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File metadata and controls

609 lines (453 loc) · 15.8 KB

Configuration File

The config file allows for advanced configuration of the ctrld utility to cover a vast array of use cases.

  1. Source IP based DNS routing policies
  2. Destination IP based DNS routing policies
  3. Split horizon DNS

Config Location

ctrld uses TOML format for its configuration file. Default configuration file is ctrld.toml found in following order:

  • /etc/controld on *nix.
  • User's home directory on Windows.
  • Same directory with ctrld binary on these routers:
    • ddwrt
    • merlin
    • freshtomato
  • Current directory.

The user can choose to override default value using command line --config or -c:

ctrld run --config /path/to/myconfig.toml

If no configuration files found, a default ctrld.toml file will be created in the current directory.

In pre v1.1.0, config.toml file was used, so for compatibility, ctrld will still read config.toml if it's existed.

Example Config

    log_level = "info"
    log_path = ""
    cache_enable = true
    cache_size = 4096
    cache_ttl_override = 60
    cache_serve_stale = true

    cidrs = [""]
    name = "Everyone"

    cidrs = [""]
    name = "Admins"

    bootstrap_ip = ""
    endpoint = ""
    name = "Control D - Anti-Malware"
    timeout = 5000
    type = "doh"
    ip_stack = "both"

    bootstrap_ip = ""
    endpoint = ""
    name = "Control D - No Ads"
    timeout = 5000
    type = "doq"
    ip_stack = "split"

    bootstrap_ip = ""
    endpoint = ""
    name = "Control D - Private"
    timeout = 5000
    type = "dot"
    ip_stack = "v4"

    ip = ""
    port = 53

    name = "My Policy"
    networks = [
        {"network.0" = ["upstream.1"]},
    rules = [
        {"*.local" = ["upstream.1"]},
        {"" = ["upstream.2", "upstream.1"]},

    ip = ""
    port = 53
    restricted = true

See below for details on each configuration block.


The [service] section controls general behaviors.

    log_level = "debug"
    log_path = "log.txt"


Logging level you wish to enable.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Valid values: debug, info, warn, notice, error, fatal, panic
  • Default: notice


Relative or absolute path of the log file.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Default: ""


When cache_enable = true, all resolved DNS query responses will be cached for duration of the upstream record TTLs.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: false


The number of cached records, must be a positive integer. Tweaking this value with care depends on your available RAM. A minimum value 4096 should be enough for most use cases.

An invalid cache_size value will disable the cache, regardless of cache_enable value.

  • Type: int
  • Required: no
  • Default: 4096


When cache_ttl_override is set to a positive value (in seconds), TTLs are overridden to this value and cached for this long.

  • Type: int
  • Required: no
  • Default: 0


When cache_serve_stale = true, in cases of upstream failures (upstreams not reachable), ctrld will keep serving stale cached records (regardless of their TTLs) until upstream comes online.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: false


When ctrld receives query with domain name in cache_flush_domains, the local cache will be discarded before serving the query.

  • Type: array of strings
  • Required: no


The number of concurrent requests that will be handled, must be a non-negative integer.

  • Type: number
  • Required: no
  • Default: 256


Perform LAN client discovery using mDNS. This will spawn a listener on port 5353.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: true


Perform LAN client discovery using ARP.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: true


Perform LAN client discovery using DHCP leases files. Common file locations are auto-discovered.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: true


Perform LAN client discovery using PTR queries.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: true


Perform LAN client discovery using hosts file.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: true


Time in seconds between each discovery refresh loop to update new client information data. The default value is 120 seconds, lower this value to make the discovery process run more aggressively.

  • Type: integer
  • Required: no
  • Default: 120


Relative or absolute path to a custom DHCP leases file location.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Default: ""


DHCP leases file format.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Valid values: dnsmasq, isc-dhcp, kea-dhcp4
  • Default: ""


Decide how the client ID is generated. By default client ID will use both MAC address and Hostname i.e. hash(mac + host). To override this behavior, select one of the 2 allowed values to scope client ID to just MAC address OR Hostname.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Valid values: mac, host
  • Default: ""


If set to true, collect and export the query counters, and show them in clients list command.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: false


Specifying the ip and port of the Prometheus metrics server. The Prometheus metrics will be available on: http://ip:port/metrics. You can also append /metrics/json to get the same data in json format.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Default: ""


Watches all physical interfaces for DNS changes and reverts them to ctrld's settings.The DNS watchdog process only runs on Windows and MacOS.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: true


Time duration between each DNS watchdog iteration.

