Avviando questo tutorial verrai guidato nei primi passi che ti consentiranno di
- Scaricare ed installare la versione 0.21 di Bitcoin Core
- Accendere due nodi Bitcoin e un blockchain explorer
- Piovono bitcoinsss!!!
- Connettere altri nodi Bitcoin
Esegui il seguente snippet per scaricare Bitcoin Core 0.21
wget https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-0.21.0/bitcoin-0.21.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz && \
tar xzvf bitcoin-0.21.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz && \
mv bitcoin-0.21.0/* bitcoin-core && \
rm -Rf bitcoin-0.21.0 && \
rm -Rf bitcoin-0.21.0-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
chmod -R 777 mempool.space/mysql/
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up
Attendere messaggio come descritto al seguente indirizzo
Click and change the preview port to 8094.
Click and change the preview port to 18080.
Click and change the preview port to 18443.
You'll got a 404
- Change the last part of URL with
to see the blockchain state. - Change the last part of URL with
to see the mempool state.
to open a new shell leaving docker-compose running
cd cloudshell_open/bitcoin-in-action-playground
docker exec -ti hansel bash
bitcoin-cli createwallet "il_mio_primo_wallet"
bitcoin-cli generatetoaddress 1 $(bitcoin-cli getnewaddress)
Verificare i fondi
bitcoin-cli getwalletinfo
cd cloudshell_open/bitcoin-in-action-playground
ngrok start hansel_18444
cd cloudshell_open/bitcoin-in-action-playground
docker exec -ti hansel bash
bitcoin-cli getaddednodeinfo
Generare un nuovo indirizzo e condividerlo in chat!
bitcoin-cli getnewaddress
Altrimenti i fondi non sono maturi perche' provenienti tutti da coinbase
bitcoin-cli generatetoaddress 100 $(bitcoin-cli getnewaddress)
bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress <INDIRIZZO DEL DESTINATARIO> 5
We can verify the mempool is working
bitcoin-cli getmempoolinfo
bitcoin-cli getrawmempool
also from /rest/mempool/contents.json
mine one extra block to confirm the transaction that is in the mempool
bitcoin-cli generatetoaddress 1 $(bitcoin-cli getnewaddress)