Let's try to go trough the whole process of the metadata creation using our wollmilchsau test collection as an example.
We will use repo-ingestion@acdh-cluster as the runtime environment (so for starters please obtain a console in the arche-ingestion@acdh-cluster - see instructions here).
- Put collection data into
:mkdir /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau cp -R /ARCHE/staging/wollmilchsau_9552/data /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/data
- Run the repo-filechecker on the data
mkdir /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/checkReports /ARCHE/vendor/bin/arche-filechecker \ --overwrite \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/data \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/checkReports
- Create the directory for the metadata and make a first metadata crawler run
just on the filechecker output:
which will result in something like:
mkdir -p /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/input /ARCHE/vendor/bin/arche-crawl-meta \ --filecheckerReportDir /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/checkReports \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/input \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/metadata.ttl \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/data \ https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/wollmilchsau
As we can see the filechecker output file has been parsed and contained description of 20 files and directories. There was no other metadata source (not surprisingly) so the metadata crawler passed on to checks revealing (again not surprisingly) a lot of metadata properties to be missing. Finally the metadata created based on the available input has been saved to the2023-11-16 11:16:18.737315 info ---------------------------------------- 2023-11-16 11:16:18.737452 info Reading and merging metadata 2023-11-16 11:16:18.737467 info ---------------------------------------- 2023-11-16 11:16:18.739269 info Impoting filechecker output file /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/input/fileList.json 2023-11-16 11:16:18.743590 info Data on 20 files and directories imported 2023-11-16 11:16:18.748418 info ---------------------------------------- 2023-11-16 11:16:18.748455 info Checking merged metadata 2023-11-16 11:16:18.748466 info ---------------------------------------- 2023-11-16 11:16:18.749818 error https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/wollmilchsau errors: Array ( [0] => required property https://vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/schema#hasTitle is missing (...) [9] => required property https://vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/schema#hasHosting is missing ) 2023-11-16 11:16:18.755033 info ---------------------------------------- 2023-11-16 11:16:18.755043 info Saving the output 2023-11-16 11:16:18.755051 info ---------------------------------------- 2023-11-16 11:16:18.765592 info Output written to /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/metadata.ttl
which looks as follows:and contains information which can be derived from the filechecker output.@prefix acdh: <https://vocabs.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/schema#>. @prefix acdhi: <https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/>. @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>. acdhi:wollmilchsau a acdh:TopCollection; acdh:hasIdentifier acdhi:wollmilchsau. <https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/wollmilchsau/3d> a acdh:Collection; acdh:hasIdentifier <https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/wollmilchsau/3d>. <https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/wollmilchsau/3d/AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-A-GL1767.nxs> a acdh:Resource; acdh:hasFilename "AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-A-GL1767.nxs"; acdh:hasFormat "application/octet-stream"; acdh:hasIdentifier <https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/wollmilchsau/3d/AT-OeAW-BA-3-27-A-GL1767.nxs>; acdh:hasRawBinarySize "7727872"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#integer>. (...)
Remarks:- We created the
subdirectory because we are writing the merged metadata to/ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/metadata.ttl
and we do not want it to be picked up as an input on the next metadata crawler run. So to separate the input metadata from the merged metadata we put them into separate directories.
- We created the
- Prepare metadata templates for the top collection, collection(s) and named entities:
which creates
/ARCHE/vendor/bin/arche-create-metadata-template \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/input \ all
in the/ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/input
directory. - Fill in the metadata templates and provide additional metadata either in RDF metadata file(s) or vertical metadata file(s) (or both). The sample data can be found here
- Run the metadata crawler once more:
/ARCHE/vendor/bin/arche-crawl-meta \ --filecheckerReportDir /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/checkReports \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/input \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/metadata/metadata.ttl \ /ARCHE/staging/testWollmilchsau/data \ https://id.acdh.oeaw.ac.at/wollmilchsau