New Features
Mechanize#start and Mechanize#shutdown (Thanks, Damian Janowski!)
Bug fix
Mechanize#cert and Mechanize#key now return the values set by #cert= and #key=. #244, #245 (Thanks, Robert Gogolok!)
New Features
Mechanize::CookieJar#save_as takes a keyword option “session” to say that session cookies should be saved. Based on #230 by Jim Jones.
Minor enhancements
Added Mechanize#follow_redirect= as an alias to redirect_ok=.
Bug fix
Fixed casing of the Mac Firefox user-agent alias to match Linux Firefox. In mechanize 3 the old “Mac FireFox” user-agent alias will be removed. Pull request #231 by Gavin Miller.
Mechanize now authenticates using the raw challenge, not a reconstructed one, to avoid dealing with quoting rules of RFC 2617. Fixes failures in #231 due to net-http-digest_auth 1.2.1
Fixed Content-Disposition parameter parser to be case insensitive. #233
Fixed redirection counting in following meta refresh. #240
Bug fix
Mechanize no longer copies POST requests during a redirect which was introduced by #215. Pull request #229 by Godfrey Chan.
Minor enhancements
Added Mechanize#ignore_bad_chunking for working around servers that don’t terminate chunked transfer-encoding properly. Enabling this may cause data loss. Issue #116
Removed content-type check from Mechanize::Page allowing forced parsing of incorrect or missing content-types. Issue #221 by GarthSnyder
Bug fixes
Fixed typos in EXAMPLES and GUIDES. Pull Request #213 by Erkan Yilmaz.
Fixed handling of a quoted content-disposition size. Pull Request #220 by Jason Rust
Mechanize now ignores a missing gzip footer like browsers do. Issue #224 by afhbl
Mechanize handles saving of files with the same name better now. Pull Request #223 by Godfrey Chan, Issue #219 by Jon Hart
Mechanize now sends headers across redirects. Issue #215 by Chris Gahan
Mechanize now raises Mechanize::ResponseReadError when the server does not terminate chunked transfer-encoding properly. Issue #116
Mechanize no longer raises an exception when multiple identical radiobuttons are checked. Issue #214 by Matthias Guenther
Fixed documentation for pre_connect_hooks and post_connect_hooks. Issue #226 by Robert Poor
Worked around ruby 1.8 run with -Ku and ISO-8859-1 encoded characters in URIs. Issue #228 by Stanislav O.Pogrebnyak
Security fix:
Mechanize#auth and Mechanize#basic_auth allowed disclosure of passwords to malicious servers and have been deprecated.
In prior versions of mechanize only one set of HTTP authentication credentials were allowed for all connections. If a mechanize instance connected to more than one server then a malicious server detecting mechanize could ask for HTTP Basic authentication. This would expose the username and password intended only for one server.
Mechanize#auth and Mechanize#basic_auth now warn when used.
To fix the warning switch to Mechanize#add_auth which requires the URI the credentials are intended for, the username and the password. Optionally an HTTP authentication realm or NTLM domain may be provided.
Minor enhancement
Improved exception messages for 401 Unauthorized responses. Mechanize now tells you if you were missing credentials, had an incorrect password, etc.
Minor enhancements
Add support for the Max-Age attribute in the Set-Cookie header.
Added Mechanize::Download#body for compatibility with Mechanize::File when using Mechanize#get_file with Mechanize::Image or other Download-based pluggable parser. Issue #202 by angas
Mechanize#max_file_buffer may be set to nil to disable creation of Tempfiles.
Bug fixes
Applied Mechanize#max_file_buffer to the Content-Encoding handlers as well to prevent extra Tempfiles for small gzip or deflate response
Increased the default Mechanize#max_file_buffer to 100,000 bytes. This gives ~5MB of response bodies in memory with the default history setting of 50 pages (depending on GC behavior).
Ignore empty path/domain attributes.
Cookies with an empty Expires attribute value were stored as session cookies but cookies without the Expires attribute were not. Issue #78
Bug fixes
Add missing file to the gem, ensure that missing files won’t cause failures again. Issue #201 by Alex
Fix minor grammar issue in README. Issue #200 by Shane Becker.
