Xpuhil Pronounced:/ʃpuχil̥/ (also Xpujil) is a Maya archaeological site located in the Mexican state of Campeche, in the vicinity of the modern-day town of Xpujil. The area surrounding Xpuhil, along Federal Highway 186, is rich with other Maya sites, including Becan and Calakmul. The name xpuhil means "cat's tail" in reference to a type of vegetation found locally Wikipedia
- None
root@board:~# pip install dweepy
root@board:~# opkg install python-dev
root@board:~# curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/TheIoTLearningInitiative/CodeLabs/master/Xpuhil/setup.sh -o - | sh
root@board:~/CodeLabs/Xpuhil# vi main.py
import atexit
import dweepy
import signal
import sys
import time
import pyupm_grove as grove
light = grove.GroveLight(0)
dweetiodatasource = {}
dweetiothingname = "Xpuhil"
def SIGINTHandler(signum, frame):
raise SystemExit
def exitHandler():
print "Exiting"
dweetiodatasource['alive'] = "0"
dweetiodatasource['luxes'] = 0
dweetiodatasource['message'] = "None"
dweepy.dweet_for(dweetiothingname, dweetiodatasource)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, SIGINTHandler)
if __name__ == '__main__':
message = "Hello Xpuhil!"
while True:
luxes = light.value()
dweetiodatasource['alive'] = "1"
dweetiodatasource['luxes'] = luxes
dweetiodatasource['message'] = message
dweepy.dweet_for(dweetiothingname, dweetiodatasource)
root@edison:~/CodeLabs/Xpuhil# python main.py