- Invocation Name: Open Trivia, Ask Trivia...
- Intents
- AnswerIntent the answer is {Answer}
- AnswerIntent my answer is {Answer}
- AnswerIntent is it {Answer}
- AnswerIntent {Answer} is my answer
- AnswerIntent {Answer}
- ...
- AMAZON.StartOverIntent start game
- AMAZON.StartOverIntent new game
- AMAZON.StartOverIntent start
- AMAZON.StartOverIntent start new game
- ...
- DontKnowIntent i don't know
- DontKnowIntent don't know
- DontKnowIntent skip
- DontKnowIntent i don't know that
- DontKnowIntent who knows
- DontKnowIntent i don't know this question
- DontKnowIntent i don't know that one
- DontKnowIntent dunno
- Intents