diff --git a/BuildAndTest.proj b/BuildAndTest.proj
deleted file mode 100644
index 911201ef6fe6e..0000000000000
--- a/BuildAndTest.proj
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Roslyn.sln
- $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)src\Samples\Samples.sln
- true
- Debug
- $(RunTestArgs) -timeout:50
- $(RunTestArgs) -xml
- $(RunTestArgs) -test64
- $(RunTestArgs) -testVsi
- $(RunTestArgs) -trait:Feature=NetCore
- $(RunTestArgs) -trait:$(Trait)
- $(RunTestArgs) -notrait:$(NoTrait)
- $(RunTestArgs) -procDumpPath:$(ProcDumpDir)
- false
- *.UnitTests.dll
- *.IntegrationTests.dll
- $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Binaries\$(Configuration)\
- $(RunTestArgs) -log:"$(OutputDirectory)\runtests.log"
- $(OutputDirectory)\CoreClrTest
- $(CoreClrTestDirectory)\CoreRun.exe
- $(CoreClrTestDirectory)\xunit.console.netcore.exe @(CoreTestAssemblies, ' ') -parallel all -xml $(CoreClrTestDirectory)\xUnitResults\TestResults.xml
- Binaries\$(Configuration)\Exes\RunTests\RunTests.exe
- $(NuGetPackageRoot)\xunit.runner.console\$(xunitrunnerconsoleVersion)\tools $(RunTestArgs) @(TestAssemblies, ' ')
- $(NuGetPackageRoot)\roslyntools.microsoft.vsixexpinstaller\$(RoslynToolsMicrosoftVSIXExpInstallerVersion)\tools\VsixExpInstaller.exe
- -rootSuffix:RoslynDev -vsInstallDir:"$([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath('$(MSBuildBinPath)\..\..\..'))"
- $(NuGetPackageRoot)\roslyntools.microsoft.vsixexpinstaller\$(RoslynToolsMicrosoftVSIXExpInstallerVersion)\tools\VsixExpInstaller.exe
- -rootSuffix:RoslynDev -vsInstallDir:"$([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath('$(MSBuildBinPath)\..\..\..'))"
diff --git a/Test.cmd b/Test.cmd
index 23dcdc38889eb..ecdc9e1f7f6fd 100644
--- a/Test.cmd
+++ b/Test.cmd
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@echo off
-powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file "%~dp0\build\scripts\build.ps1" -test %*
+powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file "%~dp0\build\scripts\build.ps1" -testDesktop %*
diff --git a/build/scripts/build.ps1 b/build/scripts/build.ps1
index e8a21ed177ed6..42de1defcda3c 100644
--- a/build/scripts/build.ps1
+++ b/build/scripts/build.ps1
@@ -1,84 +1,347 @@
-# Script to run standard developer operations: restore, build and test.
