Please add to this list by submitting a pull request.
- Cursive - has direct support for re-frame features: example and example
- Emacs -
- re-frame-template - Generates the client side SPA
- Luminus - Generates SPA plus server side.
- re-natal - React Native apps.
- Slush-reframe - A scaffolding generator for re-frame run using NodeJS. Based on re-frame
- Celibidache - An opinionated starter for re-frame applications using Boot. Based on re-frame
- RealWorld - heavily inspired by todomvc - well commented codebase with CRUD, auth, advanced patterns, etc) that adheres to the RealWorld spec and API.
- BlueGenes - searching and analysing genomic data, by the University of Cambridge
- Memento a private note-taking app. Uses compojure-api, PostgreSQL and token auth.
- RealWord has CRUD, auth. Adheres to RealWorld spec and API.
- How to create decentralised apps with re-frame and Ethereum - Tutorial with links to code and live example.
- Braid - A new approach to group chat, designed around conversations and tags instead of rooms.
- Elfeed-cljsrn - A mobile client for Elfeed rss reader, built with React Native.
- Memory Hole - A small issue tracking app written with Luminus and re-frame.
- Crossed - A multiplayer crossword puzzle generator. Based on re-frame
- imperimetric - Webapp for converting texts with some system of measurement to another, such as imperial to metric.
- Brave Clojure Open Source A site using re-frame, liberator, boot and more to display active github projects that powers Based on re-frame
- flux-challenge with re-frame - "a frontend challenge to test UI architectures and solutions". re-frame
- fractalify -
An entertainment and educational webapp for creating & sharing fractal images that powers Based on re-frame
- boodle - A simple SPA for accounting. It uses, among others, re-frame, http-kit, compojure-api and it runs on PostgreSQL.
- status-react - A mobile OS for Ethereum. Server, SPA + React Native App
- Catlantis - React Native App about cats
- Lymchat - React Native App to learn different cultures
- ventas - Ecommerce platform made with a full-clojure stack
- async-flow-fx - manage a boot process dominated by async
- http-fx - performing Ajax tasks (via cljs-ajax)
- re-frame-forward-events-fx - slightly exotic
- cookie-fx - set and get cookies
- document-fx - set and get on
attributes - re-frame-youtube-fx - YouTube iframe API wrapper
- re-frame-web3-fx - Ethereum Web3 API
- re-frame-google-analytics-fx - Google Analytics API
- re-frame-storage - Local Storage based persistence
- re-frame-storage-fx - Another take on Local Storage persistence
- re-frame-firebase - Firebase DB API
- sse-fx - fx/cofx handlers for EventSource and SSE
- re-fill - routing and more
- re-frame-undo - An undo library for re-frame
- re-frame-test - Advanced testing utilities
- Animation using
- re-thread - A library for running re-frame applications in Web Workers.
- re-frame-datatable - DataTable UI component built for use with re-frame.
- Stately: State Machines also
- re-learn - Data driven tutorials for educating users of your reagent / re-frame app
- subgraph - Reactive graph database for re-frame
- re-graph - GraphQL client for re-frame
- martian - Swagger-compatible API client that abstracts away from HTTP with re-frame bindings
- re-pressed - A keyboard event library for re-frame
- re-frame-10x - A debugging dashboard for re-frame
- re-frisk - A library for visualizing re-frame data and events.
- re-natal: Bootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps
- cljsrn-re-frame-workers: A library supporting react-native-workers with re-frame for ClojureScript and React Native.
- re-navigate: Example of React Native Navigation with re-frame/re-natal
- re-frame your ClojureScript applications - re-frame presentation given at Clojure/Conj 2016
- A Video Tour of the Source Code of Ninja Tools
Prerenderer - Server pre-rendering library using NodeJS that works with re-frame
(later versions untested) Rationale Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Release Announcement -
Server Side Rendering with re-frame - Blog post on rendering re-frame views with Clojure.
Rendering Reagent on the Server Using Hiccup- Blog post on rendering Reagent with Clojure.
Prerendering a re-frame app with Chrome Headless - Blog post on prerendering a re-frame app using etaoin and Chrome Headless.