root@edison:~# rfkill unblock bluetooth
root@edison:~# bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 98:4F:EE:04:1A:8C edison [default]
[NEW] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Sphero-RWB
[bluetooth]# agent on
Agent registered
[bluetooth]# scan on
Discovery started
[CHG] Controller 98:4F:EE:04:1A:8C Discovering: yes
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB RSSI: -40
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB UUIDs: 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB UUIDs: ffcacade-afde-cade-defa-cade00000000
[bluetooth]# scan off
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB RSSI is nil
Discovery stopped
[CHG] Controller 98:4F:EE:04:1A:8C Discovering: no
[bluetooth]# pair 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
Attempting to pair with 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed
[bluetooth]# connect 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
Attempting to connect to 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Class: 0x240448
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Icon: audio-card
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Connected: yes
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB UUIDs: 00000000-deca-fade-deca-deafdecacaff
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB UUIDs: 00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Connected: no
[bluetooth]# pair 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
Attempting to pair with 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Connected: yes
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Paired: yes
Pairing successful
[CHG] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Connected: no
[bluetooth]# exit
[DEL] Controller 98:4F:EE:04:1A:8C edison [default]
root@edison:~# rfcomm bind 0 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB 1
root@edison:~# rfkill unblock bluetooth
root@edison:~# bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 98:4F:EE:04:1A:8C edison [default]
[NEW] Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB Sphero-RWB
[bluetooth]# info 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
Device 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB
Name: Sphero-RWB
Alias: Sphero-RWB
Class: 0x240448
Icon: audio-card
Paired: yes
Trusted: yes
Blocked: no
Connected: no
LegacyPairing: no
UUID: Vendor specific (00000000-deca-fade-deca-deafdecacaff)
UUID: Serial Port (00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
[bluetooth]# exit
[DEL] Controller 98:4F:EE:04:1A:8C edison [default]
root@edison:~# rfcomm bind 0 68:86:E7:08:9C:BB 1