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Helm chart for Zeppelin notebook enabled Spark cluster

This chart is still work-in-progress

Chart Details

  • This chart launches a Zeppelin server and exposes Zeppelin as a service on port 8080
  • Zeppelin notebook environment makes use of spark-on-k8s project binaries to launch Spark jobs.
  • Note that the Spark cluster is only started lazily. You will see Spark driver and executor pods being launched when you run a Spark paragraph in Zeppelin.
  • In order to launch Spark jobs, this makes use of Spark's in-cluster client mode. Here in-cluster client mode means the submission environment is within a Kubernetes cluster. For the in-cluster mode, this chart uses binaries/docker images built after applying patch for PR#456 as the changes for it are not yet merged in spark-on-k8s project.

Installing the Chart

  1. Make sure that Helm is setup in your Kubernetes environment. For example by following instructions at

NOTE: In case you have RBAC (Role based access control) enabled on K8S cluster (for example k8s version 1.8.7 on GKE), some additional config will be needed as mentioned here

Helm comprises of two parts: a client and a server (Tiller) inside the kube-system namespace. Tiller runs inside your Kubernetes cluster, and manages releases (installations) of your charts. To be able to do this, Tiller needs access to the Kubernetes API. By default, RBAC policies will not allow Tiller to carry out these operations, so we need to do the following:

Create a Service Account tiller for the Tiller server (in the kube-system namespace). Service Accounts are meant for intra-cluster processes running in Pods.

Bind the cluster-admin ClusterRole to this Service Account. We will use ClusterRoleBindings as we want it to be applicable in all namespaces. The reason is that we want Tiller to manage resources in all namespaces.

Update the existing Tiller deployment (tiller-deploy) to associate its pod with the Service Account tiller.

The cluster-admin ClusterRole exists by default in your Kubernetes cluster, and allows superuser operations in all of the cluster resources. The reason for binding this role is because with Helm charts, you can have deployments consisting of a wide variety of Kubernetes resources.

For example on RBAC enabled cluster run following commands to create a service account for Tiller

kubectl create serviceaccount --namespace kube-system tiller
kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:tiller
kubectl patch deploy --namespace kube-system tiller-deploy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"serviceAccount":"tiller"}}}}'      
helm init --service-account tiller --upgrade
  1. Get the chart and install it.
  $ git clone
  $ cd charts
  $ helm install --name example --namespace spark ./zeppelin-with-spark/

The above command will deploy the helm chart and will display instructions to access Zeppelin service and Spark UI.

NOTE: The Spark driver pod uses a Kubernetes default service account to access the Kubernetes API server to create and watch executor pods. Depending on the version and setup of Kubernetes deployed, this default service account may or may not have the role that allows driver pods to create pods and services. Without appropriate role the notebook may fail with a NullPointerException. You may have to grant the default service account appropriate permissions, for example:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding spark-role --clusterrole=edit --serviceaccount=spark:default --namespace=spark

If you want to use a different service account instead of default, you can specify it in the values.yaml file.

For more information on RBAC authorization and how to configure Kubernetes service accounts for pods, please refer to Using RBAC Authorization and Configure Service Accounts for Pods.

  1. Accessing Zeppelin environment: Zeppelin service URLs can be found by running following commands.

NOTE: It may take a few minutes for the LoadBalancer IP to be available. You can watch the status of by running kubectl get svc -w example-zeppelin

    $ export ZEPPELIN_SERVICE_IP=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default example-zeppelin -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
    $ echo "Access Zeppelin at http://$ZEPPELIN_SERVICE_IP:8080"
    $ echo "Access Spark at http://$ZEPPELIN_SERVICE_IP:4040 after a Spark job is run."

NOTE: Spark UI will only be available after a Spark job is launched. Run your Spark Notebook first to do that.

