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Releases: acdh-oeaw/arche-oaipmh

Allow arche-lib 5

28 Jul 07:47
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composer.json: allow arche-lib 5

Resumption token support added

12 Jul 14:12
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Added support for the resumption token.

Major version bump is caused by the underlying change in the acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\search\SearchInterface:

  • There are two new methods:
    • checkResumptionTimeout(): bool for checking if it's the time to stop listing records and issue a resumption token;
    • getResumptionToken(int $pos): ResumptionTokenData which saves the session and fills in the ResumptionTokenData object with the session data.
  • The find(string $id, string $from, string $until, string $set, ?string $resumptionToken = null) method has been extended with an optional $resumptionToken parameter. When it's present, the search results should be restored from a saved session.

LiveCmdiMetadata template attributes reworked

08 Jul 16:10
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Changes done to the acdhOeaw\arche\oaipmh\metadata\LiveCmdiMetadata:

  • ID (with all the namespace filtering syntax) and IIIFURL values of the val attribute dropped. The same (and much more) can be now achieved with match and replace attributes. The idNmsp config property dropped as a consequence.
  • match and replace template attributes added allowing to filter and adjust values based on regular expressions.
  • aggregate template attribute added (can have min or max value).
  • dateFormat template attribute can now take any PHP date format string.
  • Fixed handling of the format template attribute. For that the new resolverNmsp required config property has been introduced.

LiveCmdiMetadata - remove XML comments from output XML

20 May 07:26
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LiveCmdiMetadata: remove XML comments from generated XML data

LiveCmdiMetadata - count attrbute extensions

19 May 14:26
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  • added support for count="?"
  • added support for count="*" and count="?" when val="ID" (and ID variants)
  • changed val="ID#NMSP" syntax into val="ID?NMSP" for consistency with count attribute syntax and easier writing in the template as # is an XML entity

Allow arche-lib 4.0.0

04 Jan 13:29
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Allow arche-lib v4

Allow arche-lib 3.0.0

08 Oct 19:57
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composer.json: allow arche-lib v3


15 Sep 09:59
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LiveCmdiMetadata: typo fixed


09 Sep 11:57
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LiveCmdiMetadata: fix subtemplate processing when val="/idProp". In such a case subtemplate's XML output shouldn't be cached and subtemplate should be processed with only a single value of the idProp at once.


08 Sep 16:51
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LiveCmdiMetadata - assure content of processed tags is also being processed. The main use case are tags with asAttribute attribute.