param (
- [switch]$build = $false,
[switch]$restore = $false,
- [switch]$test = $false,
+ [switch]$release = $false,
+ [switch]$cibuild = $false,
+ [switch]$build = $false,
+ [switch]$bootstrap = $false,
+ # Test options
+ [switch]$test32 = $false,
[switch]$test64 = $false,
- [switch]$clean = $false,
- [switch]$clearPackageCache = $false,
- [string]$project = "",
- [string]$msbuildDir = "",
+ [switch]$testDeterminism = $false,
+ [switch]$testBuildCorrectness = $false,
+ [switch]$testPerfCorrectness = $false,
+ [switch]$testPerfRun = $false,
+ [switch]$testVsi = $false,
+ [switch]$testVsiNetCore = $false,
+ [switch]$testDesktop = $false,
+ [switch]$testCoreClr = $false,
[parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $badArgs)
Set-StrictMode -version 2.0
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
function Print-Usage() {
- Write-Host "Build.ps1"
- Write-Host "`t-build Run a build operation (default false)"
- Write-Host "`t-restore Run a restore operation (default false)"
- Write-Host "`t-test Run unit tests (default false)"
- Write-Host "`t-test64 Run unit tests in 64 bit mode"
- Write-Host "`t-clean Do a clean build / restore (default false)"
- Write-Host "`t-clearPackageCache Clear package cache before restoring"
- Write-Host "`t-project Project the build or restore should target"
- Write-Host "`t-msbuildDir MSBuild which should be used"
+ Write-Host "Usage: build.ps1"
+ Write-Host " -release Perform release build (default is debug)"
+ Write-Host " -restore Restore packages"
+ Write-Host " -build Build the Roslyn source"
+ Write-Host " -bootstrap Build using a bootstrap Roslyn"
+ Write-Host ""
+ Write-Host "Test options"
+ Write-Host " -test32 Run unit tests in the 32-bit runner"
+ Write-Host " -test64 Run units tests in the 64-bit runner"
+ Write-Host " -testDesktop Run desktop unit tests"
+ Write-Host " -testCoreClr Run CoreClr unit tests"
+ Write-Host " -testVsi Run all integration tests"
+ Write-Host " -testVsiNetCore Run just dotnet core integration tests"
+ Write-Host " -testBuildCorrectness Run build correctness tests"
+ Write-Host " -testPerfCorrectness Run perf correctness tests"
-function Run-Build() {
- $buildArgs = "/v:m /m"
- if ($clean) {
- $buildArgs = "$buildArgs /t:Rebuild"
+# Process the command line arguments and establish defaults for the values which
+# are not specified.
+function Process-Arguments() {
+ if ($badArgs -ne $null) {
+ Write-Host "Unsupported argument $badArgs"
+ Print-Usage
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if ($test32 -and $test64) {
+ Write-Host "Cannot combine -test32 and -test64"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ $anyVsi = $testVsi -or $testVsiNetCore
+ $anyUnit = $testDesktop -or $testCoreClr
+ if ($anyUnit -and $anyVsi) {
+ Write-Host "Cannot combine unit and VSI testing"
+ exit 1
- $target = if ($project -ne "") { $project } else { Join-Path $repoDir "Roslyn.sln" }
- $buildArgs = "$buildArgs $target"
+ $test32 = -not $test64
+ if ($cibuild) {
+ $bootstrap = $true
+ $restore = $true
+ $build = $true
+ }
- Exec-Command $msbuild $buildArgs | Out-Host
+ if ($testDeterminism) {
+ $bootstrap = $true
+ }
-function Run-Test() {
- $proj = Join-Path $repoDir "BuildAndTest.proj"
- $args = "/v:m /p:ManualTest=true /t:Test /p:TestDesktop=true $proj"
- if ($test64) {
- $args += " /p:Test64=true"
+# TODO need to think about delpoyextensions default and ci, local, etc ...
+function Run-MSBuild() {
+ # TODO: Use everything we have in BuildAndTest.proj
+ # /p:PathMap="$($repoDir)=q:\roslyn" /p:Feature=pdb-path-determinism
+ # /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true
+ # /p:RoslynRuntimeIdentifier=win7-x64
+ # Because we override the C#/VB toolset to build against our LKG package, it is important
+ # that we do not reuse MSBuild nodes from other jobs/builds on the machine. Otherwise,
+ # we'll run into issues such as https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/6211.
+ # MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs=
+ $buildArgs = "/warnaserror /nologo /m /nodeReuse:false /consoleloggerparameters:Verbosity=minimal /filelogger /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=normal"
+ foreach ($arg in $args) {
+ $buildArgs += " $arg"
- Exec-Command $msbuild $args | Out-Host
+ Exec-Command $msbuild $buildArgs
-try {
- if ($badArgs -ne $null) {
- Write-Host "Bad arguments: $badArgs"
- Print-Usage
+# Create a bootstrap build of the compiler. Returns the directory where the bootstrap buil
+# is located.
