 -> 5.0.13
- collective.volto.blocksfield 2.1.0 -> 2.2.0 [cekk]
- Upgrade for translations [lucabel]
- plone.app.locales 6.0.25 -> 6.0.26 [lucabel]
- collective.volto.dropdownmenu 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
- collective.volto.gdprcookie 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4
- collective.volto.secondarymenu 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
- collective.volto.slimheader 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2
- collective.volto.socialsettings 0.2.1 -> 0.2.2
- collective.volto.subfooter 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
- collective.volto.subsites 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1
- redturtle.voltoplugin.editablefooter 1.3.3 -> 1.3.4
- redturtle.bandi 1.4.6 -> 1.4.7
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.3.0 -> 6.3.1
- redturtle.volto 5.6.1 -> 5.5.7
- Downgrade to lose support to linkintegrity check in slate's block [eikichi18]
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.8.2 -> 2.8.4
- 2.8.3 (2024-11-28)
- @bookings-export filters hotfix. [folix-01]
- 2.8.4 (2024-12-02)
- Change date validation order, if the validated day is vacation, it is not possibile to book. [folix-01]
- Lower log level for AppIO exceptions [folix-01]
- 2.8.3 (2024-11-28)
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.8.1 -> 2.8.2
- 2.8.2 (2024-11-27)
- Fix translation mechanism for exceptions. [folix-01]
- bookings-export remove default filter values. [folix-01]
- 2.8.2 (2024-11-27)
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.8.0 -> 2.8.1
- 2.8.1 (2024-11-27)
- Extend bookings-export filters. [folix-01]
- 2.8.1 (2024-11-27)
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.7.9 -> 2.8.0
- 2.8.0 (2024-11-26)
- Divide PrenotazioniFolder.week_table time choice by 5 minutes instead of 15. [folix-01]
- 2.7.10 (2024-11-22)
- Apply validity dates restrictions for the Bookings Manger if selected flag 'apply_date_restrictions_to_manager'. [folix-01]
- Fixed missing validity dates check during the booking creation. [folix-01]
- 2.8.0 (2024-11-26)
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.23 -> 6.2.24
- Aggiunti i campi end e recurrence al serializer del summary dell'evento [eikichi18]
- redturtle.volto 5.5.6 -> 5.6.1
- Add linkintegrity indexers for some custom blocks. [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.20 -> 6.2.23
- Fix tests: do not import collective.volto.cookieconsent. [cekk]
- Aggiunto indice per gestire correttamente i confronti rispetto alla data di inizio; start viene trattato in modo customizzato [lucabel]
- Override BandoView: in io-Comune we add new children on Folder Deepening content and we need to proper handle it [lucabel]
- update serializer for documento ct adding more information about modulo children [lucabel]
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.1.0 -> 1.1.2
- traduzioni + risolve bug introdotto in 1.0.5 [mamico]
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.0.5 -> 1.1.0
- Revisione dei messaggi inviati per inviare messaggio al cambio di stato (l'api prende anche messaggio aggiuntivio e allegato) [mamico]
- Revisione dei testi dei messaggi inviati [nicola/mamico]
- Aggiunto campo nel modello pratica per gestire un etsto "firma" delle email inviate [mamico]
- Restyling pdf [mamico]
- Richiede volto-io-cittadiino >= 2.4.0 sul frontend
design.plone.iocittadino 1.0.4 -> 1.0.5
- Fixed radiogroup survey adapter. [folix-01]
collective.volto.formsupport 3.1.4 -> 3.1.5
- Fix otp verification logic: do not break if otp is not in POST call #72 [cekk]
- design.plone.ioprenoto = 1.2.6 -> 1.2.8
- fix for add/get booking withoud gate (xidera addon) [mamico]
- rer.newsletter = 3.0.2 -> 3.1.1
- Fixed shippable collection [eikichi18]
- redturtle.volto 5.5.5 => 5.5.6
- Remove dependency with collective.volto.cookieconsent. [cekk]
- Add more block indexers for SearchableText. [cekk]
- collective.volto.formsupport 3.0.2 => 3.1.4 [cekk]
