Signals are used to communicate between Widgets - it's how one Widget can react to another Widget's actions. For instance, a Button press can trigger some state change in another Widget, and the Button doesn't have to know anything about the other Widget to do this.
A Signal can be connected to any number of Slots(callback functions). When a Signal is 'emitted'(with the call operator), all connected Slots are invoked with the same parameter that the Signal was emitted with.
// Create a Signal
auto activated = sl::Signal<void(char)>{};
// Connect a Slot/Function to the Signal
auto print = [](char c){ std::cout << c; };
// Emit the Signal
It's common to make connections to Signals within Layout constructors since there is direct access to all child Widgets that may need to communicate with each other.
struct Foo : layout::Vertical<> {
Textbox& text = this->make_child<Textbox>();
Button& btn = this->make_child<Button>("Push Me");
Foo() { btn.pressed.connect([this]{ text.append("Button Pressed\n"); }); }
If you find yourself accessing a Signal contained in a Widget, contained in a Layout, contained in another Layout, etc... Then you might try creating a Signal Alias closer to the use site. This Alias can be a reference to the original Signal, but held higher up in the Layout structure. This also gives you the chance to rename the Signal to something specific to your use case, giving more readable code at the connection site.
struct Foo_bar : layout::Horizontal<Button> {
Button& foo_btn = this->make_child("Do Foo");
Button& bar_btn = this->make_child("Do Bar");
sl::Signal<void()>& foo = foo_btn.pressed;
sl::Signal<void()>& bar = bar_btn.pressed;
struct App : layout::Vertical<> {
Foo_bar& fb = this->make_child<Foo_bar>();
HLabel& status = this->make_child<HLabel>();
{[]{ do_foo(); });[this]{ status.set_text(U"Foo Happened"); });[]{ do_bar(); });[this]{ status.set_text(U"Bar Happened"); });
The full Signals Library and documentation can be found here.