API changes
MetaRefresh#href is not normalized to an absolute URL, but set to the original value and resolved later. It is even set to nil when the Refresh URL is unspecified or empty.
Minor enhancements
Expose ssl_version from net-http-persistent. Patch by astera.
SSL parameters and proxy may now be set at any time. Issue #194 by dsisnero.
Improved Mechanize::Page with #image_with and #images_with and Mechanize::Page::Image various img element attribute accessors, #caption, #extname, #mime_type and #fetch. Pull request #173 by kitamomonga
Added MIME type parsing for content-types in Mechanize::PluggableParser for fine-grained parser choices. Parsers will be chosen based on exact match, simplified type or media type in that order. See Mechanize::PluggableParser#[]=.
Added Mechanize#download which downloads a response body to an IO-like or filename.
Added Mechanize::DirectorySaver which saves responses in a single directory. Issue #187 by yoshie902a.
Added Mechanize::Page::Link#noreferrer?
The documentation for Mechanize::Page#search and #at now show that both XPath and CSS expressions are allowed. Issue #199 by Shane Becker.
Bug fixes
Fixed handling of a HEAD request with Accept-Encoding: gzip. Issue #198 by Oleg Dashevskii
Use #resolve for resolving a Location header value. fixes #197
A Refresh value can have whitespaces around the semicolon and equal sign.
MetaRefresh#click no longer sends out Referer.
A link with an empty href is now resolved correctly where previously the query part was dropped.
Bug fixes
Set missing idle_timeout default. Issue #196
Meta refresh URIs are now escaped (excluding %). Issue #177
Fix charset name extraction. Issue #180
A Referer URI sent on request no longer includes user information or fragment part.
Tempfiles for storing response bodies are unlinked upon creation to avoid possible lack of finalization. Issue #183
The default maximum history size is now 50 pages to avoid filling up a disk with tempfiles accidentally. Related to Issue #183
Errors in bodies with deflate and gzip responses now result in a Mechanize::Error instead of silently being ignored and causing future errors. Issue #185
Mechanize now raises an UnauthorizedError instead of crashing when a 403 response does not contain a www-authenticate header. Issue #181
Mechanize gives a useful exception when attempting to click buttons across pages. Issue #186
Added note to Mechanize#cert_store describing how to add certificates in case your system does not come with a default set. Issue #179
Invalid content-disposition headers are now ignored. Issue #191
Fix NTLM by recognizing the “Negotiation” challenge instead of endlessly looping. Issue #192
Allow specification of the NTLM domain through Mechanize#auth. Issue #193
Documented how to convert a Mechanize::ResponseReadError into a File or Page, along with a new method #force_parse. Issue #176
Mechanize#get no longer accepts an options hash.
Mechanize::Util::to_native_charset has been removed.
Minor enhancements
Mechanize now depends on net-http-persistent 2.3+. This new version brings idle timeouts to help with the dreaded “too many connection resets” issue when POSTing to a closed connection. Issue #123
SSL connections will be verified against the system certificate store by default.
Added Mechanize#retry_change_requests to allow mechanize to retry POST and other non-idempotent requests when you know it is safe to do so. Issue #123
Mechanize can now stream files directly to disk without loading them into memory first through Mechanize::Download, a pluggable parser for downloading files.
All responses larger than Mechanize#max_file_buffer are downloaded to a Tempfile. For backwards compatibility Mechanize::File subclasses still load the response body into memory.
To force all unknown content types to download to disk instead of memory set:
agent.pluggable_parser.default = Mechanize::Download
Added Mechanize#content_encoding_hooks which allow handling of non-standard content encodings like “agzip”. Patch #125 by kitamomonga
Added dom_class to elements and the element matcher like dom_id. Patch #156 by Dan Hansen.
Added support for the HTML5 keygen form element. See dev.w3.org/html5/spec/Overview.html#the-keygen-element Patch #157 by Victor Costan.
Mechanize no longer follows meta refreshes that have no “url=” in the content attribute to avoid infinite loops. To follow a meta refresh to the same page set Mechanize#follow_meta_refresh_self to true. Issue #134 by Jo Hund.