+# Important to not set $script:bootstrapDir here yet as we're actually in the process of
+# building the bootstrap.
+function Make-BootstrapBuild() {
+ $bootstrapLog = Join-Path $binariesDir "Bootstrap.log"
+ Run-MSBuild /p:UseShippingAssemblyVersion=true /p:InitialDefineConstants=BOOTSTRAP "build\Toolset\Toolset.csproj" /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=$($bootstrapLog)
+ $dir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Bootstrap"
+ Remove-Item -re $dir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ Create-Directory $dir
+ Move-Item "$configDir\Exes\Toolset\*" $dir
+ Run-MSBuild /t:Clean "build\Toolset\Toolset.csproj" /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration
+ Stop-BuildProcesses
+ return $dir
+function Test-PerfCorrectness() {
+ Run-MSBuild Roslyn.sln /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:DeployExtension=false
+ Exec-Block { & ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\Exes\Perf.Runner\Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe" --ci-test } | Out-Host
+function Test-PerfRun() {
+ Run-MSBuild Roslyn.sln /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:DeployExtension=false
+ # Check if we have credentials to upload to benchview
+ $extraArgs = @()
+ if ((Test-Path env:\GIT_BRANCH) -and (Test-Path env:\BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN)) {
+ $extraArgs += "--report-benchview"
+ $extraArgs += "--branch=$env:GIT_BRANCH"
+ # Check if we are in a PR or this is a rolling submission
+ if (Test-Path env:\ghprbPullTitle) {
+ $submissionName = $env:ghprbPullTitle.Replace(" ", "_")
+ $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-name=""$submissionName"""
+ $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-type=private"
+ }
+ else {
+ $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-type=rolling"
+ }
+ Create-Directory ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\tools\"
+ # Get the benchview tools - Place alongside Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe
+ Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\install_benchview_tools.cmd" ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\tools\" } | Out-Host
+ }
+ Stop-BuildProcesses
+ & ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\Exes\Perf.Runner\Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe" $extraArgs --search-directory=".\\Binaries\\$buildConfiguration\\Dlls\\" --no-trace-upload
+ if (-not $?) {
+ throw "Perf run failed"
+ }
+# Core function for running our unit / integration tests tests
+function Test-XUnit() {
+ # To help the VS SDK team track down their issues around install via build temporarily
+ # re-enabling the build based deployment
+ #
+ # https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/17456
+ $deployExtensionViaBuild = $false
+ if ($build) {
+ $deployArg = if ($deployExtensionViaBuild) { "true" } else { "false" }
+ Run-MSBuild Roslyn.sln /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:DeployExtension=$deployArg
+ if ($testDesktop) {
+ Run-MSBuild src\Samples\Samples.sln /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:DeployExtension=false
+ }
+ Stop-BuildProcesses
+ }
+ $anyVsi = $testVsi -or $TestVsiNetCore
+ if ($anyVsi -and (-not $deployExtensionViaBuild)) {
+ Delpoy-VsixViaTool
+ }
+ $unitDir = Join-Path $configDir "UnitTests"
+ if ($testCoreClr) {
exit 1
+ else {
+ $runTests = Join-Path $configDir "Exes\RunTests\RunTests.exe"
+ $xunitDir = Join-Path (Get-PackageDir "xunit.runner.console") "tools"
+ $dlls = Get-ChildItem -re -in "*.UnitTests.dll" $unitDir
+ $args = "$xunitDir"
+ foreach ($dll in $dlls) {
+ $args += " $dll"
+ }
+ try {
+ Exec-Command $runTests $args | Out-Host
+ }
+ finally {
+ Get-Process "xunit*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process
+ }
+ }
+# Deploy our core VSIX libraries to Visual Studio via the Roslyn VSIX tool. This is an alternative to
+# deploying at build time.