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.0.3 => 1.0.4
- Do not break @pratiche endpoint if there are some pratiche with missing pratica_model. Skip download link generation. [cekk]
- Do not break @pratiche endpoint (RecordsData serializer) when a Pratica does not have a related Service. [cekk]
- Fix typo in permission checks: Manage Portal => Manage portal. [cekk]
- Fix typo in user_can_access: right permission name is "design.plone.iocittadino: Manage Blobs". [cekk]
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.7.8 -> 2.7.9
- Booking additional fields. [folix-01]
- collective.volto.sitesettings 1.0.1 => 1.0.3
- Do not override site_title in schema: we use site_title_translated and then keep it in sync with site_title. [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.19 => 6.2.20
- Fix upgrade step [lucabel]
- Avoid acquisition problem in onModify event handler: now try to reindex children only if context is folderish [cekk]
- Add sort_on sortable_title to event_location, uo_location, ufficio_responsabile vocabularies [lucabel]
- sentry-sdk 1.12.1 => 2.0.0
- upgrade to works with new plone version due to plone.recipe.zope2instance >= 7.0.0 [lucabel]
- redturtle.volto 5.5.2 => 5.5.5
- Add find-broken-links view [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.18 => 6.2.19
- Add link to find-broken-links in utils view [cekk]
- collective.taxonomy 3.1.2 => 3.0.1 pinned back to 3.0.1 due to conflict with eea.api.taxonomy 1.5 [lucabel]
upgrade to plone 6.0.13 [mamico]
update node/node.ext.ldap/node.ext.ugm [mamico]
dos_protection removed (there is a monkey in Products.CMFPlone that fix the issue) [mamico]
collective.taxonomy 3.0.1 => 3.1.2 [cekk]
- main fix is: Fix keywords comparison [mamico]
redturtle.bandi 1.4.3 -> 1.4.6
- Add effective and modified date to retrieveContentsOfFolderDeepening data. [cekk]
- Added "tipologia_bando_label" metadata [daniele]
- Changed translation for states "Open" and "Closed". [daniele]
design.plone.ioprenoto = 1.2.5 -> 1.2.6
- Added more information in the /@booking/ service (e.g. booking_folder, booking_address, booking_office), already present in the /@bookings?fullobjects=1 service. #41 These changes will be moved in the future from here to redturtle.prenotazioni 2.3.x [mamico]
redturtle.prenotazioni 2.7.7 -> 2.7.8
- Remove csrf protection from send reminder endpoint. [folix-01]
plone.recipe.varnish 6.0.11 -> 6.0.13
- Add cookie-pass-not-exclude config. The default value has ++resource++zmi, which is needed for Zope 5.9+ (Plone 6.0.10+). [mamico]
- Use Varnish 6.0.13 LTS [mamico]
- Add vcl_synth options to insert arbitrary vcl. [mamico]
design.plone.iocittadino 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
- Email logo as link (Gmail compatibility). [folix-01]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.15 -> 6.2.18
- change serializer for canale_digitale_link adding /login to URL when user is anon
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2
- add adapter for iocittadino canale_digitale_link custom serialization [lucabel]
design.plone.polciy 5.0.10 -> 5.0.11
fixed translate on form block patch [eikichi18]
fixed check on saved value [eikichi18]
redturtle.volto 5.5.1 -> 5.5.2
- Fix SummarySerializer for collection exporting Links [lucabel]
- remove newsitem template override, use default dexterity view for newsitem in backend [mamico]
- Customize @@display-file to allow to download files with proper filename. [cekk]
- Add "type" to EXCLUDE_KEYS in blocks serializer/deserializer to not convert this slate attribute. [cekk]
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.0.0b14 -> 1.0.1
- 1.0.1 (2024-08-29)
- Add option to set a default operator that will be automatically assigned to newly created ones. [folix-01]
- Add pratica's next steps dates auto calculation. [folix-01]
- 1.0.0 (2024-08-27)
- Update user store ref [mamico]
- 1.0.1 (2024-08-29)
- design.plone.contentypes 6.2.14 -> 6.2.15