Updated ‘Mac Safari’ User-Agent alias to Safari 5.1.1. ‘Mac Safari 4’ can be used for the old ‘Mac Safari’ alias.
When given multiple HTTP authentication options mechanize now picks the strongest method.
Improvements to HTTP authorization:
mechanize raises Mechanize::UnathorizedError for 401 responses which is a sublcass of Mechanize::ResponseCodeError.
Added support for NTLM authentication, but this has not been tested.
Mechanize::Cookie.new accepts attributes in a hash.
Mechanize::CookieJar#<<(cookie) (alias: add!) is added. Issue #139
Different mechanize instances may now have different loggers. Issue #122
Mechanize now accepts a proxy port as a service name or number string. Issue #167
Bug fixes
Mechanize now handles cookies just as most modern browsers do, roughly based on RFC 6265.
domain=.example.com (which is invalid) is considered identical to domain=example.com.
A cookie with domain=example.com is sent to host.sub.example.com as well as host.example.com and example.com.
A cookie with domain=TLD (no dots) is accepted and sent if the host name is TLD, and rejected otherwise. To retain compatibility and convention, host/domain names starting with “local” are exempt from this rule.
A cookie with no domain attribute is only sent to the original host.
A cookie with an Effective TLD is rejected based on the public suffix list. (cf. publicsuffix.org/)
“Secure” cookies are not sent via non-https connection.
Subdomain match is not performed against an IP address.
It is recommended that you clear out existing cookie jars for regeneration because previously saved cookies may not have been parsed correctly.
Mechanize takes more care to avoid saving files with certain unsafe names. You should still take care not to use mechanize to save files directly into your home directory ($HOME). Issue #163.
Mechanize#cookie_jar= works again. Issue #126
The original Referer value persists on redirection. Issue #150
Do not send a referer on a Refresh header based redirection.
Fixed encoding error in tests when LANG=C. Patch #142 by jinschoi.
The order of items in a form submission now match the DOM order. Patch #129 by kitamomonga
Fixed proxy example in EXAMPLE. Issue #146 by NielsKSchjoedt
Mechanize now uses minitest to avoid 1.9 vs 1.8 assertion availability in test/unit
Bug Fixes
Restored Mechanize#set_proxy. Issue #117, #118, #119
Mechanize::CookieJar#load now lazy-loads YAML. Issue #118
Mechanize#keep_alive_time no longer crashes but does nothing as net-http-persistent does not support HTTP/1.0 keep-alive extensions.
Mechanize is now under the MIT license
API changes
WWW::Mechanize has been removed. Use Mechanize.
Pre connect hooks are now called with the agent and the request. See Mechanize#pre_connect_hooks.
Post connect hooks are now called with the agent and the response. See Mechanize#post_connect_hooks.
Mechanize::Chain is gone, as an internal API this should cause no problems.
Mechanize#fetch_page no longer accepts an options Hash.
Mechanize#put now accepts headers instead of an options Hash as the last argument
Mechanize#delete now accepts headers instead of an options Hash as the last argument
Mechanize#request_with_entity now accepts headers instead of an options Hash as the last argument
Mechanize no longer raises RuntimeError directly, Mechanize::Error or ArgumentError are raised instead.
The User-Agent header has changed. It no longer includes the WWW- prefix and now includes the ruby version. The URL has been updated as well.
Mechanize now requires ruby 1.8.7 or newer.
Hpricot support has been removed as webrobots requires nokogiri.
Mechanize#get no longer accepts the referer as the second argument.
Mechanize#get no longer allows the HTTP method to be changed (:verb option).
Mechanize::Page::Meta is now Mechanize::Page::MetaRefresh to accurately depict its responsibilities.
Mechanize::Page#meta is now Mechanize::Page#meta_refresh as it only contains meta elements with http-equiv of “refresh”
Mechanize::Page#charset is now Mechanize::Page::charset. GH #112, patch by Godfrey Chan.
Mechanize#get with an options hash is deprecated and will be removed after October, 2011.
