- CS: Remove explicit dependency on json, since we only support Ruby > 1.9 and JSON support is bundled.
- Feature: Allow specifying an event mask (other than 'ALL') when connecting
- CS: Minor performance improvements from removing repeated regex compilation
- Bugfix: Allow sending large app arguments. Application arguments (headers in general) are limited to 2048 bytes. The work-around is to send them in the body of the message with a content-length header.
- CS: Avoid Celluloid deprecation warnings
- Bugfix: Loosen celluloid dependency
- Bugfix: JRuby compatability
- Bugfix: Interpret API responses correctly
- Bugfix: Bump celluloid dependency
- Feature: Stable API
- Bugfix: Handle refused connections to FreeSWITCH
- Bugfix: Disconnect notices are successfully handled
- Feature/Change: Switch command methods from yielding the result asynchronously to returning it synchronously. Allows for better actor usage (async/futures)
- Feature: Common command helper methods
- Feature: Trace level logging & easy logging override
- Feature: Clean shutdown
- Feature: Separate stream creation and connection/execution
- API Documentation
- Initial release