Zoom link: You will find the link to the zoom webinar for your workshop on the interactive conference program (https://vldb2020.org/program.html). Just click on your session and you should see buttons for Zoom, Slack, paper pdf, and technical support.
Please do NOT share the zoom link on social media or anywhere else where it might be found by a malicious party. If you wish to share a link, please use https://vldb2020.org/program_flat.html?s=[Session ID]
, replacing [Session ID]
with the 2-digit+letter ID of your session. (e.g., https://vldb2020.org/program_flat.html?s=47C
). Registered participants will be able to access the zoom link from this page.
Prepare session: 2 minutes before session, arrive in the Zoom channel a minute or two early to check your camera/mic, identify yourself to the technical chair by typing a message into the chat window, "I'm the session co-chair, please upgrade me to co-host" (the technical chair will promote you to co-host), and mitigate any technical difficulties. Please note that we have a limited number of zoom licenses so we need one set of sessions to end before the next set of sessions can begin. In addition, upgrading everyone to panelist does improve interactivity and makes the session more fun. It should happen automatically. If it doesn't please remind your technical chair to do it. Also, we kindly ask co-hosts to try to follow the procedure below: On the bottom of the Participants list, there’s a button “More”. Click that and you’ll see an option “Allow Panelists to start video” (which you should check if it is not already checked).
Opening/closing remarks: Please start the workshop with openeing remarks and end with closing remarks. Also, we suggest to ask the session chairs, speakers, and questioners to switch on their camara.
Workshops with repeat time-block(s): We suggest copying Q&A in the Zoom chat into the Slack channel, so as to share the Q&A in the primary time-block(s) with the participants in the repeat time-block(s).
Training Videos: The following training videos from Gateway Productions explain Zoom webinar mode and Zoom’s moderation tools. You and your session chairs (if applicable) should review these videos.
- Technical chair: A technical chair from Gateway Production will be present. That person will take care of streaming the videos when you give them the signal. They have all the videos and they know the order. The technical chair can also help answer other questions that may come up during the session.
- Note that, while the technical chairs will be listening for your spoken instructions, they will remain muted for the duration of the session. If the technical chair needs to communicate with you, it will be through chat, so please monitor the Zoom chat window.
- Slack channel: Additional Gateway Productions support staff will also be present in a dedicated support slack channel.