This file is used to list changes made in each version of the dse cookbook.
- added support for overriding additional attributes in
- adding metrics library
- update to latest yum version
- restart the datastax-agent on new version
- added support to set MaxTenuringThreshold in cassandra-env
- refactored some version checks
- added role based seed assignment
- add templates and upgrade to 4.5.2
- add templates and upgrade to 4.0.4
- remove the ssd tuning from this recipe
- minor updates
- adding ability to tune memtable thresholds
- removed specific tuning to move it to os-tuning cookbook
- adding ability to set concurrent compactors
- added thrift frame size settings for hadoop requests
*adding recommended datastax tuning settings
- adding cassandra specific gc settings
- more hadoop tunung
- adding hadoop tuning settings
- First pass of node-to-node ssl
- Adding another hadoop attribute
- fixing hadoop map reduce dir, as hadoop didnt create
- adding changes to ssl
- adding a version-specific dse script
- adding support to stop dse before an upgrade
- hive scratch directory support
- subscribed the dse service to java, so it will restart if java version changes
- added more chefspec
- moved the start of the dse service until after all the templates are set up
- allow support for gossipingPropertyFileSnitch
- Tell the OS that SSDs are present
- Allow Solr and Hadoop Heap to be set dynamically
- Allows this recipe to install the datastax-agent
- Allow DSE 4.0 to be installed
- Rename the cookbook to dse
- Added kitchen tests
- Added multiple data directory support
- Initial release of cassandra
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