Mechanize::Util::to_native_charset is deprecated as it is no longer used by Mechanize.
New Features
Add header reference methods to Mechanize::File so that a reponse object gets compatible with Net::HTTPResponse.
Mechanize#click accepts a regexp or string to click a button/link in the current page. It works as expected when not passed a string or regexp.
Provide a way to only follow permanent redirects (301) automatically:
agent.redirect_ok = :permanent
GH #73 -
Mechanize now supports HTML5 meta charset. GH #113
Documented various Mechanize accessors. GH #66
Mechanize now uses net-http-digest_auth. GH #31
Mechanize now implements session cookies. GH #78
Mechanize now implements deflate decoding. GH #40
Mechanize now allows a certificate and key to be passed directly. GH #71
Mechanize::Form::MultiSelectList now implements #option_with and #options_with. GH #42
Add Mechanize::Page::Link#rel and #rel?(kind) to read and test the rel attribute.
Add Mechanize::Page#canonical_uri to read a </tt><link rel=“canonical”></tt> tag.
Add support for Robots Exclusion Protocol (i.e. robots.txt) and nofollow/noindex in meta tags and the rel attribute. Automatic exclusion can be turned on by setting:
agent.robots = true
Manual robots.txt test can be performed with Mechanize#robots_allowed? and #robots_disallowed?.
Mechanize::Form now supports the accept-charset attribute. GH #96
Mechanize::ResponseReadError is raised if there is an exception while reading the response body. This allows recovery from broken HTTP servers (or connections). GH #90
Mechanize#follow_meta_refresh set to :anywhere will follow meta refresh found outside of a document’s head. GH #99
Add support for HTML5’s rel=“noreferrer” attribute which indicates no “Referer” information should be sent when following the link.
A frame will now load its content when #content is called. GH #111
Added Mechanize#default_encoding to provide a default for pages with no encoding specified. GH #104
Added Mechanize#force_default_encoding which only uses Mechanize#default_encoding for parsing HTML. GH #104
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug where Referer is not sent when accessing a relative URI starting with “http”.
Fix handling of Meta Refresh with relative paths. GH #39
Mechanize::CookieJar now supports RFC 2109 correctly. GH #85
Fixed typo in EXAMPLES.rdoc. GH #74
The base element is now handled correctly for images. GH #72
Image buttons with no name attribute are now included in the form’s button list. GH#56
Improved handling of non ASCII-7bit compatible characters in links (only an issue on ruby 1.8). GH #36, GH #75
Loading cookies.txt is faster. GH #38
Mechanize no longer sends cookies for a.b.example to axb.example. GH #41
Mechanize no longer sends the button name as a form field for image buttons. GH #45
Blank cookie values are now skipped. GH #80
Mechanize now adds a ‘.’ to cookie domains if no ‘.’ was sent. This is not allowed by RFC 2109 but does appear in RFC 2965. GH #86
file URIs are now read in binary mode. GH #83
Content-Encoding: x-gzip is now treated like gzip per RFC 2616.
Mechanize now unescapes URIs for meta refresh. GH #68
Mechanize now has more robust HTML charset detection. GH #43
Mechanize::Form::Textarea is now created from a textarea element. GH #94
A meta content-type now overrides the HTTP content type. GH #114
Mechanize::Page::Link#uri now handles both escaped and unescaped hrefs. GH #107
New Features:
An optional verb may be passed to Mechanize#get GH #26
The WWW constant is deprecated. Switch to the top level constant Mechanize
SelectList#option_with and options_with for finding options
Bug Fixes:
Rescue errors from bogus encodings
7bit content-encoding support. Thanks sporkmonger! GH #2
Fixed a bug with iconv conversion. Thanks awesomeman! GH #9
meta redirects outside the head are not followed. GH #13
Form submissions work with nil page encodings. GH #25
Fixing default values with serialized cookies. GH #3
Checkboxes and fields are sorted by page appearance before submitting. #11
Bug Fixes:
Do not apply encoding if encoding equals ‘none’ Thanks Akinori MUSHA!