+function Deploy-VsixViaTool() {
+ $vsixDir = Get-PackageDir "roslyntools.microsoft.vsixexpinstaller"
+ $vsixExe = Join-Path $vsixDir "tools\VsixExpInstaller.exe"
+ $vsDir = [IO.Path]::GetFullPath("$msbuildDir\..\..\..\")
+ $baseArgs = "-rootSuffix:RoslynDev -vsInstallDir:`"$vsDir`""
+ $all = @(
+ "Vsix\CompilerExtension\Roslyn.Compilers.Extension.vsix",
+ "Vsix\VisualStudioSetup\Roslyn.VisualStudio.Setup.vsix",
+ "Vsix\VisualStudioSetup.Next\Roslyn.VisualStudio.Setup.Next.vsix",
+ "Vsix\VisualStudioInteractiveComponents\Roslyn.VisualStudio.InteractiveComponents.vsix",
+ "Vsix\ExpressionEvaluatorPackage\ExpressionEvaluatorPackage.vsix",
+ "Vsix\VisualStudioDiagnosticsWindow\Roslyn.VisualStudio.DiagnosticsWindow.vsix",
+ "Vsix\VisualStudioIntegrationTestSetup\Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntegrationTest.Setup.vsix")
+ Write-Host "Installing all Roslyn VSIX"
+ foreach ($e in $all) {
+ $name = Split-Path -leaf $e
+ $filePath = Join-Path $configDir $e
+ $fullArg = "$baseArgs $filePath"
+ Write-Host "`tInstalling $name"
+ Exec-Command $vsix $fullArg | Out-Host
+ }
+# Temporary code to help track down a NuGet cache corruption bug.
+# https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/19882
+function Test-NuGetCache([string]$place) {
+ Write-Host "Testing NuGet cache: $place"
+ Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-nuget-cache.ps1" }
+# Ensure that procdump is available on the machine. Returns the path to the directory that contains
+# the procdump binaries (both 32 and 64 bit)
+function Ensure-ProcDump() {
+ # Jenkins images default to having procdump installed in the root. Use that if available to avoid
+ # an unnecessary download.
+ if (Test-Path "c:\SysInternals\procdump.exe") {
+ return "c:\SysInternals";
+ }
+ $toolsDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Tools"
+ $outDir = Join-Path $toolsDir "ProcDump"
+ $filePath = Join-Path $outDir "procdump.exe"
+ if (-not (Test-Path $filePath)) {
+ Remove-Item -Re $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
+ Create-Directory $outDir
+ $zipFilePath = Join-Path $toolsDir "procdump.zip"
+ Invoke-WebRequest "https://download.sysinternals.com/files/Procdump.zip" -outfile $zipFilePath | Out-Null
+ Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
+ [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipFilePath, $outDir)
+ }
+ return $outDir
+# The Jenkins images used to execute our tests can live for a very long time. Over the course
+# of hundreds of runs this can cause the %TEMP% folder to fill up. To avoid this we redirect
+# %TEMP% into the binaries folder which is deleted at the end of every run as a part of cleaning
+# up the workspace.
+function Redirect-Temp() {
+ $temp = Join-Path $binariesDir "Temp"
+ Create-Directory $temp
+ ${env:TEMP} = $temp
+ ${env:TMP} = $temp
+try {
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "build-utils.ps1")
+ Push-Location $repoDir
+ Process-Arguments
+ $debug = -not $release
+ $buildConfiguration = if ($release) { "Release" } else { "Debug" }
+ $msbuild = Ensure-MSBuild
+ $msbuildDir = Split-Path -parent $msbuild
+ $configDir = Join-Path $binariesDIr $buildConfiguration
+ $bootstrapDir = ""
+ # Ensure the main output directories exist as a number of tools will fail when they don't exist.