Enabling Spark event logging for history server

By default, Zeppelin chart does not enable Spark event logging. Users can enable Spark event logging to view job details in the history server UI by configuring the chart by following the steps given below. Users can log Spark events to any HDFS compatible system (GCS/S3/HDFS etc.). Here we list steps to configure Spark event logging on Google Cloud Storage

  1. Deploy the Spark History Server chart by following the steps given here Make sure that you have created a GCS bucket and generated a json key file as given in step 1. of history server configuration

  2. In the values.yaml file of the Zeppelin chart, set 'sparkEventLog.enableHistoryEvents' to true and 'sparkEventLog.eventLogDir' to the URI of the GCS bucket (created in step 1 above).

      enableHistoryEvents: true
      eventLogDir: "gs://spark-history-server/"
  3. To allow Spark Driver to write to GCS bucket, we need to mount the json key file on the driver pod. First copy the json file into 'conf/secrets' directory of spark-k8s-zeppelin chart

    $ cp sparkonk8s-test.json zeppelin-with-spark/conf/secrets/

    Also set 'mountSecrets' field of values.yaml file to true. When 'mountSecrets' is set to true json key file will be mounted on path '/etc/secrets' of the pod.

    mountSecrets: true
  4. Lastly in the values.yaml file, modify the attribute 'environment.SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS' so that spark-submit uses json key file while accessing the GCS bucket. In the example below, configuration option '' is set to the mounted json key file

    # Provide configuration parameters, use syntax as expected by spark-submit
      --conf spark.kubernetes.driver.docker.image=snappydatainc/spark-driver:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.1
      --conf spark.kubernetes.executor.docker.image=snappydatainc/spark-executor:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.1
      --conf spark.executor.instances=2

After following the steps as given above, Spark will log job events to the GCS bucket 'gs://spark-history-server/'. You may use the Spark History Server UI to view details of jobs.

Chart Configuration

This section describes various configuration options for the Spark Zeppelin chart.

Configuring Persistent Volumes

Persistent volume can be used to store stateful data of an application. For example, users can configure directory for notebook storage, directory for Zeppelin logs etc. on persistent volume. By default, this chart dynamically provisions persistent volume using default storage provisioner. Users can provide storageClass, accessMode and size attributes in values.yaml file

Note: This dynamically provisioned volume is deleted by the helm chart when the chart is deleted

Instead of using a dynamically provisioned persistent volume, users can specify persistent volume claim(PVC) for an already provisioned volume such as NFS based persistent volume. This can be done by modifying the persistent.existingClaim attribute.

  enabled: true
  ## If 'existingClaim' is defined, PVC must be created manually before
  ## volume will be bound
  existingClaim: nfsPVC

In the above example, an existing PVC named 'nfsPVC' has been used. This PVC should be created manually before the chart is deployed. A persistent volume corresponding to this persistent volume claim will be bound to the pod.

Note: A persistent volume is mounted on the /data folder of the Pod. Also setting 'persistence.enabled' to false will disable provisioning of persistent volume

Configuring Notebook Storage

Notebook storage directory can be configured by modifying values.yaml file. If noteBookStorage.usePVForNoteBooks is set to true, notebooks will be stored on a persistent volume in the path specified by noteBookStorage.notebookDir attribute

  usePVForNoteBooks: true
  # If using PV for notebook storage, 'notebookDir' will be an
  # absolute path in the mounted persistent volume
  notebookDir: "/notebooks"

Configuring Zeppelin

Users can modify the interpreter options by using Zeppelin UI once the Zeppelin service is started. In addition, this chart provides two ways to specify Zeppelin properties. Full list of Zeppelin properties can be found in Zeppelin documentation.

Using environment variables

Users may specify environment variables for Zeppelin configuration in values.yaml file by providing those variables in the environment section. For example,

# Any environment variables that need to be made available to the container are defined here
# This may include environment variables used by Spark, Zeppelin
  # Provide configuration parameters, use syntax as expected by spark-submit
     --conf spark.kubernetes.driver.docker.image=snappydatainc/spark-driver:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.1
     --conf spark.kubernetes.executor.docker.image=snappydatainc/spark-executor:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.1
     --conf spark.executor.instances=2
  ZEPPELIN_LOG_DIR: /data/logs

In the above example, two environment variables SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS and ZEPPELIN_LOG_DIR used by Zeppelin have been configured. The chart will define environment variables in the Zeppelin pod using Kubernetes config maps.

Using configuration files

Another way to configure Zeppelin properties is by specifying Zeppelin configuration files. These files can be saved in conf/zeppelin directory of the chart. Files saved in this directory are mounted on the pod in Zeppelin's conf folder.

