A web interface for sealing your secrets for use with Bitnami Sealed Secrets.
helm repo add sealed-secrets-ui https://noahburrell0.github.io/sealed-secrets-ui/
helm repo update
helm install sealed-secrets-ui sealed-secrets-ui/sealed-secrets-ui \
-n sealed-secrets-ui \
--create-namespace \
--set kubeconfig.sealedSecret=false \
--set kubeconfig.files.kubeconfig='<INSERT KUBECONFIG FILE CONTENTS>'
configuration parameters are required.
Name | Description | Value |
authFiles.enabled |
Enables adding authentication files such as a GCP Service Account file. | false |
authFiles.files |
Auth files either encrypted or plaintext (depending on authFiles.sealedSecret ), key is filename and value is file contents |
{} |
authFiles.sealedSecret |
Indicates if authFiles.files are sealed secrets, if false then authFiles.files will be deployed as a secret |
true |
authFiles.sealedSecretConfig.scope |
If authFiles.sealedSecret is true specifies scope configuration (valid options: strict , namespace-wide , cluster-wide ) |
"" |
configs.authFilesDir |
The directory in the container to mount any auth files to | /auth |
configs.basepath |
The base path of the application if operating on a path other than the root path | "" |
configs.debug |
Enable debug logging in the container (WARNING: will expose secrets inputted in the web interface) | False |
configs.defaultScope |
The default scope to select in the web interface (valid options: strict , namespace-wide , cluster-wide ) |
strict |
configs.kubeconfigDir |
The directory in the container to mount the kubeconfig files to | /kubeconfigs |
configs.scopeToolTop |
A custom tooltip that appears when hovering the scope selector in the web interface | "" |
kubeconfig.files |
Kubeconfig files either encrypted or plaintext (depending on kubeconfig.sealedSecret ), key is filename and value is file contents |
{} |
kubeconfig.sealedSecret |
Indicates if kubeconfig.files are sealed secrets, if false then kubeconfig.files will be deployed as a secret |
true |
kubeconfig.sealedSecretConfig.scope |
If kubeconfig.sealedSecret is true specifies scope configuration (valid options: strict , namespace-wide , cluster-wide ) |
"" |
Name | Description | Value |
replicaCount |
The number of replicas which should be deployed | 1 |
image.repository |
Container image registry | ghcr.io/noahburrell0/sealed-secrets-ui |
image.pullPolicy |
Image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
image.tag |
Sealed Secrets UI image tag (immutable tags are recommended) | "" |
imagePullSecrets |
Sealed Secrets UI image pull secrets | [] |
nameOverride |
String to partially override common.names.fullname | "" |
fullnameOverride |
String to fully override common.names.fullname | "" |
serviceAccount.create |
Enable the creation of a ServiceAccount for Sealed Secrets UI pods | true |
serviceAccount.name |
The name of the ServiceAccount to use | "" |
serviceAccount.annotations |
Annotations for Sealed Secrets UI Service Account | {} |
podAnnotations |
Additional pod annotations | {} |
podSecurityContext |
Set Sealed Secrets UI pod's Security Context | {} |
securityContext.runAsUser |
Set Sealed Secrets UI container's Security Context runAsUser | 1000 |
securityContext.runAsGroup |
Set Sealed Secrets UI container's Security Context runAsGroup | 1000 |
service.type |
Sealed Secrets UI service type | ClusterIP |
service.port |
Sealed Secrets UI service Port | 5000 |
ingress.enabled |
Enable ingress resource for Sealed Secrets UI | true |
ingress.className |
Set the ingress class to user | "" |
ingress.annotations |
Additional annotations for the Ingress resource. To enable certificate autogeneration, place here your cert-manager annotations. | {} |
ingress.host |
Hostname used for the ingress resource | example.local |
ingress.tls |
TLS configuration for the ingress resource | [] |
resources.limits.cpu |
The requested cpu limit for the container | 100m |
resources.limits.memory |
The requested memory limit for the container | 128Mi |
resources.requests.cpu |
The requested cpu resources for the container | 100m |
resources.requests.memory |
The requested memory resources for the container | 128Mi |
autoscaling.enabled |
Enable Horizontal Pod Autoscaling | false |
autoscaling.minReplicas |
Minimum number of replicas | 1 |
autoscaling.maxReplicas |
Maximum number of replicas | 100 |
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage |
Target CPU utilization percentage | 50 |
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage |
Target Memory utilization percentage | 80 |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for pod assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Tolerations for pod assignment | [] |
affinity |
Affinity for pod assignment | {} |
extraDeploy |
Array of extra objects to deploy with the release | [] |
extraEnvs |
Map of extra environment variables to inject into the configmap | {} |