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Configuration parameter description

This document takes configs/rec/crnn/crnn_icdar15.yaml as an example to describe the usage of parameters in detail.

1. Environment parameters (system)

Parameter Description Default Optional Values ​​ Remarks
mode Mindspore running mode (static graph/dynamic graph) 0 0 / 1 0: means running in GRAPH_MODE mode; 1: PYNATIVE_MODE mode
distribute Whether to enable parallel training True True / False \
device_id Specify the device id while standalone training 7 The ids of all devices in the server Only valid when distribute=False (standalone training) and environment variable 'DEVICE_ID' is NOT set. While standalone training, if both this arg and environment variable 'DEVICE_ID' are NOT set, use device 0 by default.
amp_level Mixed precision mode O0 O0/O1/O2/O3 'O0' - no change.
'O1' - convert the cells and operations in the whitelist to float16 precision, and keep the rest in float32 precision.
'O2' - Keep the cells and operations in the blacklist with float32 precision, and convert the rest to float16 precision.
'O3' - Convert all networks to float16 precision.
Notice: Model prediction or evaluation does not support 'O3' on GPU platform. If amp_level is set to 'O3' for model prediction and evaluation on GPU platform, the program will switch it to 'O2' automatically.
seed Random seed 42 Integer \
ckpt_save_policy The policy for saving model weights top_k "top_k" or "latest_k" "top_k" means to keep the top k checkpoints according to the metric score; "latest_k" means to keep the last k checkpoints. The value of k is set via ckpt_max_keep
ckpt_max_keep The maximum number of checkpoints to keep during training 5 Integer \
log_interval The interval of printing logs (unit: epoch) 100 Integer \
val_while_train Whether to enable the evaluation mode while training True True/False If the value is True, please configure the eval data set synchronously
val_start_epoch From which epoch to run the evaluation 1 Interger
val_interval Evaluation interval (unit: epoch) 1 Interger
drop_overflow_update Whether not updating network parameters when loss/gradient overflows True True/False If value is true, network parameters will not be updated when overflow occurs

2. Shared parameters (common)

Because the same parameter may need to be reused in different configuration sections, you can customize some common parameters in this section for easy management.

3. Model architecture (model)

In MindOCR, the network architecture of the model is divided into four modules: Transform, Backbone, Neck and Head. For details, please refer to documentation, the following are the configuration instructions and examples of each module.

Parameter Description Default Remarks
type Network type - Currently supports rec/det; 'rec' means recognition task, 'det' means detection task
pretrained Specify pre-trained weight path or url null Supports local checkpoint path or url
transform: Transformation method configuration null
name Specify transformation method name - Currently supports STN_ON
backbone: Backbone network configuration
name Specify the backbone network class name or function name - Currently defined classes include rec_resnet34, rec_vgg7, SVTRNet and det_resnet18, det_resnet50, det_resnet152, det_mobilenet_v3. You can also customize new classes, please refer to the documentation for definition.
pretrained Whether to load pre-trained backbone weights False Supports bool type or str type to be passed in. If it is True, the default weight will be downloaded and loaded through the url link defined in the backbone py file. If str is passed in, the local checkpoint path or url path can be specified for loading.
neck: Network Neck configuration
name Neck class name - Currently defined classes include RNNEncoder, DBFPN, EASTFPN and PSEFPN. New classes can also be customized, please refer to the documentation for definition.
hidden_size RNN hidden layer unit number - \
head: Network prediction header configuration
name Head class name - Currently supports CTCHead, AttentionHead, DBHead, EASTHead and PSEHead
weight_init Set weight initialization 'normal' \
bias_init Set bias initialization 'zeros' \
out_channels Set the number of classes - \

Note: For different networks, the configurable parameters of the backbone/neck/head module will be different. The specific configurable parameters are determined by the init input parameter of the class specified by the name parameter of the module in the above table (For example, assume you specify the neck module is DBFPN. Since the DBFPN class initialization includes adaptive input parameters, parameters such as adaptive can be configured under the model.head in yaml.)