- Add design.plone.contenttypes.behavior.news_base behavior (news metadata, without blocks) [mamico]
- Add folder creation (multimedia + allegati) for "ComunicatiStampa" CT (if exists) [mamico]
- Add "Emolumenti a carico della finanza pubblica" to Persona Add "Dichiarazioni di insussistenza e incompatibilità" to Persona [lucabel]
- design.plone.policy 5.0.9 -> 5.0.10
in IDesignPloneSettings has a new filed in each section:expandItems
that is a boolean to decide if the items of the section should be expanded or not (default is True). [mamico]- Add a profile to limit addables on site root [lucabel]
- Patch for collective.volto.formsupport [eikichi18]
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.7.4 -> 2.7.7
- 2.7.7 (2024-08-22)
- Bookings details help text in Tipologia prenotazione. [folix-01]
- 2.7.6 (2024-06-27)
- Add creator and creation date to bookings export [folix-01]
- Fix notify_about_confirm service in according to last updates. [folix-01]
- 2.7.5 (2024-06-26)
- Accept email as an tuple in booking schema get. [folix-01]
- 2.7.7 (2024-08-22)
- design.plone.iocittadino 1.0.0b13 -> 1.0.0b14
- Multiple praticas support. [mamico]
- Setup tests. [mamico]
- Fix site logo in the email. [folix-01]
- collective.volto.blocksfield 2.0.0 -> 2.1.0 [cekk]
- Add slate compatibility
- update redturtle.volto 5.5.0 -> 5.5.1
- Allow to select which image miniature use in RSS [lucabel]
- update design.plone.contenttypes from 6.2.12 -> 6.2.14
- Fix security problems for bandit. [cekk]
- Fix `to_7306`` upgrade-step to be more specific on types configuration. [cekk]
- Set file_principale field as primary, so we call @@download on the content, that file will be downloaded automatically. [cekk]
- Override listing.pt from plone.app.contenttypes due to error rendering event [lucabel]
- update redturtle.volto 5.4.9 -> 5.5.0
- add depdendency with collective.volto.sitesettings [cekk]
- update rer.customersatisfaction from 2.0.0 -> 2.2.4 [mamico]
- update design.plone.contenttypes from 6.2.11 -> 6.2.12 [lucabel]
- Update redturtle.prenotazioni 2.7.3 -> 2.7.4
- @@bookings-export view. [folix-01]
- update redturtle.filesretriever 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1
- Better handle edge-cases in content-type ad disposition headers [cekk]
- update design.plone.contenttypes from 6.2.10 -> 6.2.11 [eikichi18]
- Update redturtle.prenotazioni 2.7.0 -> 2.7.1 [folix-01]
- Hotfix missing permission [folix-01]
- Fix xidera.prenotazioni version because there are several profiles that need it. [cekk]
- update design.plone.contenttypes from 6.2.9 -> 6.2.10 [lucabel]
- update redturtle.prenotazioni 2.6.5 -> 2.7.0
- Workarounds for external integration: search with tinit- prefixed user, schema with some fields with only spaces [mamico]
- Write to history the booking notifications log [folix-01]
- Write to history if could not send booking notification [folix-01]
- Booking canceled message + wf states translations BREAKING CHANGE: frontend uses booking_state_label insteat of booking_state, this change of translations requires a new release of the frontend (@redturtle/volto-io-prenoto >= 1.20.0) [folix-01]
- Update redturtle.faq 1.0.1 -> 1.0.2
- Serialize returned blocks. [cekk]
- redturtle.voltoplugin.editablefooter 1.3.2 -> 1.3.3
- Fix serializer/deserializer for footerTop blocks: use blocks handlers to fix data. [cekk]
- collective.volto.subsites 1.4.0 -> 1.5.0
- add versioning [cekk]
- collective.volto.enhancedlinks 1.1.0 -> 1.1.1
- prevent write-on-read [cekk]
- update redturtle.prenotazioni 2.6.3 -> 2.6.5
- Package chore. [folix-01]
- Fix reminder send view. [folix-01]
- collective.feedback 1.1.2 -> 1.1.3
- add a plone2volto url converter [lucabel]
- collective.volto.gdprcookie 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3
- Fix deserializer and save all data in registry. [cekk]
- collective.volto.formsupport 2.6.2 -> 3.0.2
- Several changes..see changelog for details [cekk]
- rer.newsletter = 3.0.2
- It wasn't fixed before [cekk]
