- Intel Solutions for the HPC Toolkit
- Intel-Optimized Slurm Cluster
- DAOS Cluster
- DAOS Server with Slurm cluster
This document is adapted from a Cloud Shell tutorial developed to demonstrate Intel Select Solutions within the Toolkit. It expands upon that tutorial by building custom images that save provisioning time and improve reliability when scaling up compute nodes.
The Google Cloud HPC VM Image has a built-in feature enabling it to install a Google Cloud-tested release of Intel compilers and libraries that are known to achieve optimal performance on Google Cloud.
Identify a project to work in and substitute its unique id wherever you see
in the instructions below.
Before provisioning any infrastructure in this project you should follow the Toolkit guidance to enable APIs and establish minimum resource quotas. In particular, the following APIs should be enabled
- file.googleapis.com (Cloud Filestore)
- compute.googleapis.com (Google Compute Engine)
And the following available quota is required in the region used by the cluster:
- Filestore: 2560GB
- C2 CPUs: 4 (login node)
- C2 CPUs: up to 6000 (fully-scaled "compute" partition)
- This quota is not necessary at initial deployment, but will be required to successfully scale the partition to its maximum size
Use ghpc
to provision the blueprint, supplying your project ID
ghpc create --vars project_id=<<PROJECT_ID>> community/examples/intel/hpc-cluster-intel-select.yaml
This will create a set of directories containing Terraform modules and Packer templates. Please ignore the printed instructions in favor of the following:
Provision the network and startup scripts that install Intel software
terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/primary init terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/primary validate terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/primary apply
Capture the startup scripts to files that will be used by Packer to build the images
terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/primary output \ -raw startup_script_startup_controller > \ hpc-intel-select/packer/controller-image/startup_script.sh terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/primary output \ -raw startup_script_startup_compute > \ hpc-intel-select/packer/compute-image/startup_script.sh
Build the custom Slurm controller image. While this step is executing, you may begin the next step in parallel.
cd hpc-intel-select/packer/controller-image packer init . packer validate . packer build -var startup_script_file=startup_script.sh .
Build the custom Slurm image for login and compute nodes
cd - cd hpc-intel-select/packer/compute-image packer init . packer validate . packer build -var startup_script_file=startup_script.sh .
Provision the Slurm cluster
cd - terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/cluster init terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/cluster validate terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/cluster apply
Once the startup script has completed and Slurm reports readiness, connect to the login node.
Open the following URL in a new tab.
This will take you to Compute Engine > VM instances in the Google Cloud Console
Ensure that you select the project in which you are provisioning the cluster.
Click on the SSH button associated with the
instance.This will open a separate pop up window with a terminal into our newly created Slurm login VM.
The commands below should be run on the login node.
Create a default ssh key to be able to ssh between nodes
ssh-keygen -q -N '' -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/authorized_keys chmod 0600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Submit an example job
cp /var/tmp/dgemm_job.sh . sbatch dgemm_job.sh
NOTE: If the Slurm controller is shut down before the auto-scale nodes are destroyed then they will be left running.
Open your browser to the VM instances page and ensure that nodes named "compute" have been shutdown and deleted by the Slurm autoscaler. Delete the remaining infrastructure in reverse order of creation:
terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/cluster destroy
terraform -chdir=hpc-intel-select/primary destroy
The daos-cluster.yaml blueprint describes an environment with
- A managed instance group with four DAOS server instances
- A managed instance group with two DAOS client instances
For more information, please refer to the Google Cloud DAOS repo on GitHub.
NOTE: The pre-deployment steps in the google-cloud-daos/README.md must be completed prior to running this HPC Toolkit example.
Identify a project to work in and substitute its unique id wherever you see
in the instructions below.
Before provisioning any infrastructure in this project you should follow the Toolkit guidance to enable APIs and establish minimum resource quotas. In particular, the following APIs should be enabled
- compute.googleapis.com (Google Compute Engine)
- secretmanager.googleapis.com (Secret manager, for secure mode)
The following available quota is required in the region used by the cluster:
- C2 CPUs: 32 (16 per client node)
- N2 CPUs: 144 (36 per server node)
- PD-SSD: 120GB (20GB per client and server)
- Local SSD: 4 * 16 * 375 = 24,000GB (6TB per server)
Use ghpc
to provision the blueprint
ghpc create community/examples/intel/daos-cluster.yaml \
--vars project_id=<<PROJECT_ID>> \
[--backend-config bucket=<GCS tf backend bucket>]
This will create a set of directories containing Terraform modules and Packer templates.
The --backend-config
option is not required but recommended. It will save the terraform state in a pre-existing Google Cloud Storage bucket. For more information see Setting up a remote terraform state.
