In this course you will learn how to build 3 different skills including an interactive story for Alexa, the voice service that powers Amazon Echo. Alexa - A Free Introduction
Two important links
Build Out Three Skills
- Space Geek
- Game Helper
- Interactive Story for Mac
- Signing up to Amazon Web Services
- Google for Amazon Web Services
- Go to
- Select "Create an AWS Account" || "Create a Free Account"
- Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console
- Secure account with Multi Factor Authetication
- Select under "Security & Identity", "Identity & Access Management (IAM), Manage User Access and Encryption Keys"
- Select "Activate MFA on your root account"
- Select "A virtual MFA device"
- Get "Google Autheticator"
- Signing Up To The Alexa Developers Portal
- Google for "Alexa Developer Portal"
- Go to
- Setting Up Lambda In The Skills Service
- How we build our Skills
- Skills Service: AWS Lambda
- Skills Interface: Invocation Name, Intent Schema, Slot Type, Utterances
- "Alexa, whats is the weather like?"
- Skill Interface: Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
- Skill Service: AWS Lambda Processes, The text sent to it and issues a response
- Google for "Space Geek Alexa"
- Go to SDK and example code for building voice-enabled skills for the Amazon Echo but it will be outdated
- Now go to GitHub - alexa/skill-sample-nodejs-fact
- Log in to the AWS Management Console
- How to integrate AWS Lambda with Alexa
- Under region drop-down in the upper-right corner, select US East (N. Virginia)
- Sign in to the Amazon Web Services Management Console
- Select under "Security & Identity", "Identity & Access Management (IAM), Manage User Access and Encryption Keys"
- Select "Roles"
- Select "Create New Roles"
- Set Role Name: Alexa
- Select "AWS Lambda"
- Search and select "Policy Type" "AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole"
- You will be given:
- Role Name
- Role ARN
- Trusted Entities
- Policies
- Select Create Role
- Select under "Services" "Lambda: Run Code without Thinking about Servers"
- Select "Create a Lambda Function"
- Under "Select Blueprint" choose "alexa-skill-kit-sdk-factskill"
- Under "Configure Triggers" select "Alexa Skills Kit"
- Under Lambda function handler and role
- Role: Choose an existing role
- Existing role: Alexa
- Select "Create Function"
- How we build our Skills
- Setting up Your Alexa Skill in the Developer Portal
- Go to
- Select "Alexa Skills Kit"
- Go to "Getting Started" and select "Add a New Skill"
- Under "Skill Information"
- Skill Type: Custom Interaction Model
- Language: English (U.S.)
- Name: Intel Geek
- Invocation Name: Intel Geek
- Global Fields: Audio Player No
- Under "Interaction Model" populate "Intent Schema" with
"intents": [
"intent": "GetNewFactIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.StopIntent"
"intent": "AMAZON.CancelIntent"
- Under "Interaction Model" populate "Sample Utterances" with
GetNewFactIntent a fact
GetNewFactIntent a Intel fact
GetNewFactIntent tell me a fact
GetNewFactIntent tell me a Intel fact
GetNewFactIntent give me a fact
GetNewFactIntent give me a Intel fact
GetNewFactIntent tell me trivia
GetNewFactIntent tell me a Intel trivia
GetNewFactIntent give me trivia
GetNewFactIntent give me a Intel trivia
GetNewFactIntent give me some information
GetNewFactIntent give me some Intel information
GetNewFactIntent tell me something
GetNewFactIntent give me something
- Under "Configuration"
- Service Endpoint Type: AWS Lambda ARN (Amazon Resource Name)
- Pick a Geographical region that is closest to your customer target: North America
- North America: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:007315488252:function:IntelGeek
- Account Linking: Do you allow users to create an account or link to an existing account with you? No
- Under Test
- Write under "Service Simulator" utterance "Give me an Intel fact" and select "Ask Intel Geek"