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Cheatsheets: Cypress: Recipes

Project initialization


Commonly changed configuration options:

  • baseUrl: default null, change to http://localhost:8000 and use just relative URLs in cy.visit("/en/...")
  • defaultCommandTimeout: default 4000 (4s), increase to at least 10000 (10s) for 🐌
  • numTestsKeptInMemory: default 50, don't worry to increase to 200
  • watchForFileChanges: default true, set to false to disable auto reloading on file save

Selector playground: Finding simple selectors

Selector playground: Finding complex selectors with DevTools

Selector playground: Narrowing selectors

Pause and enter debugging on every failed test (requires open DevTools)

In file: cypress/support/index.js

Cypress.on("fail", (err, runnable) => {
  debugger // eslint-disable-line no-debugger
  return err

VERY verbose Cypress logs in DevTools

In file: cypress/support/index.js

win.localStorage.debug = "cypress:*"

Edit baseUrl in cypress.json to run Cypress on different "base url"

// TODO: Make more important and notice-able

Change from
`baseUrl: "http://localhost:8000"`
to ie.
`baseUrl: ""`

View tests in Webstorm

WebStorm has very useful Test overview window.

It's not compatible with Cypress by default, but it's compatible with Mocha – which Cypress uses under the hood. In order to make it work with Cypress, we need to create new Run/Debug Configuration.

  • Search for action Edit configurations... and "open it"
  • Click on the + icon in the top-left (or press cmd+n)
  • Select Mocha
  • In Name field, type Cypress
  • In Extra Mocha options, put --require @babel/register --require "cypress/cypress-mocha-mock.js"
  • In Test directory, click on the directory icon in the right side of the text input
  • Navigate to the directory with frontend, navigate into cypress, navigate into integration, select Open
  • Check that in Test directory is something like PATH_TO_THE_PROJECT/cypress/integration
  • Check Include subdirectories
  • Click on OK
  • "Cypress" should appear in the top-right corner of WebStorm window
  • Click on the play button next to it

Checking dimensions

cy.get("…").invoke("width").should("be.greaterThan", 100) // TODO: Verify
cy.get("…").its("clientWidth").should("be.greaterThan", 100)

Counting elements


Conditional interaction (e.g. clicking)

  .then($el => {
    if ($":visible")) {
      cy.wrap($el).click() // TODO: Verify

Removing items from local storage

Cypress.Commands.add("logout", () => {
  return cy
    .invoke("removeItem", "token")

Wait until loader is gone

cy.get(".Loader").should("not.exist", { timeout: 15 * 1000 })


describe("Loops", () => {
  configs.forEach(config => {
    describe(`Currency: ${config.currency}`, () => {
      it("…", () => {
        // …

Window access

  .then(win => {


cy.get("…").type("slow.typing", {delay: 100})

  .should("have.class", "error")
  .prev() // TODO: Test and explain
  .should("have.attr", "style", "color: red;")

File upload

cy.fixture("image.jpg").then(file => {
  cy.get("form input[type=file]").then(fileInput => {
    const fileInputEl = fileInput.get(0)
    const dataTransfer = new DataTransfer()
    dataTransfer.items.add(new File([file], "image.jpg"))
    fileInputEl.files = dataTransfer.files

Other Tips


// TODO: Double check if correct

Cypress.Commands.add("triggerHover", elements => {
  function fireEvent(element, event) {
    if (element.fireEvent) {
    } else {
      const evObj = document.createEvent("Events")
      evObj.initEvent(event, true, false)

  elements.each((index, element) => { fireEvent(element, "mouseover") })

Searching for existing tests

Sadly, right now there’s no better way than full-text search

Right panel is normal Chrome instance

→ you can open devtools, use debugger, profile etc.

💡 open devtools to see console errors & warnings (e.g. proptypes errors)

CLI 🤓 tips

Run only specific file cypress run --spec cypress/integration/booking/booking-misc-spec.js # or whatever folder with tests

Run only specific test


URL/URI structure

 https://  /us/content/manage/1234 ?something=true
|- protocol -| |- hostname -| |- path              -| |- query --