Follow ghpc
instructions to deploy the environment
terraform -chdir=daos-cluster/primary init
terraform -chdir=daos-cluster/primary validate
terraform -chdir=daos-cluster/primary apply
Open the following URL in a new tab.
This will take you to Compute Engine > VM instances in the Google Cloud Console.
Select the project in which the DAOS cluster will be provisioned.
Click on the SSH button associated with the daos-client-0001 instance to open a window with a terminal into the first DAOS client instance.
The community/examples/intel/daos-cluster.yaml
blueprint does not contain configuration for DAOS pools and containers. Therefore, pools and containers will need to be created manually.
Before pools and containers can be created the storage system must be formatted. Formatting the storage is done automatically by the startup script that runs on the daos-server-0001 instance. The startup script will run the dmg storage format command. It may take a few minutes for all daos server instances to join.
Verify that the storage system has been formatted and that the daos-server instances have joined.
sudo dmg system query -v
The command will not return output until the system is ready.
The output will look similar to
Rank UUID Control Address Fault Domain State Reason
---- ---- --------------- ------------ ----- ------
0 225a0a51-d4ed-4ac3-b1a5-04b31c08b559 /daos-server-0001 Joined
1 553ab1dc-99af-460e-a57c-3350611d1d09 /daos-server-0002 Joined
Both daos-server instances should show a state of Joined.
The DAOS Management tool dmg
is used by System Administrators to manange the DAOS storage system and DAOS pools. Therefore, sudo
must be used when running dmg
The DAOS CLI daos
is used by both users and System Administrators to create and manage containers. It is not necessary to use sudo
with the daos
Determine how much free space is available.
sudo dmg storage query usage
The result will look similar to
Hosts SCM-Total SCM-Free SCM-Used NVMe-Total NVMe-Free NVMe-Used
----- --------- -------- -------- ---------- --------- ---------
daos-server-0001 215 GB 215 GB 0 % 6.4 TB 6.4 TB 0 %
daos-server-0002 215 GB 215 GB 0 % 6.4 TB 6.4 TB 0 %
In the example output above we see that there is a total of 12.8TB NVME-Free.
Create a single pool owned by root which uses all available free space.
sudo dmg pool create -z 12.8TB -t 3 -u root --label=pool1
Set ACLs to allow any user to create a container in pool1.
sudo dmg pool update-acl -e A::EVERYONE@:rcta pool1
See the Pool Operations section of the of the DAOS Administration Guide for more information about creating pools.
At this point it is necessary to determine who will need to access the container and how it will be used. The ACLs will need to be set properly to allow users and/or groups to access the container.
For the purpose of this demo create the container without specifying ACLs. The container will be owned by your user account and you will have full access to the container.
daos cont create pool1 \
--label cont1 \
--type POSIX \
--properties rf:0
See the Container Management section of the of the DAOS User Guide for more information about creating containers.
Mount the container with dfuse (DAOS Fuse)
mkdir -p ${HOME}/daos/cont1
dfuse --singlethread \
--pool=pool1 \
--container=cont1 \
Verify that the container is mounted
df -h -t fuse.daos
The cont1
container is now mounted on ${HOME}/daos/cont1
Create a 20GiB file which will be stored in the DAOS filesystem.
pushd ${HOME}/daos/cont1
time LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/libioil.so \
dd if=/dev/zero of=./test20GiB.img iflag=fullblock bs=1G count=20
See the File System section of the DAOS User Guide for more information about DFuse.
The container will need to by unmounted before you log out. If this is not done it can leave open file handles and prevent the container from being mounted when you log in again.
fusermount3 -u ${HOME}/daos/cont1
Verify that the container is unmounted
df -h -t fuse.daos
See the DFuse (DAOS FUSE) section of the DAOS User Guide for more information about mounting POSIX containers.
NOTE: All the DAOS data will be permanently lost after cluster deletion.
Delete the remaining infrastructure
terraform -chdir=daos-cluster/primary destroy
The daos-slurm.yaml blueprint describes an environment with a Slurm cluster and four DAOS server instances. The compute nodes are configured as DAOS clients and have the ability to use the DAOS filesystem on the DAOS server instances.
The blueprint uses modules from
- google-cloud-daos
- community/modules/scheduler/SchedMD-slurm-on-gcp-controller
- community/modules/scheduler/SchedMD-slurm-on-gcp-login-node
- community/modules/compute/SchedMD-slurm-on-gcp-partition
NOTE: The pre-deployment steps in the google-cloud-daos/README.md must be completed prior to running this HPC Toolkit example.
Identify a project to work in and substitute its unique id wherever you see
in the instructions below.
