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File metadata and controls

179 lines (113 loc) · 8.86 KB


2.8.0 [2025/02/22] Ninja Day Release


  • RDP logon and logoff information has been added to the timeline-logon timeline. #209 (@fukusuket)
  • MITRE ATT&CK updated to version 16.1. (#219) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • The split-csv-timeline command would create separate timelines for correlation events but now they are properly added to the correct computer timelines. (#211) (@fukusuket)

2.7.1 [2024/10/31] Halloween Release

Bug Fixes:

  • The Source IP Address and Source Computer fields for 4624 successful logon events in the logon timeline were backwards. (#208) (@fukusuket)

2.7.0 [2024/10/24] SecTor Release

New Features:

extract-credentials command: extract out plaintext credentials from the command line information in Security 4688 and Sysmon 1 events. Ex: wmic, schtasks, net user, psexec usage. (#192) (@fukusuket) html-server command: create a dynamic server to view the HTML summary reports. (@nishikawaakira)


  • Detection summary for Total Detections and Unique Detections in the Rule Summary page of the HTML report has been consolidated into one table. (#182) (@nishikawaakira)
  • Computer summary page was added to the HTML report. (#183) (@nishikawaakira)
  • Added a list of detected alerts to the Rule Summary page. (#175) (@nishikawaakira)
  • Detection Rule List lists more detailed information. (#176) (@nishikawaakira)

Bug Fixes:

  • Invalid JSON line errors would display with the default Hayabusa profile. (#169) (@nishikawaakira)
  • Graphs were being aggregated to the first date for each rule. (#191) (@nishikawaakira)


  • License is changed from GPL-3.0 to AGPL-3.0. (@yamatosecurity)

2.6.0 [2024/08/23] HITCON Release

New Features:

  • New html-report command to create a HTML summary report. (#165) (@nishikawaakira)


  • Added -f, --failedLogons to the stack-logons command and added stacked failed logon information to the automagic command output. (#152) (@fukusuket)
  • Updated MITRE ATT&CK to v15.0. (#155) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a compile error on macOS due to treeform/puppy#118 . (#158) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Fixed a compile error when using nim 2.0.6. (#162) (@fukusuket)
  • Alert level information was not being shown in the timeline-suspicious-processes command. (#167) (@fukusuket)

2.5.0 [2024/03/30] - BSides Tokyo Release

New Features:

  • automagic command: automatically executes as many commands as possible and output results to a new folder. (#132) (@fukusuket)
  • stack-computers command: stack the Computer (default) or SrcComp fields as well as provide alert information. (#125) (@fukusuket)
  • stack-ip-addresses command: stack the SrcIP (default) or TgtIP fields as well as provide alert information. (#129) (@fukusuket)
  • stack-users command: stack the TgtUser (default) or SrcUser fields as well as provide alert information. (#130) (@fukusuket)
  • You can now specify a directory of .jsonl files to scan. #133 (@hitenkoku)


  • Refactoring to remove duplicate code. (#99) (@fukusuket)
  • Processing speed is more than twice as fast by changing the JSON parsing to jsony. (#122) (@fukusuket)
  • Added decimal points in large numbers to make them easier to read. (#120) (@fukusuket)

2.4.0 [2024/02/22] - Ninja Day Release

New Features:

  • stack-cmdlines command: stack executed command lines. (#94) (@fukusuket)
  • stack-dns command: stack DNS requests. (#95) (@fukusuket)
  • stack-processes command: stack executed processes. (#93) (@fukusuket)
  • stack-tasks command: parse and stack scheduled tasks. (#97) (@fukusuket)
  • timeline-tasks command: parse created scheduled task events into a CSV file. (#110) (@fukusuket)
  • ttp-visualize-sigma command: extracts out TTPs from sigma rules and puts in a JSON file to upload to MITRE ATT&CK Navigator to visualize in a heatmap. (#92) (@fukusuket)


  • ttp-visualize command: added color gradient to the heatmap. (#90) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • split-csv-timeline command failed with Haybuasa 2.13.0 CSV results. (#103) (@fukusuket)