Fixed Page#encoding= when changing the value from or to nil. Made it return the assigned value while at it. (Akinori MUSHA)
Custom request headers may be supplied WWW::Mechanize#request_headers RF #24516
HTML Parser may be set on a per instance level WWW::Mechanize#html_parser RF #24693
Fixed string encoding in ruby 1.9. RF #2433
Rescuing Zlib::DataErrors (Thanks Kelley Reynolds)
Fixing a problem with frozen SSL objects. RF #24950
Do not send a referer on meta refresh. RF #24945
Fixed a bug with double semi-colons in Content-Disposition headers
Properly handling cookies that specify a path. RF #25259
New Features:
Mechanize#submit and Form#submit take arbitrary headers(thanks penguincoder)
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug with bad cookie parsing
Form::RadioButton#click unchecks other buttons (RF #24159)
Fixed problems with Iconv (RF #24190, RF #24192, RF #24043)
POST parameters should be CGI escaped
Made Content-Type match case insensitive (Thanks Kelly Reynolds)
Non-string form parameters work
New Features:
Encoding may be specified for a page: Page#encoding=
Bug Fixes:
m17n fixes. ありがとう konn!
Fixed a problem with base tags. ありがとう Keisuke
HEAD requests do not record in the history
Default encoding to ISO-8859-1 instead of ASCII
Requests with URI instances should not be polluted RF #23472
Nonce count fixed for digest auth requests. Thanks Adrian Slapa!
Fixed a referer issue with requests using a uri. RF #23472
WAP content types will now be parsed
Rescued poorly formatted cookies. Thanks Kelley Reynolds!
WWW::Mechanize::List is gone!
Mechanize uses Nokogiri as it’s HTML parser but you may switch to Hpricot by using WWW::Mechanize.html_parser = Hpricot
Bug Fixes:
Nil check on page when base tag is used #23021
WWW::Mechanize::List will be deprecated in 0.9.0, and warnings have been added to help you upgrade.
Bug Fixes:
Stopped raising EOF exceptions on HEAD requests. ありがとう:HIRAKU Kuroda
Fixed exceptions when a logger is set and file:// requests are made.
Made Mechanize 1.9 compatible
Not setting the port in the host header for SSL sites.
Following refresh headers. Thanks Tim Connor!
Cookie Jar handles cookie domains containing ports, like ‘mydomain.com:443’ (Thanks Michal Ochman!)
Fixing strange uri escaping problems [#22604]
Making content-type determintation more robust. (thanks Han Holl!)
Dealing with links that are query string only. [#22402]
Nokogiri may be dropped in as a replacement.
WWW::Mechanize.html_parser = Nokogiri::HTML
Making sure the correct page is added to the history on meta refresh.
- #22708
Mechanize#get requests no longer send a referer unless they are relative requests.
Bug Fixes:
Setting the port number on the host header.
Fixing Authorization headers for picky servers
Bug Fixes:
Making sure logger is set during SSL connections.
Bug Fixes:
Doh! I was accidentally setting headers twice.
Bug Fixes:
Fixed problem with nil pointer when logger is set
New Features:
Lifecycle hooks. Mechanize#pre_connect_hooks, Mechanize#post_connect_hooks
file:/// urls are now supported
Added Mechanize::Page#link_with, frame_with for searching for links using
. -
Implementing PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests
Bug Fixes:
Fixed an infinite loop when content-length and body length don’t match.
Only setting headers once
Adding IIS authentication support
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug when receiving a 304 response (HTTPNotModified) on a page not cached in history.
#21428 Default to HTML parser for ‘application/xhtml+xml’ content-type.
Fixed an issue where redirects were resending posted data
New Features:
Page#form_with takes a
hash. -
Page#form is changed to Page#form_with
Mechanize#get takes custom http headers. Thanks Mike Dalessio!
Form#click_button submits a form defaulting to the current button.
Form#set_fields now takes a hash. Thanks Tobi!
Mechanize#redirection_limit= for setting the max number of redirects.
Bug Fixes:
Added more examples. Thanks Robert Jackson.
#20480 Making sure the Host header is set.