- Disable resource for Plone6 [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.8 -> 6.2.9
- Add this folder "Altri Documenti" under "Persona pubblica" [lucabel]
- Code porting to work with both plone 6.0.10.x and 6.0.11 [lucabel]
design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.3 -> 6.2.8
- converted some file and image fields as blob fields [mamico]
- check-servizi: fixed check on relation title. [daniele]
- improved check on relation. [daniele]
- Fix change_news_type view; Taxonomy doesn't index values not present in the taxonomy vocabulary, so we had lot of old values not indexed and not listed as available type to change. [lucabel]
- Do not break News serialzier if tipologia_notizia attribute is missing. [cekk]
- Add start metadata to event summary serialization; useful when create event with children event: in items list we have subevents with missing start date [lucabel]
redturtle.volto 5.4.8 -> 5.4.9
- Limit event occurrences to 100. [mamico]
- Customize INameChooser adapter to check also alias ids and disallow to create contents that could override aliases. [cekk]
- Add flag in controlpanel to enable/disable INameChooser customization. [cekk]
- Exclude bg_color from transformed fields in deserializer. [cekk]
- Uninstall collective.volto.cookieconsent (deprecated). Will be removed from dependencies in next releases. [cekk]
- Add dependency to collective.volto.gdprcookie and install it by default. [cekk]
- design.plone.ioprenoto 1.2.4 -> 1.2.5
- Refactor rest service to simplify inheritance [lucabel]
- Add redturtle.prenotazioni’s notify_upcoming_bookings script to console_scripts (allows it to be available in the buildout). [folix-01]
Update redturtle.prenotazioni 2.6.1 -> 2.6.3
- avoid gate collision [mamico]
- Bypass notBeforeDays when using the @available-slots to find the first bookable slot(used by BookingManager). [folix-01]
- Fix day endpoint to show the available scheduling for the same day as start date. [folix-01]
- Manage the user's phone attribute in booking-schema [mamico]
Update design.plone.policy 5.0.7 -> 5.0.8 [folix-01]
Add collective.volto.slimheader version [folix-01]
Update design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.2 -> 6.2.3
- Image are no longer required in venue [lucabel]
Update design.plone.policy 5.0.8 -> 5.0.9
- Fix test [lucabel]
- Update design.plone.ioprenoto 1.2.3 -> 1.2.4 b_size del vocabolario delle tipologie di prenotazione (usato per il pulsante delle prenotazioni) a 200, il default era 25 [mamico]
- New dependency: collective.volto.gdprcookie [cekk]
- Upgrade collective.volto.enhancedlinks 1.0.0 -> 1.1.0
- Add tool to manage infos, removed memoize machinery [mamico]
- Update redturtle.prenotazioni 2.5.2 -> 2.6.1
- Return empty data from the @day endpoint if requested date is out of PrenotazioniFolder range [folix-01]
- Fix double gate bug. [folix-01]
- first_available flag for the @available-slots endpoint. [folix-01]
- Fix double gate when it is repeated in more than one week table overrides. [folix-01
- Upgrade collective.feedback 1.0.0 -> 1.1.2
- Fix typo in actions.xml permission. [cekk]
Update redturtle.prenotazioni 2.5.0 -> 2.5.2
- Fix rolemap [lucabel]
- Add manager notification on booking canceled [folix-01]
- Add the years range configuration to week table overrides. [folix-01]
- Bypass the today delete limit for the 'out-of-office' types. [folix-01]
- Change the booking notification flag label. [folix-01]
Update collective.feedback 1.0.0 -> 1.1.1
- Only managers can access deleted feedbacks. [cekk]
- Allow all authenticated users to access @feedback endpoint. The endpoint will return only feedbacks on objects that they can edit. [cekk]
- Improve tests. [cekk]
- Install souper.plone to have its control-panel in backend. [cekk]
- Add
infos in @feedback endpoint, to let the frontend know what the user can do. [cekk]
redturtle.voltoplugin.editablefooter 1.1.2 -> 1.3.2
