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This branch is 78 commits behind tensorflow/neural-structured-learning:master.

GAM: Graph Agreement Models for Semi-Supervised Learning

This code repository contains an implementation of Graph Agreement Models [1].

Neural structured learning methods such as Neural Graph Machines [2], Graph Convolutional Networks [3] and their variants have successfully combined the expressiveness of neural networks with graph structures to improve on learning tasks. Graph Agreement Models (GAM) is a technique that can be applied to these methods to handle the noisy nature of real-world graphs. Traditional graph-based algorithms, such as label propagation, were designed with the underlying assumption that the label of a node can be imputed from that of the neighboring nodes and edge weights. However, most real-world graphs are either noisy or have edges that do not correspond to label agreement uniformly across the graph. Graph Agreement Models introduce an auxiliary model that predicts the probability of two nodes sharing the same label as a learned function of their features. This agreement model is then used when training a node classification model by encouraging agreement only for those pairs of nodes that it deems likely to have the same label, thus guiding its parameters to a better local optima. The classification and agreement models are trained jointly in a co-training fashion.

The code is organized into the following folders:

  • data: Classes and methods for accessing semi-supervised learning datasets.
  • models: Classes and methods for classification models and graph agreement models.
  • trainer: Classes and methods for training the classification models, and agreement models individually as well as in a co-training fashion.
  • experiments: Python run script for training Graph Agreement Models on CIFAR10 and other datasets.

The implementations of Graph Agreement Models (GAMs) are provided in the gam folder on a strict "as is" basis, without warranties or conditions of any kind. Also, these implementations may not be compatible with certain TensorFlow versions (such as 2.0 or above) or Python versions.

More details can be found in our paper, supplementary material, slides or poster.

How to run

To run GAM on a graph-based dataset (e.g., Cora, Citeseer, Pubmed), from this folder run: $ python3.7 -m gam.experiments.run_train_gam_graph --data_path=<path_to_data>

To run GAM on datasets without a graph (e.g., CIFAR10), from this folder run: $ python3.7 -m gam.experiments.run_train_gam

We recommend running on a GPU. With CUDA, this can be done by prepending CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=<your-gpu-number> in front of the run command.

For running on different datasets and configuration, please check the command line flags in each of the run scripts. The configurations used in our paper can be found in the file run_configs.txt.

Visualizing the results.

To visualize the results in Tensorboard, use the following command, adjusting the dataset name accordingly: $ tensorboard --logdir=outputs/summaries/cora

An example of such visualization for Cora with GCN + GAM model on the Pubmed dataset is the following: Tensorboard plot

Similarly, we can run with multiple different parameter configurations and plot the results together for comparison. An example showing the accuracy per co-train iteration of a GCN + GAM model on the Cora dataset for 3 runs with 3 different random seeds is the following: Tensorboard plot


[1] O. Stretcu, K. Viswanathan, D. Movshovitz-Attias, E.A. Platanios, S. Ravi, A. Tomkins. "Graph Agreement Models for Semi-Supervised Learning." NeurIPS 2019

[2] T. Bui, S. Ravi and V. Ramavajjala. "Neural Graph Learning: Training Neural Networks Using Graphs." WSDM 2018

[3] T. Kipf and M. Welling. "Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks." ICLR 2017