description | cover | coverY |
Shibe face images, toads knees, and some actual pixie dust |
../.gitbook/assets/montage_header2.webp |
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That was our first time making artificial images with stylegan. We learned a lot about data collection, cleaning, preparation, and what's needed to produce the best quality shibe faces.
After producing enough quality shibe faces for the Genesis Bootstrap, but felt they could use something a little "extra" to spruce them up.
For that, we used some "style transfer" and a touch of hoodoo to plate the faces gold and saucy.
With a little elbow-grease, we've got something that looks like an actual coin! :heart_exclamation:
Shibe Genesis collection was simply our first effort creating artificial shibes with StyleGan, and look forward to creating another collection building upon this experience.
We love the idea of making lots more images that look like actual coins with the face of Shiba Inu.
That said, we're not restricted to a single style of art.
We expect to attract a variety of artists and creatives into our fold, and look forward to the styles and influences they will bring.
The future of ShibeFace NFT could be in your hands!