- include doctype html
- include charset
- viewport
- lang attribute
- direction attribute
- X-UA-Compatible
- author (name, email, web)
- title
- description
- keyword
- favicon
- favicon Apple
- window tiles
- open graph
- twitter card
- canonical
- RSS feed
- 404 page
- semantic elements
- noopener if target="_blank"
- order in head
- mobile first
- reset css
- vendor prefixes
- remove unused css
- join media queries
- critical css
- class name shortener
- split media queries (large project)
- preload font
- font face in css
- always add alt
- lazy load
- always plain svg
- compress svg
- compress image
- transform img to webp and avif
- sitemap generator
- robots.txt
- sitemap in robot
- Google search console
- Google analytic with party town
- partytown
- non-blocking css
- non-blocking js
- compress css
- compress html
- compress js
- show component
- for component
- link component
- bug report
- doc suggestion
- feature request
- questions
- recommended extension
- default settings
- editor config
- eslint
- stylelint css, scss
- commit lint
- semantic release
- changelog
- gitignore
- gitattributes
- stylelint ignore
- npm config
- package.json
- only pnpm
- title
- description
- scripts
- browserslist
- tsconfig.json
- validate env
- Improve stylelint plugin
- Improve eslint plugin