xrpld-netgen up:standalone --network_id=21337
- https://github.com/LedgerHQ/app-boilerplate
- https://developers.ledger.com/docs/embedded-app/build-load/
Clone App-XAH:
git clone [email protected]:Transia-RnD/app-xah.git
Install Ledger VS-Code extension.
Update settings for app-xah and nanox
Clone Speculos:
git clone [email protected]:LedgerHQ/speculos.git
Build docker on M1 (from root):
docker build -t speculos-builder:latest -f build.Dockerfile .
Edit Dockerfile and replace the first line with:
FROM speculos-builder:latest AS builder
docker build -t speculos:latest .
Build the App-XAH using the Ledger VS Code extension & copy the bin/app.elf into the speculos/apps directory
Run speculos with
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/apps:/speculos/apps --publish 40000:40000 --publish 41000:41000 --publish 5001:5001 speculos --display headless --vnc-port 41000 --api-port 5001 --apdu-port 40000 --model nanox --seed "glory promote mansion idle axis finger extra february uncover one trip resource lawn turtle enact monster seven myth punch hobby comfort wild raise skin" apps/app.elf
Then open the browser: or