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Summary of the sentence simplifcation

Files in the directory:

  • Main:

    • Code to create SBERT vectors on the simplified sentences and run MiniBatch KMeans for clustering.
    • Code to evaluate the quality of the KMeans clustering.
    • Code to create SBERT vectors on the non-simplified sentences and run MiniBatch KMeans for clustering.

Sentence simplifcation:

  • To start, we use use two methods for sentence simplifcation, ABCD and DisSim
  • We use the Manifesto corpus, which has labels for every complex sentence. Each simplified sentence is assigned the orginal label.
  • We use SBERT embeddings on each type of simplified sentences.
  • We run KMeans and HDBScan clustering on the embeddings, for the HDBScan, we cluster on PCA+UMAP reductions run on the embeddings.
  • To evaluate, we cluster on cluster sizes 16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 and for each cluster size, we assign the most occuring true label to all the clustered sentences, and then we calculate the accuracy vs the actual labels.

Some analysis

  • The HDBScan clustering doesn't work well, most sentences are treated as outliers and given the label -1.

  • We have a baseline on the KMeans, where we embed the non-simplified sentences, and this has slighly higher accuracy.

    Cluster size Acc. on simplified (ABCD) Acc. on baseline
    16 0.2539916063989593 0.2855039520586868
    32 0.26902885106778374 0.3250116237020199
    64 0.2856689328357053 0.335989564498631
    128 0.30573924085918264 0.3554915534431988
    256 0.321566289315968 0.3782740094022834
    512 0.3381599120375389 0.3987188097329132
    1024 0.3545522122249237 0.4158831430490262
  • Increasing cluster size improves accuracy.

  • To evaluate further, next task is to cluster on cluster IDs again, similar to bag of words and see if there are any improvements.