For example, if a user wants to configure log4j properties, user can modify the file in the conf/zeppelin folder. This file will be mounted on the pod and Zeppelin will use the modified properties. Other configuration property files can also be specified in the same folder (such as shiro.ini, For convenience, template files have been provided in the conf/zeppelin directory. Users can copy and use these files for configuration.

# copy the template file
cp conf/zeppelin/ conf/zeppelin/
# now modify the

Configuring Spark Jobs

Users can modify the interpreter options by using Zeppelin UI once the Zeppelin service is started. This chart provides two ways to specify Spark properties. Full list of Spark properties can be found in Spark documentation

Using environment variables

Users may specify environment variables for Spark configuration in values.yaml file by providing those variables in the environment section. For example,

# Any environment variables that need to be made available to the container are defined here
# This may include environment variables used by Spark, Zeppelin
  # Provide configuration parameters, use syntax as expected by spark-submit
     --conf spark.kubernetes.driver.docker.image=snappydatainc/spark-driver:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.1
     --conf spark.kubernetes.executor.docker.image=snappydatainc/spark-executor:v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.1
     --conf spark.executor.instances=2

In the above example, environment variable SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS used by Zeppelin to configure Spark jobs has been provided. The chart will define environment variables in the Zeppelin pod using Kubernetes config maps.

Using configuration files

Another way to configure Spark properties is by specifying Spark configuration files. These files can be saved in conf/spark directory of the chart. Files saved in this directory are mounted on the pod in Spark's conf folder.

For example, if a user wants to configure log4j properties, user can provide the file in the conf/spark folder. This file will be mounted on the pod and Zeppelin will use the modified properties. Other configuration property files can also be specified in the same folder (such as spark-defaults.conf, For convenience, template files have been provided in the conf/spark directory. Users can copy and use these files for configuration.

# copy the template file
cp conf/spark/ conf/spark/
# now modify the

Configuration Properties List

The following table lists the configuration parameters available for this chart

Parameter Description Default
image.repository Docker repo for the image SnappyDataInc
image.tag Tag for the Docker image zeppelin:0.7.3-spark-v2.2.0-kubernetes-0.5.0
image.pullPolicy Pull policy for the image IfNotPresent
zeppelinService.type K8S service type for Zeppelin LoadBalancer
zeppelinService.zeppelinPort Port for Zeppelin service 8080
zeppelinService.sparkUIPort Port for Spark service 4040
serviceAccount Service account used to deploy Zeppelin and run Spark jobs default
environment Environment variables that need to be defined in containers. For example, those required by Spark and Zeppelin
environment.SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS Configuration options for spark-submit, used by Zeppelin while running Spark jobs
sparkEventLog.enableHistoryEvents Whether to enable Spark event logging, required by History server false
sparkEventLog.eventLogDir URL of the GCS bucket where Spark event logs will be written
mountSecrets If true, files in 'secrets' directory will be mounted on path /etc/secrets false
noteBookStorage.usePVForNoteBooks Whether to use persistent volume to store notebooks true
noteBookStorage.notebookDir Absoluter path on the mounted persistent volume where notebooks will be stored /notebooks
persistence.enabled Whether to mount a persistent volume true
persistence.existingClaim An existing PVC to be used while mounting a PV. If this is not specified a dynamic PV will be created and a PVC will be generated for it
persistence.storageClass Storage class to be used for creating a PVC, if an existingClaim is not specified. If unspecified default will be chosen. Ignored if persistence.existingClaim is specified
persistence.accessMode Access mode for the dynamically generated PV and its PVC. Ignored if persistence.existingClaim is specified ReadWriteOnce
persistence.size Size of the dynamically generated PV and its PVC. Ignored if persistence.existingClaim is specified 8Gi
resources CPU and Memory resources for the Zeppelin pod
global.umbrellaChart Internal attribute. Do not modify false

These configuration attributes can be set in the values.yaml file or while using the helm install command, for example,

# set an attribute while using helm install command
helm install --name zeppelin --namespace spark --set serviceAccount=spark ./zeppelin-with-spark