You can visit Virtual Sponsor Booths to communicate with sponsors by clicking buttons on the program. We use Zoom webinars except for Amazon (Amazon Chime) and Apple (WebEx).
Start at 2020-09-01T12:00:00Z
- 05s-1: Snowflake
Start at 2020-09-02T01:00:00Z
- 15s-1: Amazon
- 15s-2: Apple
- 15s-3: Hitachi
- 15s-4: IBM
- 15s-5: NEC
- 15s-6: Oracle
- 15s-7: Snowflake
Start at 2020-09-03T01:00:00Z
- 35s-1: Apple
- 35s-2: Facebook
- 35s-3: Google
- 35s-4: Hitachi
- 35s-5: Megagon Labs
- 35s-6: Microsoft
- 35s-7: NEC
- 35s-8: Oracle
- 35s-9: Sky
- 35s-10: Snowflake
Start at 2020-09-03T07:00:00Z
- 40s-1: Microsoft
Start at 2020-09-04T01:00:00Z
- 55s-1: Amazon
- 55s-2: Apple
- 55s-3: Google
- 55s-4: Hitachi
- 55s-5: Megagon Labs
- 55s-6: Oracle
- 55s-7: Snowflake
- 55s-8: Toshiba (GridDB)
- Virtual Booth (Zoom)
- Slack Channel
- GridDB Developer Site:
- Database Technology Program, Advanced Collaborative Software Development and Technology Department, Corporate Software Engineering & Technology Center, Toshiba Corporation
Start at 2020-09-04T07:00:00Z
- 60s-1: Oracle
- 60s-2: Toshiba (PGSpider)
- Virtual Booth (Zoom)
- Slack Channel
- PGSpider [email protected]
- Database Technology Program, Advanced Collaborative Software Development and Technology Department, Corporate Software Engineering & Technology Center, Toshiba Corporation