+ Create-Directory $binariesDir
+ Create-Directory $configDir
- $nuget = Ensure-NuGet
- if ($clearPackageCache) {
- Clear-PackageCache
+ if ($cibuild) {
+ Redirect-Temp
+ Test-NuGetCache "start of CI"
+ ${env:NUGET_SHOW_STACK}="true"
- if ($msbuildDir -eq "") {
- $msbuildDir = Get-MSBuildDir
+ if ($restore) {
+ Write-Host "Running restore"
+ Restore-All -msbuildDir $msbuildDir
+ if ($cibuild) {
+ Test-NuGetCache "after restore"
+ }
- $msbuild = Join-Path $msbuildDir "msbuild.exe"
- if ($restore) {
- Restore-Packages -clean:$clean -msbuildDir $msbuildDir -project $project
+ if ($testBuildCorrectness) {
+ Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-build-correctness.ps1" -config $buildConfiguration } | Out-Host
+ exit 0
- if ($build) {
- Run-Build
+ if ($bootstrap) {
+ $bootstrapDir = Make-BootstrapBuild
+ }
+ if ($testDeterminism) {
+ Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-determinism.ps1" -bootstrapDir $bootstrapDir } | Out-Host
+ exit 0
- if ($test -or $test64) {
- Run-Test
+ if ($testPerfCorrectness) {
+ Test-PerfCorrectness
+ exit 0
+ if ($testPerfRun) {
+ Test-PerfRun
+ exit 0
+ }
+ if ($testDesktop -or $testCoreClr -or $testVsi -or $testVsiNetCore) {
+ Test-XUnit
+ exit 0
+ }
+ if ($build) {
+ Run-MSBuild Roslyn.sln /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:DeployExtension=false
+ }
+ exit 0
catch {
- Write-Host $_
- exit 1
+ Write-Host $_
+ Write-Host $_.Exception
+ Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
+ exit 1
+finally {
+ Pop-Location
+ if ($cibuild) {
+ Stop-BuildProcesses
+ }
diff --git a/build/scripts/cibuild.cmd b/build/scripts/cibuild.cmd
index 816ae87891e32..d54c46133316e 100644
--- a/build/scripts/cibuild.cmd
+++ b/build/scripts/cibuild.cmd
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
@echo off
-powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file "%~dp0\cibuild.ps1" %*
+powershell -noprofile -executionPolicy RemoteSigned -file "%~dp0\build.ps1" -cibuild -restore %*
diff --git a/build/scripts/cibuild.ps1 b/build/scripts/cibuild.ps1
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d918e3000554..0000000000000
--- a/build/scripts/cibuild.ps1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-param (
- [switch]$test32 = $false,
- [switch]$test64 = $false,
- [switch]$testDeterminism = $false,
- [switch]$testBuildCorrectness = $false,
- [switch]$testPerfCorrectness = $false,
- [switch]$testPerfRun = $false,
- [switch]$testVsi = $false,
- [switch]$testVsiNetCore = $false,
- [switch]$testDesktop = $false,
- [switch]$testCoreClr = $false,
- [switch]$skipRestore = $false,
- [switch]$skipCommitPrinting = $false,
- [switch]$release = $false,
- [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $badArgs)
-Set-StrictMode -version 2.0
-$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
-function Print-Usage() {
- Write-Host "Usage: cibuild.cmd [-debug^|-release] [-test32^|-test64] [-restore]"
- Write-Host " -debug Perform debug build. This is the default."
- Write-Host " -release Perform release build."
- Write-Host " -test32 Run unit tests in the 32-bit runner. This is the default."
- Write-Host " -test64 Run units tests in the 64-bit runner."
- Write-Host " -testDesktop Run desktop unit tests"
- Write-Host " -testCoreClr Run CoreClr unit tests"
- Write-Host " -testVsi Run all integration tests."
- Write-Host " -testVsiNetCore Run just dotnet core integration tests."
-function Run-MSBuild() {
- # Because we override the C#/VB toolset to build against our LKG package, it is important
- # that we do not reuse MSBuild nodes from other jobs/builds on the machine. Otherwise,
- # we'll run into issues such as https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/6211.
- # MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs=
- $buildArgs = "/warnaserror /nologo /m /nodeReuse:false /consoleloggerparameters:Verbosity=minimal /filelogger /fileloggerparameters:Verbosity=normal"
- foreach ($arg in $args) {
- $buildArgs += " $arg"
- }
- Exec-Command $msbuild $buildArgs
-# Kill any instances VBCSCompiler.exe to release locked files, ignoring stderr if process is not open
-# This prevents future CI runs from failing while trying to delete those files.
-# Kill any instances of msbuild.exe to ensure that we never reuse nodes (e.g. if a non-roslyn CI run
-# left some floating around).
-function Terminate-BuildProcesses() {
- Get-Process msbuild -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill
- Get-Process vbcscompiler -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | kill
-# Ensure that procdump is available on the machine. Returns the path to the directory that contains
-# the procdump binaries (both 32 and 64 bit)
-function Ensure-ProcDump() {
- # Jenkins images default to having procdump installed in the root. Use that if available to avoid
- # an unnecessary download.
- if (Test-Path "c:\SysInternals\procdump.exe") {
- return "c:\SysInternals";
- }
- $toolsDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Tools"
- $outDir = Join-Path $toolsDir "ProcDump"
- $filePath = Join-Path $outDir "procdump.exe"
- if (-not (Test-Path $filePath)) {
- Remove-Item -Re $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- Create-Directory $outDir
- $zipFilePath = Join-Path $toolsDir "procdump.zip"
- Invoke-WebRequest "https://download.sysinternals.com/files/Procdump.zip" -outfile $zipFilePath | Out-Null
- Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
- [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipFilePath, $outDir)
- }
- return $outDir
-# The Jenkins images used to execute our tests can live for a very long time. Over the course
-# of hundreds of runs this can cause the %TEMP% folder to fill up. To avoid this we redirect
-# %TEMP% into the binaries folder which is deleted at the end of every run as a part of cleaning
-# up the workspace.
-function Redirect-Temp() {
- $temp = Join-Path $binariesDir "Temp"
- Create-Directory $temp
- ${env:TEMP} = $temp
- ${env:TMP} = $temp
-# Temporary code to help track down a NuGet cache corruption bug.
-# https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/19882
-function Test-NuGetCache([string]$place) {
- Write-Host "Testing NuGet cache: $place"
- Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-nuget-cache.ps1" }
-try {
- . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "build-utils.ps1")
- Push-Location $repoDir
- if ($badArgs -ne $null) {
- Print-Usage
- exit 1
- }
- Write-Host "Parameters:"
- foreach ($k in $PSBoundParameters.Keys) {
- $v = $PSBoundParameters[$k]
- Write-Host "`t$k=$v"
- }
- $buildConfiguration = if ($release) { "Release" } else { "Debug" }
- $msbuild = Ensure-MSBuild
- $msbuildDir = Split-Path -parent $msbuild
- $configDir = Join-Path $binariesDIr $buildConfiguration
- Test-NuGetCache "start of CI"
- if (-not $skipRestore) {
- Write-Host "Running restore"
- # Temporary work around to help NuGet team debug a restore issue
- ${env:NUGET_SHOW_STACK}="true"
- Restore-All -msbuildDir $msbuildDir
- Remove-Item env:\NUGET_SHOW_STACK
- Test-NuGetCache "after restore"
- }
- # Ensure the binaries directory exists because msbuild can fail when part of the path to LogFile isn't present.
