Please follow the instructions HERE to prepare the mp4 recording of your talk.
Deadline: August 17th 2020
STEP 1) Fill out the release at to opt-in to releasing your videos to the public after the conference.
STEP 2) Name your file according to the following scheme
- Research and industry papers: The name of the file should start with the word “Paper”, followed by the session ID, followed by the number of the paper within the session, and finally the CMT paper ID:
For example, the paper with CMT id 857 is the first paper in session 03A. The file name for the recorded talk should be: Paper03A_1_857.mp4. As another example, paper 880 is the second paper in that session, so the name of the file should be: Paper03A_2_880.mp4. - VLDBJ: The name of the file should use the following format:
VLDBJ[SessionID]_[PresentationOrder]_[NameOfFirstAuthor].mp4 - Demo presentations should use the following naming scheme:
Demo[SessionID]_[PresentationOrder]_[CMTPaperID].mp4. - Keynote talks: Please name your files simply Lastname_part1.mp4 and Lastname_part2.mp4
- Award talks: Please name your files simply Lastname.mp4
- Tutorials: The name of the file should start with the keyword “Tutorial”, followed by the session ID (e.g., Tutorial 1 is in session 7T]), and then the part number: “Part1”, “Part2”, etc.
For example, the first video for the first tutorial should be named:
Tutorial07T_Part1.mp4 - Panel: Panel talks should be named Panel_[PresenterLastName].mp4
STEP 3) Upload your file to
To protect this dropbox, you will need to request access and be granted access before you can upload your file.