Contains code to be shared between workbooks/projects.
They are mainly outcome of personal projects and so not continously maintained.
General principles:
- late binding
- no additional software
- no releases
- semantic versioning on module/cls/form level
- no mac support (maybe later)
each "project" has its own directory and a readme about it.
- comparer
extends the possibility to compare objects, based on your own (implemented) rule - enumerator
enumerator interface to be able to sort objects - export/import
possibility to export/import classes/modules/forms, based on a dedicated list - helper
helper modules with no(t yet) clear assignment like ISO8601, JSON, ... conversion - logger
a logging mechanism based on events or interface implemenation - sorter
implements the bubble or quick sort algorithm for collection or iEnumerator
during my journey in VBA, many different domains/repos, crossed my path and below an incomplete list of some.