- Serie di release inutili ma che non si potevano cancellare. Andiamo avanti per restare allineati. [cekk]
update design.plone.contenttypes 6.2.0 -> 6.2.2
- Added check for blocks field in check_luoghi view [eikichi18]
- UnitaOrganizzativa.assessore_riferimento title internationalize. [folix-01]
- @@check-servizi: provides also the full list of servizi. [daniele]
update redturtle.volto 5.4.7 -> 5.4.8
- Do not try to convert strings in internal paths for form blocks. [cekk]
- Handle None values in link integrity blocks adapter. [cekk]
- Patch in @querystring-search that avoid to search through all the site if there is an absolutePath criteria with non existing UID and b_size==1. See #99 for more details. [cekk]
update design.plone.ioprenoto 1.2.2 -> 1.2.3
- Fix problem with DefaultJSONSummarySerializer hineritance in prenotazioniFolder DefaultJSONSummarySerializer override. [lucabel]
- Add the plone.restapi>=9.6.0 constaint. [folix-01]
- Upgrade collective.purgebyid 1.2.0 -> 1.2.2
- plone 6.0 / python 3.11, 3.12 support [mamico]
- Upgrade redturtle.volto 5.4.5 -> 5.4.6
- Added check if value is a dict before using get method. [eikichi18]
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.14 -> 6.1.15
- Upgrade redturtle.prenotazioni 2.4.9 -> 2.5.0
- Upgrade Plone 6.0.8 -> [mamico]
- Added pin for bravado (App IO) [mamico]
- Upgrade redturtle.volto 5.4.4 -> 5.4.5 and pick plone.restapi version to 9.6.0 (early it was undirectly picked to 9.1.2)
- Upgrade redturtle.prenotazioni 2.4.8 -> 2.4.9
- Improved check on fiscal code when booking considering max user limit. [daniele]
Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.13 -> 6.1.14
- Fix in @scadenziario endpoint: return future events if afterToday criteria is set. [cekk]
- Set base view to News Item, to do not break on Classic Plone. [cekk]
- Change description for field sede in UnitaOrganizzativa CT.
- Fixed typo in update_note field description. [eikichi18]
Upgrade redturtle.volto 5.4.3 -> 5.4.4
- Add adapters for link integrity for content-types with BlocksField fields. [cekk]
- Fix: occurrences indexing [mamico]
- Upgrade redturtle.prenotazioni 2.4.7 -> 2.4.8
- No cache per restapi available_slots, available_slots changes frequently and anonymous users need to see the updated data. [mamico]
- Remove acquisition when getting version_id in on_modify event handler. [cekk]
- Upgrade redturtle.prenotazioni 2.4.6 -> 2.4.7
- Permission for move bookings for booking managers [mamico]
- Upgrade redturtle.prenotazioni 2.4.5 -> 2.4.6
- Permission for move bookings for booking managers [mamico]
- Use the yaml file to configure the AppIO keys [folix-01]
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.12 -> 6.1.13
- Handle missing show_dynamic_folders_in_footer in registry entry. [cekk]
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.10 -> 6.1.12
- removed un-needed commit in upgrade-step [cekk]
- Upgrade redturtle.prenotazioni version to 2.4.5
- sort_on/sort_order in restapi bookings and xlsx [mamico]
- Upgrade redturtle.volto 5.4.3
- Upgrade step to remove all custom Googlebot rules from robots.txt [mamico]
- Fix: add range_start to function for calculate recurrences in the right way [eikichi18]
- Upgrade design.plone.ioprenoto 1.2.2
- Fix encoding booking_type vocab [mamico]
- Upgrade redturtle.prenotazioni version to 2.4.4 [folix-01]
- Update the sms notifications behaviour's field label [folix-01]
- Upgrade redturtle.prentoazioni version to 2.4.3 [folix-01]
- Remove the notifications allowing cross logic [folix-01]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.9 -> 6.1.10
- Added description to PDC fields [pnicolli]
- Added upgrade step to update PDC fields description [lucabel]
- Added new widget for event luoghi_correlati [pnicolli]
- Added UID for all summary obj [eikichi18]
- redturtle.prenotazioni = 2.4.2 [cekk]
- Change notification fields: now there are 3 different behaviors to manage email, appIO and SMS. There is an upgrade-step that enables the default one: email.
