.. index:: story elements
The graphic shows what to do with the paper boat during the story.
The table below provides a verbal overview of the story elements.
Be creative and embellish the story as much as you like!
Step | Story | Action |
1 | Once upon a time, this ship sailed the seven seas. | Present the paper boat. Let it “sail” in the air. |
2 | But then one night, the sea got very rough, and a violent thunderstorm with waves as high as houses wrecked the ship. The bow crashed. | Tear off one end of the paper boat. Tear from halfway along the upper deck to the lower corner of the boat. |
3 | The stern got smashed. | Tear off the other end of the paper boat in the same way. |
4 | The mast broke. | Tear off the top corner of the paper boat. Tear it off in a circular motion as it will become the neckline of the captain’s shirt later. |
5 | The ship, with all its freight, gold and silver, was buried in the sea and was never seen again. | Demonstrate with the paper boat how the wrecked ship sinks. |
6 | Only one item was found at the beach, years later. It was the captain’s shirt—the last shirt the captain ever wore. | Unfold the wrecked paper boat and present the shirt. |
7 | And how do we know that it was summer when the ship sank? Because if it had been winter, the captain would have worn—a sweater! | Fully unfold the paper, turn it around, and fold the paper back in half so that it has long sleeves now. — Present the sweater. |
.. seealso:: :ref:`chapter-story` :ref:`chapter-cheat-folding`