#20672 Making sure cookies with weird semicolons work.
Fixed bug with percent signs in urls. d.hatena.ne.jp/kitamomonga/20080410/ruby_mechanize_percent_url_bug
#21132 Not checking for EOF errors on redirect
Fixed a weird gzipping error.
#21233 Smarter multipart boundry. Thanks Todd Willey!
#20097 Supporting meta tag cookies.
New Features:
Added support for reading Mozilla cookie jars. Thanks Chris Riddoch!
Moving text, password, hidden, int to default. Thanks Tim Harper!
Mechanize#history_added callback for page loads. Thanks Tobi Reif!
Mechanize#scheme_handlers callbacks for handling unsupported schemes on links.
Bug Fixes:
Ignoring scheme case bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=470642
Not encoding tildes in uris. Thanks Bruno. [#19380]
Resetting request bodys when retrying form posts. Thanks Bruno. [#19379]
Throwing away keep alive connections on EPIPE and ECONNRESET.
Duplicating request headers when retrying a 401. Thanks Hiroshi Ichikawa.
Simulating an EOF error when a response length is bad. Thanks Tobias Gruetzmacher. rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=19178&group_id=1453&atid=5711
Defaulting option tags to the inner text. rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=19976&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Supporting blank strings for option values. rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=19975&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Fixed a bug when fetching files and not pages. Thanks Mat Schaffer!
Pages are now yielded to a blocks given to WWW::Mechanize#get
WWW::Mechanize#get now takes hash arguments for uri parameters.
WWW::Mechanize#post takes an IO object as a parameter and posts correctly.
Fixing a strange zlib inflate problem on windows
Handling gzipped responses with no Content-Length header
Added iPhone to the user agent aliases. [#17572]
Fixed a bug with EOF errors in net/http. [#17570]
Handling 0 length gzipped responses. [#17471]
Removed Ruby 1.8.2 support
Changed parser to lazily parse links
Lazily parsing document
Adding verify_callback for SSL requests. Thanks Mike Dalessio!
Fixed a bug with Accept-Language header. Thanks Bill Siggelkow.
Detecting single quotes in meta redirects.
Adding pretty inspect for ruby versions > 1.8.4 (Thanks Joel Kociolek) rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=13150&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Fixed bug with file name in multipart posts rubyforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=15594&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Posting forms relative to the originating page. Thanks Mortee.
Added a FAQ rubyforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=15772&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Made digest authentication work with POSTs.
Made sure page was HTML before following meta refreshes. rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=12260&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Made sure that URLS with a host and no path would default to ‘/’ for history purposes. rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=12368&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Avoiding memory leaks with transact. Thanks Tobias Gruetzmacher! rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=12057&group_id=1453&atid=5711
Fixing a problem with # signs in the file name. Thanks Tobias Gruetzmacher! rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=12510&group_id=1453&atid=5711
Made sure that blank form values are submitted. rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=12505&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Mechanize now respects the base tag. Thanks Stephan Dale. rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=12468&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Aliasing inspect to pretty_inspect. Thanks Eric Promislow. rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2007-July/000157.html
Updating UTF-8 support for urls
Adding AREA tags to the links list. rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2007-May/000140.html
WWW::Mechanize#follow_meta_refresh will allow you to automatically follow meta refresh tags. [#10032]
Adding x-gzip to accepted content-encoding. Thanks Simon Strandgaard rubyforge.org/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=11167&group_id=1453&atid=5711
Added Digest Authentication support. Thanks to Ryan Davis and Eric Hodel, you get a gold star!
Keep alive can be shut off now with WWW::Mechanize#keep_alive
Conditional requests can be shut off with WWW::Mechanize#conditional_requests
Monkey patched Net::HTTP#keep_alive?
- #9877
Moved last request time. Thanks Max Stepanov
Added WWW::Mechanize::File#save
Defaulting file name to URI or Content-Disposition
Updating compatability with hpricot
Added more unit tests
Fixed a bug with keep-alive requests
- #9549
fixed problem with cookie paths
Removing hpricot overrides
Fixed a bug where alt text can be nil. Thanks Yannick!
