The transpile_attribute_name
function is used to map attribute names to their corresponding HTML attribute names. Each key-value pair in the attribute_mapping
dictionary represents a mapping from an attribute name to its corresponding HTML attribute name.
Here is an explanation of the purpose of each key-value pair in the attribute_mapping
"idName": "id"
: Represents the attributeidName
which is mapped to the HTML attributeid
."classType": "class"
: Represents the attributeclassType
which is mapped to the HTML attributeclass
."dataValue": "data-value"
: Represents the attributedataValue
which is mapped to the HTML attributedata-value
."hrefLink": "href"
: Represents the attributehrefLink
which is mapped to the HTML attributehref
."srcUrl": "src"
: Represents the attributesrcUrl
which is mapped to the HTML attributesrc
."altText": "alt"
: Represents the attributealtText
which is mapped to the HTML attributealt
."forElement": "for"
: Represents the attributeforElement
which is mapped to the HTML attributefor
."ariaLabel": "aria-label"
: Represents the attributeariaLabel
which is mapped to the HTML attributearia-label
."ariaHidden": "aria-hidden"
: Represents the attributeariaHidden
which is mapped to the HTML attributearia-hidden
."disabledState": "disabled"
: Represents the attributedisabledState
which is mapped to the HTML attributedisabled
."checkedState": "checked"
: Represents the attributecheckedState
which is mapped to the HTML attributechecked
."requiredField": "required"
: Represents the attributerequiredField
which is mapped to the HTML attributerequired
."placeholderText": "placeholder"
: Represents the attributeplaceholderText
which is mapped to the HTML attributeplaceholder
."maxLengthValue": "maxlength"
: Represents the attributemaxLengthValue
which is mapped to the HTML attributemaxlength
."tabIndexValue": "tabindex"
: Represents the attributetabIndexValue
which is mapped to the HTML attributetabindex
."targetFrame": "target"
: Represents the attributetargetFrame
which is mapped to the HTML attributetarget
."relAttribute": "rel"
: Represents the attributerelAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributerel
."typeAttribute": "type"
: Represents the attributetypeAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributetype
."nameAttribute": "name"
: Represents the attributenameAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributename
."valueAttribute": "value"
: Represents the attributevalueAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributevalue
."readOnlyState": "readonly"
: Represents the attributereadOnlyState
which is mapped to the HTML attributereadonly
."autocompleteValue": "autocomplete"
: Represents the attributeautocompleteValue
which is mapped to the HTML attributeautocomplete
."patternAttribute": "pattern"
: Represents the attributepatternAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributepattern
."stepValue": "step"
: Represents the attributestepValue
which is mapped to the HTML attributestep
."minValue": "min"
: Represents the attributeminValue
which is mapped to the HTML attributemin
."maxValue": "max"
: Represents the attributemaxValue
which is mapped to the HTML attributemax
."multipleFiles": "multiple"
: Represents the attributemultipleFiles
which is mapped to the HTML attributemultiple
."colsNumber": "cols"
: Represents the attributecolsNumber
which is mapped to the HTML attributecols
."rowsNumber": "rows"
: Represents the attributerowsNumber
which is mapped to the HTML attributerows
."wrapAttribute": "wrap"
: Represents the attributewrapAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributewrap
."downloadFilename": "download"
: Represents the attributedownloadFilename
which is mapped to the HTML attributedownload
."mediaAttribute": "media"
: Represents the attributemediaAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributemedia
."targetBlank": "target"
: Represents the attributetargetBlank
which is mapped to the HTML attributetarget
."targetSelf": "target"
: Represents the attributetargetSelf
which is mapped to the HTML attributetarget
."targetParent": "target"
: Represents the attributetargetParent
which is mapped to the HTML attributetarget
."targetTop": "target"
: Represents the attributetargetTop
which is mapped to the HTML attributetarget
."autoplayAttribute": "autoplay"
: Represents the attributeautoplayAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributeautoplay
."controlsAttribute": "controls"
: Represents the attributecontrolsAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributecontrols
."loopAttribute": "loop"
: Represents the attributeloopAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributeloop
."mutedAttribute": "muted"
: Represents the attributemutedAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributemuted
."preloadAttribute": "preload"
: Represents the attributepreloadAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributepreload
."posterAttribute": "poster"
: Represents the attributeposterAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributeposter
."openNewTab": "target"
: Represents the attributeopenNewTab
which is mapped to the HTML attributetarget
."spellcheckAttribute": "spellcheck"
: Represents the attributespellcheckAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributespellcheck
."translateAttribute": "translate"
: Represents the attributetranslateAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributetranslate
."contenteditableAttribute": "contenteditable"
: Represents the attributecontenteditableAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributecontenteditable
."dirAttribute": "dir"
: Represents the attributedirAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributedir
."langAttribute": "lang"
: Represents the attributelangAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributelang
."accessKeyAttribute": "accesskey"
: Represents the attributeaccessKeyAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributeaccesskey
."draggableAttribute": "draggable"
: Represents the attributedraggableAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributedraggable
."hiddenAttribute": "hidden"
: Represents the attributehiddenAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributehidden
."roleAttribute": "role"
: Represents the attributeroleAttribute
which is mapped to the HTML attributerole
These mappings ensure that the appropriate HTML attribute names are used when transpiling the attributes from the source node to the HTML output.