Name | Version |
vault | ~> 3 |
Name | Version |
vault | ~> 3 |
No modules.
Name | Type |
vault_auth_backend.password_auth_method | resource |
vault_generic_endpoint.user_pw_login | resource |
vault_identity_entity.user_entity | resource |
vault_identity_entity_alias.user_alias | resource |
vault_identity_entity_policies.user_policies | resource |
vault_identity_group.vault_groups | resource |
vault_policy.change_pw | resource |
vault_policy.kv_lister | resource |
vault_policy.kv_reader | resource |
vault_policy.kv_writer | resource |
vault_policy.operator | resource |
vault_policy.personal | resource |
vault_policy_document.change_pw | data source |
vault_policy_document.kv_lister | data source |
vault_policy_document.kv_reader | data source |
vault_policy_document.kv_writer | data source |
vault_policy_document.operator | data source |
vault_policy_document.personal | data source |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
groups | A list of objects representing a vault user group, defining a role and permissions. Concerned resources: - vault_identity_group |
list(object({ |
[ |
no |
kv_secret_backend | n/a | object({ |
n/a | yes |
users | A list of objects representing a composite vault user entity, defining a role and login. The alias property is used to have a proper handle for each distinct entity.It must be unique. The policies property contains a map that defines how a specific vault policygets applied to the session. The password property is the initial login password of a user. The passwordcan be self rotated via the policy change-pw . Changes in this property do notcause a state change for terraforms livecycle. The metadata property hold arbitrary map of data, that we can use for auditingpurposes e.g. Validations are done for password format and user alias uniqueness. Concerned resources: - vault_generic_endpoint - vault_identity_entity - vault_identity_entity_policies - vault_identity_entity_alias - vault_identity_group |
list(object({ |
[ |
no |
Name | Description |
created_users | n/a |
vault_groups | n/a |