The Voice RSS Text-to-Speech Python SDK wraps Voice RSS Text-to-Speech API. The Voice RSS Text-to-Speech Python SDKs will help to make integration with our Text-to-Speech API faster and easer. Homepage
root@edison:~# nano
import httplib, urllib
def speech(settings):
return __request(settings)
def __validate(settings):
if not settings: raise RuntimeError('The settings are undefined')
if 'key' not in settings or not settings['key']: raise RuntimeError('The API key is undefined')
if 'src' not in settings or not settings['src']: raise RuntimeError('The text is undefined')
if 'hl' not in settings or not settings['hl']: raise RuntimeError('The language is undefined')
def __request(settings):
result = {'error': None, 'response': None}
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'}
params = urllib.urlencode(__buildRequest(settings))
if 'ssl' in settings and settings['ssl']:
conn = httplib.HTTPSConnection('')
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection('')
conn.request('POST', '/', params, headers)
response = conn.getresponse()
content =
if response.status != 200:
result['error'] = response.reason
elif content.find('ERROR') == 0:
result['error'] = content
result['response'] = content
return result
def __buildRequest(settings):
params = {'key': '', 'src': '', 'hl': '', 'r': '', 'c': '', 'f': '', 'ssml': '', 'b64': ''}
if 'key' in settings: params['key'] = settings['key']
if 'src' in settings: params['src'] = settings['src']
if 'hl' in settings: params['hl'] = settings['hl']
if 'r' in settings: params['r'] = settings['r']
if 'c' in settings: params['c'] = settings['c']
if 'f' in settings: params['f'] = settings['f']
if 'ssml' in settings: params['ssml'] = settings['ssml']
if 'b64' in settings: params['b64'] = settings['b64']
return params
root@edison:~# nano
import voicerss_tts
voice = voicerss_tts.speech({
'key': '',
'hl': 'en-us',
'src': 'Hello World! Now we are talking!',
'r': '0',
'c': 'wav',
'f': '44khz_16bit_stereo',
'ssml': 'false',
'b64': 'false'
newFile = open ("voicerss.wav", "wb")
root@edison:~# python
root@edison:~# aplay voicerss.wav