Before provisioning any infrastructure in this project you should follow the Toolkit guidance to enable APIs and establish minimum resource quotas. In particular, the following APIs should be enabled
- compute.googleapis.com (Google Compute Engine)
- secretmanager.googleapis.com (Secret manager, for secure mode)
And the following available quota is required in the region used by the cluster:
- N2 CPUs: 64 (16 per server node)
- PD-SSD: 80GB (20GB per server)
- Local SSD: 4 * 4 * 375 = 6,000GB (1.5TB per server)
For Slurm:
- Filestore: 2560GB
- C2 CPUs: 6000 (fully-scaled "compute" partition)
- This quota is not necessary at initial deployment, but will be required to successfully scale the partition to its maximum size
- C2 CPUs: 4 (login node)
Use ghpc
to provision the blueprint, supplying your project ID
ghpc create community/examples/intel/daos-slurm.yaml \
--vars project_id=<<PROJECT_ID>> \
[--backend-config bucket=<GCS tf backend bucket>]
This will create a set of directories containing Terraform modules and Packer templates.
The --backend-config
option is not required but recommended. It will save the terraform state in a pre-existing Google Cloud Storage bucket. For more information see Setting up a remote terraform state.
Follow ghpc
instructions to deploy the environment
terraform -chdir=daos-slurm/primary init
terraform -chdir=daos-slurm/primary validate
terraform -chdir=daos-slurm/primary apply
Once the startup script has completed and Slurm reports readiness, connect to the login node.
Open the following URL in a new tab.
This will take you to Compute Engine > VM instances in the Google Cloud Console
Select the project in which the cluster will be provisionsd.
Click on the
button associated with theslurm-daos-slurm-login0
instance.This will open a separate pop up window with a terminal into our newly created Slurm login VM.
The community/examples/intel/daos-slurm.yaml blueprint defines a single DAOS pool named pool1
. The pool will be created when the daos-server instances are provisioned.
You will need to create your own DAOS container in the pool that can be used by your Slurm jobs.
While logged into the login node create a container named cont1
in the pool1
daos cont create pool1 \
--label cont1 \
--type POSIX \
--properties rf:0
The cont1
container is owned by your account and therefore your Slurm jobs will need to run with your user account in order to access the container.
Create a mount point for the container and mount it with dfuse (DAOS Fuse)
mkdir -p ${HOME}/daos/cont1
dfuse --singlethread \
--pool=pool1 \
--container=cont1 \
Verify that the container is mounted
df -h -t fuse.daos
On the login node create a daos_job.sh
file with the following content
TIMESTAMP="$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')"
echo "Timestamp = ${TIMESTAMP}"
echo "Date = $(date)"
echo "Hostname = $(hostname)"
echo "User = $(whoami)"
echo "Working Directory = $(pwd)"
echo ""
echo "Number of Nodes Allocated = $SLURM_JOB_NUM_NODES"
echo "Number of Tasks Allocated = $SLURM_NTASKS"
echo "${JOB_HOSTNAME} : Creating directory: ${MOUNT_DIR}"
mkdir -p "${MOUNT_DIR}"
echo "${JOB_HOSTNAME} : Mounting with dfuse"
dfuse --singlethread --pool=pool1 --container=cont1 --mountpoint="${MOUNT_DIR}"
sleep 5
echo "${JOB_HOSTNAME} : Creating log file"
echo "Job ${SLURM_JOB_ID} running on ${JOB_HOSTNAME}" | tee "${MOUNT_DIR}/${TIMESTAMP}_${JOB_HOSTNAME}.log"
echo "${JOB_HOSTNAME} : Unmounting dfuse"
fusermount3 -u "${MOUNT_DIR}"
Run the daos_job.sh
script in an interactive Slurm job on 4 nodes
srun --nodes=4 \
--ntasks-per-node=1 \
--time=00:10:00 \
--job-name=daos \
--output=srunjob_%j.log \
--partition=compute \
daos_job.sh &
Run squeue
to see the status of the job. The daos_job.sh
script will run once on each of the 4 nodes. Each time it runs it creates a log file which is stored in the cont1
DAOS container.
Wait for the job to complete and then view the files that were created in the cont1
DAOS container mounted on ${HOME}/daos/cont1
ls -l ${HOME}/daos/cont1/*.log
cat ${HOME}/daos/cont1/*.log
The container will need to by unmounted before you log out. If this is not done it can leave open file handles and prevent the container from being mounted when you log in again.
fusermount3 -u ${HOME}/daos/cont1
Verify that the container is unmounted
df -h -t fuse.daos
See the DFuse (DAOS FUSE) section of the DAOS User Guide for more information about mounting POSIX containers.
NOTE: All the DAOS data will be permanently lost after cluster deletion.
NOTE: If the Slurm controller is shut down before the auto-scale nodes are destroyed then they will be left running.
Open your browser to the VM instances page and ensure that nodes named "compute"
have been shutdown and deleted by the Slurm autoscaler. Delete the remaining
infrastructure with terraform
terraform -chdir=daos-cluster/primary destroy