A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as "300ms", "-1.5h" or "2h45m". Valid time units are "ns", "us" (or "µs"), "ms", "s", "m", "h".

If the time duration is non-positive, default value will be used.

  • Type: time duration string
  • Required: no
  • Default: 20s


Time in seconds between each iteration that reloads custom config from the API.

The value must be a positive number, any invalid value will be ignored and default value will be used.

  • Type: number
  • Required: no
  • Default: 3600


If a remote upstream fails to resolve a query or is unreachable, ctrld will forward the queries to the default DNS resolver on the network. If failures persist, ctrld will remove itself from all networking interfaces until connectivity is restored.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default: true on Windows, MacOS and non-router Linux.


The [upstream] section specifies the DNS upstream servers that ctrld will forward DNS requests to.

  bootstrap_ip = ""
  endpoint = ""
  name = "Control D - DOH"
  timeout = 5000
  type = "doh"
  ip_stack = "split"
  bootstrap_ip = ""
  endpoint = ""
  name = "Control D - DOH3"
  timeout = 5000
  type = "doh3"
  ip_stack = "both"
  bootstrap_ip = ""
  endpoint = ""
  name = "Controld D - DOT"
  timeout = 5000
  type = "dot"
  ip_stack = "v4"
  bootstrap_ip = ""
  endpoint = ""
  name = "Controld D - DOT"
  timeout = 5000
  type = "doq"
  ip_stack = "v6"
  bootstrap_ip = ""
  endpoint = ""
  name = "Control D - Ad Blocking"
  timeout = 5000
  type = "legacy"
  ip_stack = "both"


IP address of upstream DNS server when hostname or URL is used. This exists to prevent the bootstrapping cycle problem. For example, if the Endpoint is set to, ctrld needs to know the ip address of to be able to do communication. To do that, ctrld may need to use OS resolver, which may or may not be set.

If bootstrap_ip is empty, ctrld will resolve this itself using its own bootstrap DNS, normal users should not care about bootstrap_ip and just leave it empty.

  • type: ip address string
  • required: no
  • Default: ""


IP address, hostname or URL of upstream DNS. Used together with Type of the endpoint.

  • Type: string
  • Required: yes

Default ports are implied for each protocol, but can be overriden. ie.


Human-readable name of the upstream.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Default: ""


Timeout in milliseconds before request failsover to the next upstream (if defined).

Value 0 means no timeout.

  • Type: number
  • Required: no
  • Default: 0


The protocol that ctrld will use to send DNS requests to upstream.

  • Type: string
  • Required: yes
  • Valid values: doh, doh3, dot, doq, legacy


Specifying what kind of ip stack that ctrld will use to connect to upstream.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Valid values:
    • both: using either ipv4 or ipv6.
    • v4: only dial upstream via IPv4, never dial IPv6.
    • v6: only dial upstream via IPv6, never dial IPv4.
    • split:
      • If A record is requested -> dial via ipv4.
      • If AAAA or any other record is requested -> dial ipv6 (if available, otherwise ipv4)

If ip_stack is empty, or undefined:

  • Default value is both for non-Control D resolvers.
  • Default value is split for Control D resolvers.


Specifying whether to include client info when sending query to upstream. This will only work with doh or doh3 type upstreams.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default:
    • true for ControlD upstreams.
    • false for other upstreams.


Specifying whether the upstream can be used for PTR discovery.

  • Type: boolean
  • Required: no
  • Default:
    • true for loopback/RFC1918/CGNAT IP address.
    • false for public IP address.


