diff --git a/articles/alp-dolomite.asm.xml b/articles/alp-dolomite.asm.xml
index 80db25548..5a06088be 100644
--- a/articles/alp-dolomite.asm.xml
+++ b/articles/alp-dolomite.asm.xml
@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
@@ -68,8 +66,6 @@
@@ -407,10 +403,6 @@
diff --git a/glues/alp-workloads-more-info.xml b/glues/alp-workloads-more-info.xml
index 2d164f2a1..4658e1477 100644
--- a/glues/alp-workloads-more-info.xml
+++ b/glues/alp-workloads-more-info.xml
@@ -46,12 +46,6 @@
- Details about the usage of the kvm-server-manage
- script are described in .
Enabling &kvm; nested virtualization is described in
diff --git a/references/kvm-server-manage.xml b/references/kvm-server-manage.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f0abc603..000000000
--- a/references/kvm-server-manage.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
- %entities;
- Usage of the kvm-server-manage script
- The kvm-server-manage script is used to manage the
- &kvmserver; container and its dependent services on
- &productnameshort;. This article describes each subcommand of the
- script. kvm-server-manage is installed together with the
- &kvmserver; container.
- kvm-server-manage enable
- Disables the monolithic &libvirtd; daemon (if present).
- Starts the &kvmserver; container if it is not currently running.
- Enables and (re)starts the modular &libvirt; daemons that are run
- inside the &kvmserver; container.
- kvm-server-manage restart
- Performs the same actions as kvm-server-manage
- enable and also restarts the &kvmserver; container.
- kvm-server-manage disable
- Disables and stops the &kvmserver; container and all &libvirt;
- daemons.
- kvm-server-manage stop
- Stops the running &kvmserver; container and all &libvirt; daemons.
- The services are stopped but are still enabled to run on the next
- host boot. Use kvm-server-manage disable to
- disable the &kvmserver; container on the next host boot.
- kvm-server-manage verify
- Verifies that all required services are active. Any inactive services
- are shown and can be addressed by the administrator.
diff --git a/tasks/run-kvm-client-with-podman.xml b/tasks/run-kvm-client-with-podman.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 07fc349fe..000000000
--- a/tasks/run-kvm-client-with-podman.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
- %entities;
- Using the &kvmclient; workload
- The &kvmclient; workload can be installed on &productnameshort; to
- provide client tooling to interact with the &kvmserver;. The
- &kvmclient; workload provides wrappers for many virtualization tools to
- be run inside of a container.
- Identify the &kvmclient; workload image:
-&prompt.root;podman search kvm-client
- Install the &kvmclient; workload. This pulls the container image from
- the registry and installs the included wrappers on the host.
-&prompt.root;podman container runlabel install registry.opensuse.org/suse/alp/workloads/tumbleweed_containerfiles/suse/alp/workloads/kvm-client:latest
- Optionally, print the list of installed wrappers.
-&prompt.root;find -L /usr -xtype l -samefile $(command -v kvm-client-wrapper)
- Run the desired tool from the list of installed wrappers. The wrapper
- transparently handles passing through the given executable, flags, and
- arguments into the container.
diff --git a/tasks/run-kvm-with-podman.xml b/tasks/run-kvm-with-podman.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index ab3b3ab60..000000000
--- a/tasks/run-kvm-with-podman.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
- %entities;
- Running the &kvm; virtualization workload using &podman;
- This article describes how to run a &kvm; &vmhost; on &productname;
- (&productnameshort;). This workload adds virtualization capability to
- &productnameshort; so that you can use it as a &vmhost;. It uses the
- &kvm; hypervisor supported by the &libvirt; toolkit.
- When running &productnameshort; in a virtualized environment, you
- need to enable the nested &kvm; virtualization on the bare-metal host
- operating system and use kernel-default kernel
- instead of the default kernel-default-base in
- &productnameshort;.
- Deploying the &kvmserver; workload
- &productnameshort; can serve as a virtualization host for running virtual
- machines. The following procedure describes steps to prepare the
- &productnameshort; host to run the containerized &kvmserver; workload.
- Identify the &kvmserver; container image.
-&prompt.root;podman search kvm-server
- Install the &kvmserver; workload. This pulls the container image from
- the registry and installs all &systemd; services, helper scripts, and
- configuration files on the host.
-&prompt.root;podman container runlabel install registry.opensuse.org/suse/alp/workloads/tumbleweed_containerfiles/suse/alp/workloads/kvm-server:latest
- Deploy the &kvmserver; workload.
-&prompt.root;kvm-server-manage enable
- Refer to for more info
- on managing the deployment of the &kvmserver; workload.
- Verify successful deployment of the &kvmserver; workload.
-&prompt.root;kvm-server-manage verify
-✓ All required services are currently active
- The &kvmserver; container does not include client tooling by
- default. Refer to
- for instructions on containerized client tooling.
- Alternatively, client tooling can be installed on a separate host
- for remote VM management.
diff --git a/tasks/virt-scenario-create-vm.xml b/tasks/virt-scenario-create-vm.xml
index 3403cc071..7167d34e6 100644
--- a/tasks/virt-scenario-create-vm.xml
+++ b/tasks/virt-scenario-create-vm.xml
@@ -64,11 +64,8 @@
- Running &productnameshort; with the &kvm; workload deployed. Refer to
- for detailed steps.
+ Running &productnameshort; with the patterns-alp-kvm_host package
+ installed.