- Version 11.3 or greater of Mathematica or Wolfram Desktop.
- Wolfram Workbench
First, import FEMAddOns in Workbench:
- Select File -> Import...
- Git - Projects from Git (Next)
- Existing local repository (Next)
- Add... (browse to FEMAddOns, select, Next)
- Import as general project (Finish)
Importing of the FEMAddOns source needs to be done only once.
Next, build the documentation:
- In the FEMAddOns folder right click on docbuild.xml
- Choose Run As...
- Choose 2 Ant Build...
- Deselect all
- Select clean
- Run
- Repeat the above and choose Applications instead of clean
- Repeat the above and choose DistMesh instead of clean
- Repeat the above and choose DomainDecomposition instead of clean
- Repeat the above and choose FEMUtils instead of clean
- Repeat the above and choose ImportMesh instead of clean
This will create a folder named build, which will contain a folder FEMAddOns that contains the build documentation of package.
Copy the source code, create and install the paclet:
- Open CreatePaclet.nb
- Follow instructions to copy the source code
- Follow instructions to create and install the paclet
This will leave you with a path to a FEMAddOns-X.Y.paclet in the build folder.