diff --git a/UseCaseComparisons.md b/UseCaseComparisons.md
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+This document is indended to address the use cases addressed by both the `picture` proposal (including `srcset` limited to resolution-switching only), and the extended `srcset` proposal.
+## Viewport Sizes
+Assuming three image “breakpoints” based on maximum widths, using pixel-based values: 400px, 600px, and 800px. The smallest image source has been designated as fallback content.
+**`picture` Element*
+**Extended `srcset`**
+### Using min-width ###
+Assuming three image “breakpoints” intended to remain in sync with a media-query-based CSS layout making use of `min-width` media queries.
+**`picture` Element**
+**Extended `srcset`**
+### Using relative units ###
+Assuming three image “breakpoints” intended to remain in sync with a media-query-based layout specced in `em` units.
+**`picture` Element**
+**Extended `srcset`**
+Note: the `em` values above could be manually converted to `px` by the author to ensure that the image breakpoints are within a few pixels of the `em`-based layout media queries, resulting in:
+While the `em`-based CSS layout will be reevaulated based on user zoom in all modern browsers (see http://blog.cloudfour.com/the-ems-have-it-proportional-media-queries-ftw/ for a description and functional example) and we can assume the same for the `em`-based image breakpoints, the `px`-based image breakpoints will fall out of sync with the layout when the user zooms in or out.
+## Portait vs. Landscape Orientation ##
+[ … ]
+**`picture` Element**
+**Extended `srcset`**
+## Display Density
+The two proposals are functionally identical in terms of dealing with display density when independent of the “Viewport Sizes” use case above:
+## Display density in conjunction with viewport sizing ##
+Assuming three image “breakpoints” based on maximum widths, using pixel-based values: 400px, 600px, and 800px. The smallest standard resolution image source has been designated as fallback content.
+**`picture` Element**
+**Extended `srcset`**
+## Print sources
+Assuming two image sources indended for display on screen depending on window size, each with a standard and high-definition source, and a single image source intended for printing.
+**`picture` Element**
+**Extended `srcset`**
+## Color saturation/high-contrast mode
+This is based on the high-contrast mode and ambient light media queries currently being proposed in the CSS WG.
+**`picture` Element**
+**Extended `srcset`**
+## Potential for addressing bandwidth concerns
+## Potential for future accessibility improvements
+## Potential for addressing new image formats
+**`picture` Element**
+**Extended `srcset`**