Reference example: DBNet, CRNN

4. Postprocessing (postprocess)

Please see the code in mindocr/postprocess

Parameter Description Example Remarks
name Post-processing class name - Currently supports DBPostprocess, EASTPostprocess, PSEPostprocess, RecCTCLabelDecode and RecAttnLabelDecode
character_dict_path Recognition dictionary path None If None, then use the default dictionary [0-9a-z]
use_space_char Set whether to add spaces to the dictionary False True/False

Note: For different post-processing methods (specified by name), the configurable parameters are different, and are determined by the input parameters of the initialization method __init__ of the post-processing class.

Reference example: DBNet, PSENet

5. Evaluation metrics (metric)

Please see the code in mindocr/metrics

Parameter Description Default Remarks
name Metric class name - Currently supports RecMetric, DetMetric
main_indicator Main indicator, used for comparison of optimal models 'hmean' 'acc' for recognition tasks, 'f-score' for detection tasks
character_dict_path Recognition dictionary path None If None, then use the default dictionary "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
ignore_space Whether to filter spaces True True/False
print_flag Whether to print log False If set True, then output information such as prediction results and standard answers

6. Loss function (loss)

Please see the code in mindocr/losses

Parameter Description Default Remarks
name loss function name - Currently supports DBLoss, CTCLoss, AttentionLoss, PSEDiceLoss, EASTLoss and CrossEntropySmooth
pred_seq_len length of predicted text 26 Determined by network architecture
max_label_len The longest label length 25 The value is less than the length of the text predicted by the network
batch_size single card batch size 32 \

Note: For different loss functions (specified by name), the configurable parameters are different and determined by the input parameters of the selected loss function.

7. Learning rate adjustment strategy and optimizer (scheduler, optimizer, loss_scaler)

Learning rate adjustment strategy (scheduler)

Please see the code in mindocr/scheduler

Parameter Description Default Remarks
scheduler Learning rate scheduler name 'constant' Currently supports 'constant', 'cosine_decay', 'step_decay', 'exponential_decay', 'polynomial_decay', 'multi_step_decay'
min_lr Minimum learning rate 1e-6 Lower lr bound for 'cosine_decay' schedulers.
lr Learning rate value 0.01
num_epochs Number of total epochs 200 The number of total epochs for the entire training.
warmup_epochs The number of epochs in the training learning rate warmp phase 3 For 'cosine_decay', 'warmup_epochs' indicates the epochs to warmup learning rate from 0 to lr.
decay_epochs The number of epochs in the training learning rate decay phase 10 For 'cosine_decay' schedulers, decay LR to min_lr in decay_epochs. For 'step_decay' scheduler, decay LR by a factor of decay_rate every decay_epochs.


Please see the code location: mindocr/optim

Parameter Description Default Remarks
opt Optimizer name 'adam' Currently supports 'sgd', 'nesterov', 'momentum', 'adam', 'adamw', 'lion', 'nadam', 'adan', 'rmsprop', 'adagrad', 'lamb'.
filter_bias_and_bn Set whether to exclude the weight decrement of bias and batch norm True If True, weight decay will not apply on BN parameters and bias in Conv or Dense layers.
momentum momentum 0.9 \
weight_decay weight decay rate 0 It should be noted that weight decay can be a constant value or a Cell. It is a Cell only when dynamic weight decay is applied. Dynamic weight decay is similar to dynamic learning rate, users need to customize a weight decay schedule only with global step as input, and during training, the optimizer calls the instance of WeightDecaySchedule to get the weight decay value of current step.
nesterov Whether to use Nesterov Accelerated Gradient (NAG) algorithm to update the gradients. False True/False

Loss scaling (loss_scaler)

