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Manga Flights - An Airplane Reservation System


Manga Flights is a university project for CSEN704 - Advanced Computer Lab course @ GUC, the main purpose of the project was to build a complete airplane reservation system, where users of the web application can search for, compare and reserve flights.

Build Status

Currently Manga Flights is a Minimum Value Product (MVP), which can be used by customers and let us observe how they interact with the system.

Currently there are no known bugs/errors in the system, but if you find any pull requests are more than welcomed.

Code style

Prettier formatter was used:

  • Print width: 80
  • Tab width: 2
  • Semicolons: true
  • Quotes: true (uses single quotes)
  • JSX Quotes: true (uses single quotes)
  • Trailing Commas: es5
  • Bracket spacing: true
  • Bracket Line: false
  • Arrow Function Parentheses: avoid

Some Screenshots from the website

  1. Landing page Manga Flights landing page
  2. Sign Up form Manga Flights Signup form
  3. Sign In form Manga Flights Signin form
  4. Search Results Manga Flights Search results page
  5. Flights Chosen Manga Flights chosen flights
  6. Checkout page Manga Flights chosen flights
  7. View Itinerary page Manga Flights chosen flights

Technology used

This web application was build with MERN stack:

  • MongoDB as our NoSQL database
  • ExpressJS as our NodeJS wrapper
  • ReactJS for our view library
  • NodeJS for server-side JS runtime enviroment

Additional libraries used:

  • TailwindCSS - a utility based CSS library
  • Axios - promise-based http client
  • Stripe - payment gateway
  • MomentJS - date manipulation library
  • bcryptjs
  • mongoose - Object Document Mapper (ODM) of choice


  • Visually appealing UI that helps the user enjoy his time browsing the website
  • UX designed to guide the user smoothly throughout the website with recovery from error, reversibility and learnability
  • Responsive design which gives the user feedback about what is currently happening


  • Make sure you have NodeJS installed on your machine

    You can check by running

       node -v

    in your terminal to make sure NodeJS is setup correctly

  • Make sure to include two .env files in both the frontend and backend directories

How to run the frontend:

  1. In your terminal navigate to

  2. Install yarn by running

     npm i -g yarn
  3. Install required packages by running

  4. Spin up the development server using

      yarn start

    open your browser at http://localhost:3000

How to run the backend:

  1. In your terminal navigate to

  2. Install nodemon by running

     npm i -g nodemon
  3. Install required packages by running

     npm i
  4. Spin up the development server using

      nodemon server

    It will run on http://localhost:8080

API reference


  1. /updateProfile (PUT) (REQUIRES TOKEN)

    Request body (json)

         "firstname": "string",
         "lastname": "string",
         "passportNumber": "string",
         "email": "string"
  2. /changePassword (PUT) (REQUIRES TOKEN)

    Request body (json)

        "password": "string",
        "newPassword": "string",


  1. /signup (POST)

    Request body (json)

        "username": "string",
        "email": "string",
        "password": "string",
        "firstname": "string",
        "lastname": "string",
        "homeAddress": "string",
        "countryCode": "string",
        "telephoneNumber": "string",
        "passportNumber": "string",
  2. /signin (POST)

    Request body (json)

        "email": "string",
        "password": "string",



    Request body (json)

        "flightNumber": "string",
        "departureTime": "string",
        "arrivalTime": "string",
        "economySeats": "integer",
        "businessSeats": "integer",
        "departureTerminal": "string",
        "arrivalTerminal": "string",
        "ticketPrice": "number",
        "baggageAllowance": "number",


    Request body (json)

         "flights": ["string"],
  4. /search (POST) (REQUIRES TOKEN) (ADMIN)

    Request body (json)

         "fromArrivalDate": "string",
         "toArrivalDate": "string",
         "fromDepartureDate": "string",
         "toDepartureDate": "string",
         "fromArrivalTime": "string",
         "toArrivalTime": "string",
         "fromDepartureTime": "string",
         "toDepartureTime": "string",

    Request body (json)

        "flightNumber": "string",
        "departureTime": "string",
        "arrivalTime": "string",
        "economySeats": "integer",
        "businessSeats": "integer",
        "departureTerminal": "string",
        "arrivalTerminal": "string",
        "ticketPrice": "number",
        "baggageAllowance": "number",
  6. /:id (GET)

  7. /user/search (POST)

    Request body (json)

        "passengers": "string",
        "departureTerminal": "string",
        "arrivalTerminal": "string",
        "departureDate": "integer",
        "arrivalDate": "integer",
        "cabinClass": "string",
  8. /seats/:id (POST)

    Request body (json)

        "cabin": "string",
  9. /return/:id (POST)

    Request body (json)

        "cabinClass": "string",
        "numberOfPassengers": "integer",
  10. /alternative/:reservation_id (POST) (REQUIRES TOKEN)

    Request body (json)

        "type": "string",




  3. /:id (GET) (REQUIRES TOKEN)


    Request body (json)

        "departureFlightId": "string",
        "returnFlightId": "string",
        "departureFlightSeats": ["integer"],
        "returnFlightSeats": ["integer"],
        "departureFlightCabin": "string",
        "returnFlightCabin": "string",
  5. /email/:id (GET) (REQUIRES TOKEN)

  6. /seats/:id (PUT) (REQUIRES TOKEN)

    Request body (json)

        "type": "string",
        "seats": ["integer"],
  7. /:id (PUT) (REQUIRES TOKEN)

    Request body (json)

        "type": "string",
        "flightId": "string",
        "flightSeats": ["integer"],
        "flightCabin": "string",


  • Postman can be used to test the functionality of different API endpoints make sure to attach bearer token if endpoint requires token

  • Any browser can be used to test the functionality of the frontend webpages and web compenents and the integration with the

How to use

What can you do on the portal

  • Login/Signup to the portal

  • Go to the admin dashboard if signed in with admin account

    • Add a flight
    • Update a flight
    • Search for specific flights
    • Delete flights
  • Use the main search in the landing page

    • View the search results
    • Choose a departure flight
    • Choose a return flight
    • Confirm and Checkout
    • Choose seats for both flights
    • Pay for the flights
    • Confirm and reserve
  • Go to your profile

    • List your reserved flights

      • Choose to update the seats in one of the flights
      • Choose to change a flight in one of the reservations
      • Cancel a reservation
      • Email yourself an itinerary of a reservation
    • Update your personal informations

    • Update your password

    • Logout


Pull requests are more than welcomed in this repository, feel free to open one to fix a bug, enhance a feature or introduce a new one.


Ismail El Shinnawy Mohamed Zakaria Ali Amr Yara Ahmed Nadine Khaled