What is App of Apps? App of Apps is the idea that one ArgoCD application can container other applications. Each file in the
directory is an App of Apps and will show up as an application named$namespace.yaml
Where is the dependancy mapping? Everything is applied at once and expected to eventually reach the desired state.
Is there a way to deploy 'core' resources beforehand? After installing ArgoCD, individual resources can be installed before applying the ApplicationSet that actively watches the
directory. See the setup instructions used for coredns/cilium as an example. -
Why use external-secrets and argo-vault-plugin?
external-secrets is the source of truth.
argo-vault-plugin is a convient way to do string replacement. Primarily used to avoid hardcoding domains in ingresses or ipaddresses in resources that are not secrets.
What is this
notation?That is the format for using ArgoCD Vault Plugin. https://argocd-vault-plugin.readthedocs.io/en/stable/howitworks/#inline-path-placeholders Example:
What does your cluster look like?
Work in progress to definite. Aim is to create a general compute node group based on arm64 and then add nodes groups for any different hardware.
Will be aiming to use kyverno to manage taints and tolartions on nodes/pods instead of directly specifying them.