The [network] section defines networks from which DNS queries can originate from. These are used in policies. You can define multiple networks, and each one can have multiple cidrs.

  cidrs = [""]
  name = "Any Network"
  cidrs = [""]
  name = "Home Wifi "


Name of the network.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Default: ""


Specifies the network addresses that the listener will accept requests from. You will see more details in the listener policy section.

  • Type: array of network CIDR string
  • Required: no
  • Default: []


The [listener] section specifies the ip and port of the local DNS server. You can have multiple listeners, and attached policies.

  ip = ""
  port = 53
  ip = ""
  port = 53
  restricted = true


IP address that serves the incoming requests. If ip is empty, ctrld will listen on all available addresses.

  • Type: ip address string
  • Required: no
  • Default: "" or RFC1918 addess or "" (depending on platform)


Port number that the listener will listen on for incoming requests. If port is 0, a random available port will be chosen.

  • Type: number
  • Required: no
  • Default: 0 or 53 or 5354 (depending on platform)


If set to true, makes the listener REFUSED DNS queries from all source IP addresses that are not explicitly defined in the policy using a network.

  • Type: bool
  • Required: no
  • Default: false


The listener will refuse DNS queries from WAN IPs using REFUSED RCODE by default. Set to true to disable this behavior, but this is not recommended.

  • Type: bool
  • Required: no
  • Default: false


Allows ctrld to set policy rules to determine which upstreams the requests will be forwarded to. If no policy is defined or the requests do not match any policy rules, it will be forwarded to corresponding upstream of the listener. For example, the request to listener.0 will be forwarded to upstream.0.

The policy rule syntax is a simple toml inline table with exactly one key/value pair per rule. key is either:

  • Network.
  • Domain.
  • Mac Address.

Value is the list of the upstreams.

For example:

name = "My Policy"

networks = [
    {"network.0" = ["upstream.1"]},

rules = [
    {"*.local" = ["upstream.1"]},
    {"" = ["upstream.2", "upstream.1"]},

macs = [
    {"14:54:4a:8e:08:2d" = ["upstream.3"]},

Above policy will:

  • Forward requests on listener.0 for .local suffixed domains to upstream.1.
  • Forward requests on listener.0 for to upstream.2. If timeout is reached, retry on upstream.1.
  • Forward requests on listener.0 from client with Mac 14:54:4a:8e:08:2d to upstream.3.
  • Forward requests on listener.0 from network.0 to upstream.1.
  • All other requests on listener.0 that do not match above conditions will be forwarded to upstream.0.

An empty upstream would not route the request to any defined upstreams, and use the OS default resolver.

name = "OS Resolver"

rules = [
    {"*.local" = []},

If there is no explicitly defined rules, LAN queries will be handled solely by the OS resolver.

These following domains are considered LAN queries:

  • Queries does not have dot . in domain name, like machine1, example, ... (1)
  • Queries have domain ends with: .domain, .lan, .local. (2)
  • All SRV queries of LAN hostname (1) + (2).
  • PTR queries with private IPs.

Note that the order of matching preference:

rules => macs => networks

And within each policy, the rules are processed from top to bottom.


name is the name for the policy.

  • Type: string
  • Required: no
  • Default: ""


networks is the list of network rules of the policy.

  • Type: array of networks
  • Required: no
  • Default: []


rules is the list of domain rules within the policy. Domain can be either FQDN or wildcard domain.

  • Type: array of rule
  • Required: no
  • Default: []

Note that the domain comparisons are done in case in-sensitive manner following RFC 1034


macs is the list of mac rules within the policy. Mac address value is case-insensitive.

  • Type: array of macs
  • Required: no
  • Default: []


For non success response, failover_rcodes allows the request to be forwarded to next upstream, if the response RCODE matches any value defined in failover_rcodes.

  • Type: array of strings
  • Required: no
  • Default: []

For example:

name = "My Policy"
failover_rcodes = ["NXDOMAIN", "SERVFAIL"]
networks = [
	{"network.0" = ["upstream.0", "upstream.1"]},

If upstream.0 returns a NXDOMAIN response, the request will be forwarded to upstream.1 instead of returning immediately to the client.

See all available DNS Rcodes value here.