- New notification messages defaults with better infos.
- Added new fields (see redturtle.prenotazioni changelog for more infos).
- Add notifications management: need a cron job in buildout to work properly (see redturtle.prenotazioni README).
- Need volto-io-prenoto >= 1.14.0.
redturtle.volto 5.4.1 -> 5.4.2
- Fixed get obj from url in relateditems serializer [filippo]
design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.8 -> 6.1.9
- Add UID info to summary serializer of UO [filippo]
- redturtle.volto 5.4.0 -> 5.4.1
- patch for start index of events [filippo]
- patch for relatediteam [filippo]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.7 -> 6.1.8
- Add behavior argomento to Link CT
- Removed maximumSelectionSize from all fields that had it greater than 0
Update versions for pas.plugins.ldap dependencies [lucabel]
- yafowil.plone = 5.0.0a1
- yafowil.bootstrap = 2.0.0a1
Merge two section with pas.plusings.ldap dependencies versions [lucabel]
design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.6 -> 6.1.7
- Improved "Check notizie" view [lucabel]
- Fixed label for tassonomia_evento taxonomies [filippo]
- Upgrade Plone 6.0.4 -> 6.0.8 [mamico]
- redturtle.prenotazioni 2.2.5 -> 2.3.0 [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.5 -> 6.1.6
- Improved "Buone pratiche" view for Event. [daniele]
design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.4 -> 6.1.5
- Allow reorder of data grid fields.
design.plone.policy 5.0.6 -> 5.0.7
- Update list of non searchable type in io-Comune
- Do not return section children in @search-filters endpoint if they are types omitted from search results.
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.3 -> 6.1.4
- Fix check_persone. When there are no relation. [mamico]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.2 -> 6.1.3
- "Buone pratiche" views: fixed check on Competenze field. Excluding expired events and news. [daniele]
design.plone.contenttypes 6.1.0 -> 6.1.2
- Added utility views: @@check-notizie and @@download-check-notizie. [daniele]
- Fix event for obj parent update. [eikichi18]
- Added utility views: @@check-eventi and @@download-check-eventi. [daniele]
- Added utility views for Venue: @@check-luoghi and @@download-check-luoghi. [daniele]
- Added utility view for Documento: @@check-documenti and @@download-check-documenti. [daniele]
- Added utils view for UO: @@check-uo and @@download-check-uo. [daniele]
- Added utility views for Persona: @@check-persone and @@download-check-persone. [daniele]
plone.event 2.0.0 -> 2.0.1 [mamico]
- fix gestione ricorrenze plone/plone.event#23
design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.21 -> 6.1.0 [mamico]
- Optionally add image_scales and image_field in Summary serializer. [mamico]
- Add @@design-utils view that shows all available utility views. [cekk]
- Add user action that points to @@design-utils view. [cekk]
- Add @@export-incarichi view that allows to download a csv file with all - Persona and their roles. [cekk]
- Add tipologia_bando to summary serializer. [cekk]
redturtle.volto 5.3.0 -> 5.4.0 [cekk]
- Return error instead of raise Excpetion for BadRequest in querystringsearch [mamico]
- Add upgrade step and setuphandler to fix robots.txt original rules adding 'Allow: /?expand' [lucabel]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.20 -> 6.0.21 [cekk]
- Fix Upgrade-step to set default value in "Costi" field.
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.19 -> 6.0.20 [cekk]
- Upgrade-step to set default value in "Costi" field.
