- A can of beans cost $0.50
- Dry Beans are $1.99 a pound
- Dry breans are 1.99 a pound/ 8oz of dry breans - 1.00
- Cans can only be sold in positive intergers
- Pounds can be sold in fractions
- 3 Cans are
$1(when each is normally $ .5)- What happens if you buy 4 cans?
- 3 pounds are $3(when normally $1.99)
- Buy 3 units item get 1 free(what is the price of the 4th one?)
- Buy 4, you get 5
- What is the state of our design?
- Do we want to keep going?
- Discount/Sale ex: X% an item
- Buy x pounds and get x% off
does fractional money exist?
when (if ever) does rounding take place?
how do you keep an audit trail of pricing decisions (and do you need to)?
if a shelf of 100 cans is priced using “buy two, get one free”, how do you value the stock?
are costs and prices the same class of thing?
How does UnitOfSale evolves? How does the concrete implementation evolve?
What would the implementation of pricing floor look like?