Unparseable expiration dates in cookies are now treated as session cookies
Caching connections
Requests now default to keep alive
- #9434
Fixed bug where html entities weren’t decoded
- #9150
Updated mechanize history to deal with redirects
Copying headers to a hash to prevent memory leaks
Speeding up page parsing
Aliased fields to elements
Adding If-Modified-Since header
Added delete_field! to form. Thanks to Sava Chankov
Updated uri escaping to support high order characters. Thanks to Henrik Nyh.
Better handling relative URIs. Thanks to Henrik Nyh
Now handles pipes in URLs rubyforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=7140&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Now escaping html entities in form fields. rubyforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=7563&group_id=1453&atid=5709
Added MSIE 7.0 user agent string
Adding the “redirect_ok” method to Mechanize to stop mechanize from following redirects.
Added protected method Mechanize#set_headers so that subclasses can set custom headers. rubyforge.org/tracker/?func=detail&aid=7208&group_id=1453&atid=5712
Aliased Page#referer to Page#page
Fixed a bug when clicking relative urls rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2006-November/000035.html
Fixing a bug when bad version or max age is passed to Cookie::parse rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2006-November/000033.html
Fixing a bug with response codes. [#6526]
Fixed bug [#6548]. Input type of ‘button’ was not being added as a button.
Fixed bug [#7139]. REXML parser calls hpricot parser by accident
Added keys and values methods to Form
Added has_value? to Form
Added a has_field? method to Form
The add_field! method on Form now creates a field for you on the form. Thanks to Mat Schaffer for the patch. rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2006-November/000025.html
Fixed a bug when form actions have html ecoded entities in them. rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2006-October/000019.html
Fixed a bug when links or frame sources have html encoded entities in the href or src.
Fixed a bug where ‘#’ symbols are encoded rubyforge.org/forum/message.php?msg_id=14747
Added a yield to Page#form so that dealing with forms can be more DSL like.
Added the parsed page to the ResponseCodeError so that the parsed results can be accessed even in the event of an error. rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2006-September/000007.html
Updated documentation (Thanks to Paul Smith)
Added a method to Form called “submit”. Now forms can be submitted by calling a method on the form.
Added a click method to links
Added an REXML pluggable parser for backwards compatability. To use it, just do this:
agent.pluggable_parser.html = WWW::Mechanize::REXMLPage
Fixed a bug with referrers by adding a page attribute to forms and links.
Fixed a bug where domain names were case sensitive. tenderlovemaking.com/2006/09/04/road-to-ruby-mechanize-060/#comment-53
Fixed a bug with URI escaped links. rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2006-September/000002.html
Fixed a bug when options in select lists don’t have a value. Thanks Dan Higham
- #5837
Code in lib/mechanize/form_elements.rb is incorrect.
Fixed a bug with loading text in to links. rubyforge.org/pipermail/mechanize-users/2006-September/000000.html
Changed main parser to use hpricot
Made WWW::Mechanize::Page class searchable like hpricot
Updated WWW::Mechanize#click to support hpricot links like this: @agent.click (page/“a”).first
Clicking a Frame is now possible: @agent.click (page/“frame”).first
Removed deprecated attr_finder
Removed REXML helper methods since the main parser is now hpricot
Overhauled cookie parser to use WEBrick::Cookie
Added WWW::Mechanize#trasact for saving history state between in a transaction. See the EXAMPLES file. Thanks Johan Kiviniemi.
Added support for gzip compressed pages
Forms can now be accessed like a hash. For example, to set the value of an input field named ‘name’ to “Aaron”, you can do this:
form['name'] = "Aaron"
Or to get the value of a field named ‘name’, do this:
puts form['name']
File uploads will now read the file specified in FileUpload#file_name
FileUpload can use an IO object in FileUpload#file_data
Fixed a bug with saving files on windows
Fixed a bug with the filename being set in forms
Mechanize#click will now act on the first element of an array. So if an array of links is passed to WWW::Mechanize#click, the first link is clicked. That means the syntax for clicking links is shortened and still supports selecting a link. The following are equivalent:
agent.click page.links.first agent.click page.links
Fixed a bug with spaces in href’s and get’s
Added a tick, untick, and click method to radio buttons so that radiobuttons can be “clicked”
Added a tick, untick, and click method to check boxes so that checkboxes can be “clicked”
Options on Select lists can now be “tick”ed, and “untick”ed.
