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107 lines (80 loc) · 3.21 KB


Smoke test

nvim-utils is a collection of utility functions and modules for managing Neovim configurations / plugins in Nix. It aims to simplify the creation of reproducible, reusable, and extensible configurations.


You can get up and running with your own configuration by calling mkNvimPkg.

# flake.nix
  inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";

  inputs.nvim-utils.url = "github:/toalaah/nvim-utils";
  inputs.nvim-utils.inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

  outputs = {
  }: let
    system = "x86_64-linux";
  in {
    packages.${system}.default = with nvim-utils.lib;
      mkNvimPkg {
        pkgs = import nixpkgs {inherit system;};
        modules = [baseModules.all];
        configuration = import ./configuration.nix;

Configuration for nvim-utils is simply a module, as you may be used to from NixOS or Home Manager.

# configuration.nix
    treesitter.enable = true;
    treesitter.opts.highlight.enable = true;

    lsp.lspconfig.enable = true;
    # enable lsp tooling for lua and nix
    languages.lua.enable = true;
    languages.nix.enable = true;

    # plugin opts are directly converted to their lua representation!
    telescope.enable = true;
    telescope.opts.pickers.find_files = {
        theme = "dropdown";


Detailed usage documentation and available module options can be found here.


How do I define (keybindings/autocmds/...)?

See the documentation. If something you need is not supported, open an issue.

How is this different to NixVim?

It's not really that much different to be honest aside from the fact that nvim-utils is significantly less mature, feature-rich, and more bug-prone. I suppose the primary difference is the plugin backend used (or lack thereof), as nixvim seems use packer / packadd rather than lazy (although there appear to be discussions surrounding this). So why reinvent the wheel?

  • TBH I was not aware of this project until well into development of this tool
  • One of the goals with this project was is to improve my understanding of the Nix language
  • I wanted to continue using lazy.nvim as my plugin manager while moving to a more nix-based neovim configuration

Plugin <...> is not available

You can quite easily integrate any plugin of your choosing to nvim-utils. See the relevant section in the documentation


  • lazy.nvim, used as the plugin backend.
  • home manager, for general guidance on custom module structuring and auto-generation of documentation.
  • nix-vim, a similar approach to nix-based neovim configuration


This project is released under the terms of the GPL-3.0 license.