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Sealed Secrets UI

A web interface for sealing your secrets for use with Bitnami Sealed Secrets.


helm repo add sealed-secrets-ui

helm repo update

helm install sealed-secrets-ui sealed-secrets-ui/sealed-secrets-ui \
-n sealed-secrets-ui \
--create-namespace \
--set kubeconfig.sealedSecret=false \
--set kubeconfig.files.kubeconfig='<INSERT KUBECONFIG FILE CONTENTS>'

Sealed Secrets UI Parameters

kubeconfig configuration parameters are required.

Name Description Value
authFiles.enabled Enables adding authentication files such as a GCP Service Account file. false
authFiles.files Auth files either encrypted or plaintext (depending on authFiles.sealedSecret), key is filename and value is file contents {}
authFiles.sealedSecret Indicates if authFiles.files are sealed secrets, if false then authFiles.files will be deployed as a secret true
authFiles.sealedSecretConfig.scope If authFiles.sealedSecret is true specifies scope configuration (valid options: strict, namespace-wide, cluster-wide) ""
configs.authFilesDir The directory in the container to mount any auth files to /auth
configs.basepath The base path of the application if operating on a path other than the root path ""
configs.debug Enable debug logging in the container (WARNING: will expose secrets inputted in the web interface) False
configs.defaultScope The default scope to select in the web interface (valid options: strict, namespace-wide, cluster-wide) strict
configs.kubeconfigDir The directory in the container to mount the kubeconfig files to /kubeconfigs
configs.scopeToolTop A custom tooltip that appears when hovering the scope selector in the web interface ""
kubeconfig.files Kubeconfig files either encrypted or plaintext (depending on kubeconfig.sealedSecret), key is filename and value is file contents {}
kubeconfig.sealedSecret Indicates if kubeconfig.files are sealed secrets, if false then kubeconfig.files will be deployed as a secret true
kubeconfig.sealedSecretConfig.scope If kubeconfig.sealedSecret is true specifies scope configuration (valid options: strict, namespace-wide, cluster-wide) ""

Common Parameters

Name Description Value
replicaCount The number of replicas which should be deployed 1
image.repository Container image registry
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
image.tag Sealed Secrets UI image tag (immutable tags are recommended) ""
imagePullSecrets Sealed Secrets UI image pull secrets []
nameOverride String to partially override common.names.fullname ""
fullnameOverride String to fully override common.names.fullname ""
serviceAccount.create Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for Sealed Secrets UI pods true The name of the ServiceAccount to use ""
serviceAccount.annotations Annotations for Sealed Secrets UI Service Account {}
podAnnotations Additional pod annotations {}
podSecurityContext Set Sealed Secrets UI pod's Security Context {}
securityContext.runAsUser Set Sealed Secrets UI container's Security Context runAsUser 1000
securityContext.runAsGroup Set Sealed Secrets UI container's Security Context runAsGroup 1000
service.type Sealed Secrets UI service type ClusterIP
service.port Sealed Secrets UI service Port 5000
ingress.enabled Enable ingress resource for Sealed Secrets UI true
ingress.className Set the ingress class to user ""
ingress.annotations Additional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations. {} Hostname used for the ingress resource example.local
ingress.tls TLS configuration for the ingress resource []
resources.limits.cpu The requested cpu limit for the container 100m
resources.limits.memory The requested memory limit for the container 128Mi
resources.requests.cpu The requested cpu resources for the container 100m
resources.requests.memory The requested memory resources for the container 128Mi
autoscaling.enabled Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling false
autoscaling.minReplicas Minimum number of replicas 1
autoscaling.maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas 100
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target CPU utilization percentage 50
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage Target Memory utilization percentage 80
nodeSelector Node labels for pod assignment {}
tolerations Tolerations for pod assignment []
affinity Affinity for pod assignment {}
extraDeploy Array of extra objects to deploy with the release []
extraEnvs Map of extra environment variables to inject into the configmap {}