Fixed a potential bug conflicting with rails. Thanks Eric Kolve
Updated log4r support for a speed increase. Thanks Yinon Bentor
Added inspect methods and pretty printing
Fixed a bug with input names that are nil
Added a warning when using attr_finder because attr_finder will be deprecated in 0.6.0 in favor of method calls. So this syntax:
@agent.links(:text => 'foo')
should be changed to this:
Added support for selecting multiple options in select tags that support multiple options. See WWW::Mechanize::MultiSelectList.
New select list methods have been added, select_all, select_none.
Options for select lists can now be “clicked” which toggles their selection, they can be “selected” and “unselected”. See WWW::Mechanize::Option
Added a method to set multiple fields at the same time, WWW::Mechanize::Form#set_fields. Which can be used like so:
form.set_fields( :foo => 'bar', :name => 'Aaron' )
Fixed bug with file uploads
Added performance tweaks to the cookie class
Added pluggable parsers. (Thanks to Eric Kolve for the idea)
Changed namespace so all classes are under WWW::Mechanize.
Updating Forms so that fields can be used as accessors (Thanks Gregory Brown)
Added WWW::Mechanize::File as default object used for unknown content types.
Added ‘save_as’ method to Mechanize::File, so any page can be saved.
Adding ‘save_as’ and ‘load’ to CookieJar so that cookies can be saved between sessions.
Added WWW::Mechanize::FileSaver pluggable parser to automatically save files.
Added WWW::Mechanize::Page#title for page titles
Added OpenSSL certificate support (Thanks Mike Dalessio)
Removed support for body filters in favor of pluggable parsers.
Fixed cookie bug adding a ‘/’ when the url is missing one (Thanks Nick Dainty)
Fixed bug with no action in forms. Thanks to Adam Wiggins
Setting a default user-agent string
Added house cleaning to the cookie jar so expired cookies don’t stick around.
Added new method WWW::Form#field to find the first field with a given name. (thanks to Gregory Brown)
Added WWW::Mechanize#get_file for fetching non text/html files
Added support for proxies
Added a uri field to WWW::Link
Added a error class WWW::Mechanize::ContentTypeError
Added image alt text to link text
Added an visited? method to WWW::Mechanize
Added Array#value= which will set the first value to the argument. That allows syntax as such: form.fields.name(‘q’).value = ‘xyz’ Before it was like this: form.fields.name(‘q’).first.value = ‘xyz’
Added support for multiple values of the same name
Updated build_query_string to take an array of arrays (Thanks Michal Janeczek)
Added WWW::Mechanize#body_filter= so that response bodies can be preprocessed
Added WWW::Page#body_filter= so that response bodies can be preprocessed
Added support for more date formats in the cookie parser
Fixed a bug with empty select lists
Fixing a problem with cookies not handling no spaces after semicolons
Fixed error in method signature, basic_authetication is now basic_auth
Fixed bug with encoding names in file uploads (Big thanks to Alex Young)
Added options to the select list
Added syntactic sugar for finding things
Fixed bug with HttpOnly option in cookies
Fixed a bug with cookie date parsing
Defaulted dropdown lists to the first element
Added unit tests
Added support for iframes
Made mechanize dependant on ruby-web rather than narf
Added unit tests
Fixed a bunch of warnings
Added support for file uploading
Added support for frames (Thanks Gabriel)
Added more unit tests
Fixed some bugs
Added more unit tests
Added a cookie jar with better cookie support, included expiration of cookies and general cookie security.
Updated mechanize to use built in net/http if ruby version is new enough.
Added support for meta refresh tags
Defaulted form actions to ‘GET’
Fixed various bugs
Added more unit tests
Added a response code exception
Thanks to Brian Ellin ([email protected]) for: Added support for CA files, and support for 301 response codes