Ever wondered how your website could perform better in search engines? Well, wait no more! We are excited to present 𝗦𝗲𝗼𝗺𝗶, an all-in-one SEO analyzer that extracts vital data from web pages and stores it in a PostgreSQL database for further analysis. 📊
- ✅ Extracts URLs from a sitemap XML file
- ✅ Processes each URL by extracting various SEO metrics
- ✅ Generates SEO alerts based on the extracted metrics
- ✅ Saves the metrics to a PostgreSQL database
- ✅ Prints a summary report of the processed URLs with associated alerts
- 1️⃣ Create a PostgreSQL database and table
- 2️⃣ Set up environment variables for your database credentials
- 3️⃣ Run the script by providing your sitemap URL
CREATE TABLE seo_data (
title VARCHAR(512),
meta_description VARCHAR(512),
h1 VARCHAR(512),
internal_links JSONB,
count_internal_links NUMERIC,
external_links JSONB,
count_external_links NUMERIC,
url_length INTEGER,
title_length INTEGER,
meta_description_length INTEGER,
h1_length INTEGER,
h2_length JSONB,
count_paragraphs INTEGER,
response_time NUMERIC,
status INTEGER,
word_count INTEGER,
page_size INTEGER,
text_ratio NUMERIC,
canonical_url VARCHAR(2083),
meta_robots VARCHAR(256),
meta_keyword VARCHAR(256),
image_alt_attributes JSONB,
structured_data JSONB,
language_tags VARCHAR(32),
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
alert_missing_title BOOLEAN,
alert_title_length BOOLEAN,
alert_missing_meta_description BOOLEAN,
alert_meta_description_length BOOLEAN,
alert_missing_h1 BOOLEAN,
alert_incorrect_canonical_url BOOLEAN,
alert_missing_image_alt_attributes BOOLEAN,
alert_missing_language_tag BOOLEAN,
alert_low_text_ratio BOOLEAN,
alert_no_meta_robots_or_incorrect_directives BOOLEAN,
has_alert BOOLEAN
export DB_USER=
export DB_PASS=
export DB_HOST=
export DB_PORT=
export DB_NAME=postgres
python seomi.py "https://valpiccola.com/sitemap.xml"
- Automatically flag fields with errors: DONE
- Console recap: DONE
- Testing