- redturtle.volto 5.2.4 -> 5.3.0 [cekk]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.18 -> 6.0.19 [pnicolli]
- Event field "Costi" is now required
- Fix typo in field help text
- redturtle.volto 5.2.3 -> redturtle.volto 5.2.4 [lucabel]
- Fix the issue in the @translation GET endpoint: If this endpoint is invoked, possibly by a bot, and plone.app.multilingual is not installed, the call will result in an empty search query on the catalog. [lucabel]
- backport plone/Products.CMFPlone#3845 fix: avoid searching all users when many_users is flagged [mamico]
- design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.17 -> design.plone.policy 6.0.18 [lucabel]
- Add permission check to solve problem accessing private resources with anonymous user [lucabel]
- design.plone.policy 5.0.5 -> design.plone.policy 5.0.6[folix-01]
- Fix to 3001 upgrade step. [folix-01]
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.16 -> 6.0.17 [eikichi18]
- added dates for incarico persona [deodorhunter]
- design.plone.policy 5.0.5 -> design.plone.policy 5.0.6[folix-01]
- Fix to 3001 upgrade step. [folix-01]
redturtle.volto 5.0.0 -> 5.0.1 [mamico]
- Custom portal url in @@fix-links [mamico]
collective.z3cform.datagridfield 3.0.0 -> 3.0.1 [mamico]
redturtle.bandi 1.4.2 -> 1.4.3 [mamico]
- Fix workaround for Link bug (?) (remoteUrl in catalog) [mamico]
- Feat url dei file compleata con filename [mamico]
- Fix invalid tipologie_bando [mamico]
redturtle.rssservice 2.0.0 -> 2.2.0 [mamico]
- Allow configuring the User-Agent for the requests to get feeds, via the REQUESTS_USER_AGENT environment variable. [davisagli]
- Customizable timeout. [cekk]
- Return 404 if block not found instead BadRequest. [cekk]
- Handle site root blocks in plone 6. [cekk]
plone.restapi 8.37.0 -> 8.41.0 [cekk]
- Fix path2uid method, to handle suffix with non-traversable objects [cekk]
Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.15 -> 6.0.16 [eikichi18]
- chaged migration of compensi and importi_di_viaggio field on Incaricto ct creation. [eikichi18]
- Fixed relation between person and uo. [deodorhunter]
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.10 -> 6.0.11 [eikichi18]
- Added image_scales field in service of ScadenziarioDay
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.9 -> 6.0.10 [eikichi18]
- removed required from persone_struttura field
- removed preview_caption
- Upgrade design.plone.policy 5.0.2 -> 5.0.3 [cekk]
- Fix creation script: now set default blocks and blocks_layout.
Upgrade Plone 6.0.3 -> 6.0.4 [mamico]
Upgrade design.plone.policy 5.0.0 -> 5.0.2 [mamico]
- Fix setuphandlers' utils for robotframework
- Add X-ForceAuth header and iw.rejectanonymous
- Customize Access inactive portal content permission to allow access these contents also for not manager users.
Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.8 -> 6.0.9 [sabrina-bongiovanni]
- Used isoformat for scadenziario-day time field in summary
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.7 -> 6.0.8 Fix bug in Persona summary serializer with "incarichi" field [lucabel]
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.6 -> 6.0.7 Made servizio/canale_fisico optional Update check_servizi [lucabel]
- Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.5 -> 6.0.6 Added images serialization to the summary serializer of the UO content type; If both the image and preview image are present, the 'image_field' attribute is forced to contain 'preview_image'. [lucabel]
Upgrade design.plone.contenttypes 6.0.4 -> 6.0.5 Remove address, city, zip_code, nome_sede, title, quartiere, circoscrizione, street from UO summary serializer and add sede in thery place in the UO summary serializer [lucabel]
Upgrade Plone 6.0.1 -> 6.0.3 plone.patternslib 1.1.1 -> 1.3.0 plone.rest 2.0.0 -> 3.0.0 z3c.unconfigure 1.1 -> 2.0 [mamico]
- Upgrade redturtle.volto 5.0.0a1 -> 5.0.0 [mamico]
- Removed update-image.yml
- Update build.yml
- Update github action
- Update update-image.yml [eikichi18]
- Upgrade Plone -> 6.0.1 [mamico]