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# Laravel/Lumen MySql AES Encrypt/Decrypt
Laravel/Lumen database encryption at database side using native AES_DECRYPT and AES_ENCRYPT functions.
Automatically encrypt and decrypt fields in your Models.
@@ -100,6 +102,20 @@ DB::statement('ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `last_name` VARBINARY(300)');
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `email` VARBINARY(300)');
DB::statement('ALTER TABLE `users` ADD `telephone` VARBINARY(50)');
+## Implementing encryption for existing data
+For this you can create one command like
+php artisan make:command EncryptionForExistingData
+In this command you fetch existing table or model data without global scope `DecryptSelectScope`.
+You can refer the example, clicking on below Example button:
## License
diff --git a/existing_data_encryption.md b/existing_data_encryption.md
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+++ b/existing_data_encryption.md
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+## Example of existing data encryption
+error("Model '{$modelName}' not found!");
+ return;
+ }
+ // Instantiate the model
+ $modelObj = new $modelName;
+ $modelData = $modelObj->withoutGlobalScopes([DecryptSelectScope::class])->get();
+ foreach ($modelData as $modelRecord) {
+ $updateModel = $modelName::findOrFail($modelRecord->id);
+ $fields = $updateModel->encryptable;
+ foreach ($fields as $field) {
+ $updateModel->$field = $modelRecord->$field;
+ }
+ $updateModel->save();
+ }
+ }
+ }