The Cold Outreach Opener Generator creates personalized opening messages for cold outreach emails based on:
- Target Person Information: First name, last name, and space-separated keywords related to the person (e.g., "Tesla SpaceX entrepreneur")
- Personalization Factors: List of things to look for (e.g., personal connections, recent promotions, talks)Example factors:
- Personal connection: "If target person has Columbia University affiliation, mention our shared connection to Columbia"
- Recent promotion: "If target person was recently promoted, congratulate them on their new role"
- Recent talks or publications: "If target person gave talks recently, mention enjoying their insights"
- Tone Preferences: Desired message style (e.g., concise, friendly, casual)
Following the "start small" principle, we've implemented these essential utility functions:
- Purpose: General web search function to find information
- Input: Search query string
- Output: List of search results (snippets and URLs)
- Implementation: Uses Google Custom Search API to perform searches
- Purpose: Retrieve HTML content from a URL
- Input: URL string
- Output: HTML content or extracted text from the webpage
- Implementation: Uses requests library to fetch content from the URL
Based on our utility functions, the flow will consist of these nodes:
- Purpose: Search for information about the target person
- Design: Regular Node
- Data Access:
- Prep: Read first_name, last_name, keywords from shared store
- Exec: Call search_web utility with a formatted query like "FirstName LastName Keywords" to retrieve top 10 URLs (note: keywords is a space-separated string, not a list)
- Post: Write search results to shared store
- Purpose: Retrieve content from each search result URL
- Design: BatchNode (processes each URL separately)
- Data Access:
- Prep: Read search results from shared store and return list of URLs
- Exec: For each URL, call get_html_content; if retrieval fails, return empty content
- Post: Write only non-empty webpage contents to shared store, filtering out failed retrievals
- Purpose: Analyze each webpage content for personalization factors
- Design: BatchNode (processes each URL content separately)
- Data Access:
- Prep: Return list of (url, content) pairs from shared["webpage_contents"]
- Exec: For each content, call LLM to analyze and extract relevant personalization details
- Post: Combine all actionable personalization factors and write to shared store
- Purpose: Generate personalized opening message
- Design: Regular Node
- Data Access:
- Prep: Read target person info, actionable personalization factors, and style preferences
- Exec: Call LLM to draft opening message based on the specified style
- Post: Write draft opening message to shared store
flowchart LR
A[SearchPersonNode] --> B[ContentRetrievalNode]
B --> C[AnalyzeResultsBatchNode]
C --> D[DraftOpeningNode]
classDef batch fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px
class B,C batch
The diagram visually represents our flow, with batch nodes highlighted.
The shared store will contain:
shared = {
"input": {
"first_name": str, # Target person's first name
"last_name": str, # Target person's last name
"keywords": str, # Space-separated keywords related to the person
"personalization_factors": list[dict], # Things to watch for and corresponding actions
"style": str # Desired message style
"search_results": list[dict], # Results from web search
"webpage_contents": dict, # HTML/text content of relevant pages, keyed by URL
"personalization": {
# Each key corresponds to a found personalization factor
"factor_name": {
"actionable": bool, # Whether the factor was actionable
"details": str, # Supporting details if actionable
"action": str # Corresponding action to take
"output": {
"opening_message": str # The generated opening message