This removes files from system, drps database. Installed from repositories or compiled software must remove manually.
su - postgres << EOF
psql -c 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS librephotos;'
psql -c 'DROP USER IF EXISTS librephotos;'
systemctl disable librephotos-backend
systemctl disable librephotos-worker.service
systemctl disable librephotos-image-similarity.service
systemctl disable librephotos-backend
rm -r /etc/systemd/system/librephotos-*
userdel -fr librephotos
rm -r $BASE_DATA/data_models/
rm -r $BASE_DATA/protected_media
rm -r /etc/librephotos/
rm -r /var/log/librephotos
unlink /usr/sbin/librephotos-cli
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/librephotos
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/librephotos
service nginx reload
Go to the source folder, and run
make uninstall
Or dirty way:
Delete all releated files in the /usr/local/include
, also check in the /usr/local/....
documentation files, etc.
Sometimes Librephotos not starting after installation. If on the systems left some old compiled packages, will result version mismatch, and gunicorn (backend) will not start. Uninstall compiled (local) software and try again.
su - postgres << EOF
psql -c 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS librephotos;'
psql -c 'DROP USER IF EXISTS librephotos;'
Default home /usr/lib/librephotos
. This action removes frontend, backend and all other files in the librephotos home.
userdel -fr librephotos
systemctl disable librephotos-backend
systemctl disable librephotos-worker.service
systemctl disable librephotos-image-similarity.service
systemctl disable librephotos-backend
And removing service files:
rm -r /etc/systemd/system/librephotos-*
rm -r /var/log/librephotos
thumbails, some software like places, clips-embeddings, etc). Photo not touching in the $BASE_DATA/data
rm -r $BASE_DATA/data_models/
rm -r $BASE_DATA/protected_media
rm -r /etc/librephotos/
unlink /usr/sbin/librephotos-cli
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/librephotos
rm /etc/nginx/sites-available/librephotos
service nginx reload
systemctl stop nginx
apt remove --purge nginx
If software are only for librephotos, can remove redis-server, postgresql. All other not recommend - maybe it is used to other purposes.