Parameter Description Default Remarks
type Loss scaling method type static Currently supports static, dynamic
loss_scale Loss scaling value 1.0 \
scale_factor When using dynamic loss scaler, the coefficient to dynamically adjust the loss_scale 2.0 At each training step, the loss scaling value is updated to loss_scale/scale_factor when overflow occurs.
scale_window When using the dynamic loss scaler, when there is no overflow after the scale_window training step, enlarge the loss_scale by scale_factor times 1000 If the continuous scale_window steps does not overflow, the loss will be increased by loss_scale * scale_factor to update the scaling number

8. Training, evaluation and predict process (train, eval, predict)

The configuration of the training process is placed under train, and the configuration of the evaluation phase is placed under eval. Note that during model training, if the training-while-evaluation mode is turned on, that is, when val_while_train=True, an evaluation will be run according to the configuration under eval after each epoch is trained. During the non-training phase, only the eval configuration is read when only running model evaluation.

Training process (train)

Parameter Description Default Remarks
ckpt_save_dir Set model save path ./tmp_rec \
resume Resume training after training is interrupted, you can set True/False, or specify the ckpt path that needs to be loaded to resume training False If True, load resume_train.ckpt under the ckpt_save_dir directory to continue training. You can also specify the ckpt file path to load and resume training.
dataset_sink_mode Whether the data is directly sinked to the processor for processing - If set to True, the data sinks to the processor, and the data can be returned at least after the end of each epoch
gradient_accumulation_steps Number of steps to accumulate the gradients 1 Each step represents a forward calculation, and a reverse correction is performed after the gradient accumulation is completed.
clip_grad Whether to clip the gradient False If set to True, gradients are clipped to clip_norm
clip_norm The norm of clipping gradient if set clip_grad as True 1 \
ema Whether to use EMA algorithm False \
ema_decay EMA decay rate 0.9999 \
pred_cast_fp32 Whether to cast the data type of logits to fp32 False \
dataset Dataset configuration For details, please refer to Data document
type Dataset class name - Currently supports LMDBDataset, RecDataset and DetDataset
dataset_root The root directory of the dataset None Optional
data_dir The subdirectory where the dataset is located - If dataset_root is not set, please set this to the full directory
label_file The label file path of the dataset - If dataset_root is not set, please set this to the full path, otherwise just set the subpath
sample_ratio Data set sampling ratio 1.0 If value < 1.0, random selection
shuffle Whether to shuffle the data order True if undering training, otherwise False True/False
transform_pipeline Data processing flow None For details, please see transforms
output_columns Data loader (data loader) needs to output a list of data attribute names (given to the network/loss calculation/post-processing) (type: list), and the candidate data attribute names are determined by transform_pipeline. None If the value is None, all columns are output. Take crnn as an example, output_columns: ['image', 'text_seq']
net_input_column_index In output_columns, the indices of the input items required by the network construct function [0] \
label_column_index In output_columns, the indices of the input items required by the loss function [1] \
loader Data Loading Settings
shuffle Whether to shuffle the data order for each epoch True if undering training, otherwise False True/False
batch_size Batch size of a single card - \
drop_remainder Whether to drop the last batch of data when the total data cannot be divided by batch_size True if undering training, otherwise False \
max_rowsize Specifies the maximum space allocated by shared memory when copying data between multiple processes 64 Default value: 64
num_workers Specifies the number of concurrent processes/threads for batch operations n_cpus / n_devices - 2 This value should be greater than or equal to 2

Reference example: DBNet, CRNN

Evaluation process (eval)

The parameters of eval are basically the same as train, only a few additional parameters are added, and for the rest, please refer to the parameter description of train above.

Parameter Usage Default Remarks
ckpt_load_path Set model loading path - \
num_columns_of_labels Set the number of labels in the dataset output columns None If None, assuming the columns after image (data[1:]) are labels. If not None, the num_columns_of_labels columns after image (data[1:1+num_columns_of_labels]) are labels, and the remaining columns are additional info like image_path.
drop_remainder Whether to discard the last batch of data when the total number of data cannot be divided by batch_size True if undering training, otherwise False It is recommended to set it to False when doing model evaluation. If it cannot be divisible, mindocr will automatically select a batch size that is the largest divisible