2.3.1 [2024/01/27] - Year Of The Dragon Release


  • In the ttp-visualize command, the name of the rule that detected the technique will now be shown in the comment when hovering over the technique in MITRE ATT&CK Navigator. (#82) (@fukusuket)
  • Added rule titles to the ttp-summary command output. (#83) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • The CSV file would not be saved in the timeline-suspicious-process command if either the number of Security 4688 or Sysmon 1 events was zero while having events in the other format. (#86) (@YamatoSecurity)

2.3.0 [2023/12/23] - SECCON Christmas Release

New Features:

  • Added the ttp-visualize command to extract TTPs and create a JSON file to visualize in ATT&CK Navigator. (#76) (@fukusuket)
  • Added the ttp-summary command to summarize tactics and techniques found in each computer. (#78) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a display error (mojibake) in the timeline-partition-diagnostic command. (#74) (@fukusuket)

2.2.0 [2023/12/03] - Nasi Lemak Release

New Features:

  • Added timeline-partition-diagnostic command to parse the Windows 10 Microsoft-Windows-Partition%4Diagnostic.evtx log file and report information about all the connected devices and their Volume Serial Numbers, both currently present on the device and previously existed. (Based on (#70) (@fukusuket)


  • Improved the display of the progress bar in the vt-lookup command. (#68) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an unhandled exception bug when key is not found. (#65) (@fukusuket)
  • Newline handling was not done properly in extract-scriptblocks command for JSON input. (#71) (@fukusuket)

2.1.0 [2023/10/31] - Halloween Release

New Features:

  • New extract-scriptblocks command to reassemble PowerShell EID 4104 ScriptBlock logs. (#47) (@fukusuket)


  • Takajo now compiles with Nim 2.0.0. (#31) (@fukusuket)
  • Replaced HTTP with Puppy to reduce external dependencies. (#33) (@fukusuket)
  • Made VirusTotal lookups multi-threaded to increase performance. (#33) (@fukusuket)
  • Added file existence checks when specifying the timeline. (@fukusuket)
  • Added a warning when the timeline is not in JSONL format. (#43) (@fukusuket)
  • Output root process information in the sysmon-process-tree command. Processes are now sorted by timestamp. (#54) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:*

  • timeline-suspicious-processes would crash when Hayabusa results from version 2.8.0+ was used. (#35) (@fukusuket)
  • Fixed a JSON parsing error in VirusTotal lookups when an invalid API key was specified. (@fukusuket)
  • Fixed a bug in sysmon-process-tree in which process information would sometimes be outputted twice. (#52) (@fukusuket)
  • timeline-suspicious-processes was not correctly outputting ParentPGUID field. Improved PID decimal conversion. (#50) (@fukusuket)
  • Fixed an error when the specified PGUID was invalid or does not exist in the JSONL timeline. (#53) (@fukusuket)

2.0.0 [2022/08/03] - SANS DFIR Summit 2023 Release

New Features:

  • list-domains: create a list of unique domains. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • list-hashes: create a list of process hashes to be used with vt-hash-lookup. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • list-ip-addresses: create a list of unique target and/or source IP addresses. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • split-csv-timeline: split up a large CSV file into smaller ones based on the computer name. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • split-json-timeline: split up a large JSONL timeline into smaller ones based on the computer name. (@fukusuket)
  • stack-logons: stack logons by target user, target computer, source IP address and source computer. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • sysmon-process-tree: output the process tree of a certain process. (@hitenkoku)
  • timeline-logon: create a CSV timeline of logon events. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • timeline-suspicious-processes: create a CSV timeline of suspicious processes. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • vt-domain-lookup: look up a list of domains on VirusTotal. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • vt-hash-lookup: look up a list of hashes on VirusTotal. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • vt-ip-lookup: look up a list of IP addresses on VirusTotal. (@YamatoSecurity)

v1.0.0 [2022/10/28] - Code Blue 2022 Bluebox Release

New Features:

  • list-undetected-evtx-files: List up all of the .evtx files that Hayabusa didn't have a detection rule for. (#4) (@hitenkoku)
  • list-unused-rules: List up all of the .yml detection rules that were not used. (#4) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added Logo. If you want to hide the logo, use the -q, --quiet option. (#12) (@YamatoSecurity @hitenkoku)
  • Added result output option. (-o, --output ) (#11) (@hitenkoku)