- Create-Directory $binariesDir
- Redirect-Temp
- if ($testBuildCorrectness) {
- Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-build-correctness.ps1" -config $buildConfiguration } | Out-Host
- exit 0
- }
- # Output the commit that we're building, for reference in Jenkins logs
- if (-not $skipCommitPrinting) {
- Write-Host "Building this commit:"
- Exec-Block { & git show --no-patch --pretty=raw HEAD } | Out-Host
- }
- # Build with the real assembly version, since that's what's contained in the bootstrap compiler redirects
- $bootstrapLog = Join-Path $binariesDir "Bootstrap.log"
- Run-MSBuild /p:UseShippingAssemblyVersion=true /p:InitialDefineConstants=BOOTSTRAP "build\Toolset\Toolset.csproj" /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /fileloggerparameters:LogFile=$($bootstrapLog)
- $bootstrapDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Bootstrap"
- Remove-Item -re $bootstrapDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
- Create-Directory $bootstrapDir
- Move-Item "$configDir\Exes\Toolset\*" $bootstrapDir
- Run-MSBuild /t:Clean "build\Toolset\Toolset.csproj" /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration
- Terminate-BuildProcesses
- if ($testDeterminism) {
- Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-determinism.ps1" -bootstrapDir $bootstrapDir } | Out-Host
- Terminate-BuildProcesses
- exit 0
- }
- if ($testPerfCorrectness) {
- Run-MSBuild Roslyn.sln /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:DeployExtension=false
- Exec-Block { & ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\Exes\Perf.Runner\Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe" --ci-test } | Out-Host
- exit 0
- }
- if ($testPerfRun) {
- Run-MSBuild Roslyn.sln /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:DeployExtension=false
- # Check if we have credentials to upload to benchview
- $extraArgs = @()
- if ((Test-Path env:\GIT_BRANCH) -and (Test-Path env:\BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN)) {
- $extraArgs += "--report-benchview"
- $extraArgs += "--branch=$env:GIT_BRANCH"
- # Check if we are in a PR or this is a rolling submission
- if (Test-Path env:\ghprbPullTitle) {
- $submissionName = $env:ghprbPullTitle.Replace(" ", "_")
- $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-name=""$submissionName"""
- $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-type=private"
- }
- else {
- $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-type=rolling"
- }
- Create-Directory ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\tools\"
- # Get the benchview tools - Place alongside Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe
- Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\install_benchview_tools.cmd" ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\tools\" } | Out-Host
- }
- Terminate-BuildProcesses
- & ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\Exes\Perf.Runner\Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe" $extraArgs --search-directory=".\\Binaries\\$buildConfiguration\\Dlls\\" --no-trace-upload
- if (-not $?) {
- throw "Perf run failed"
- }
- exit 0
- }
- $test64Arg = if ($test64 -and (-not $test32)) { "true" } else { "false" }
- $testVsiArg = if ($testVsi) { "true" } else { "false" }
- $testVsiNetCoreArg = if ($testVsiNetCore) { "true" } else { "false" }
- $buildLog = Join-Path $binariesdir "Build.log"
- $procDumpDir = Ensure-ProcDump
- # To help the VS SDK team track down their issues around install via build temporarily
- # re-enabling the build based deployment
- #
- # https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/17456
- $deployExtensionViaBuild = $false
- if ($testVsiNetCore -and ($test32 -or $test64 -or $testVsi)) {
- Write-Host "The testVsiNetCore option can't be combined with other test arguments"
- }
- Run-MSBuild /p:BootstrapBuildPath="$bootstrapDir" BuildAndTest.proj /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration /p:Test64=$test64Arg /p:TestVsi=$testVsiArg /p:TestDesktop=$testDesktop /p:TestCoreClr=$testCoreClr /p:TestVsiNetCore=$testVsiNetCoreArg /p:PathMap="$($repoDir)=q:\roslyn" /p:Feature=pdb-path-determinism /fileloggerparameters:LogFile="$buildLog"`;verbosity=diagnostic /p:DeployExtension=false /p:RoslynRuntimeIdentifier=win7-x64 /p:DeployExtensionViaBuild=$deployExtensionViaBuild /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true /p:ProcDumpDir=$procDumpDir
- exit 0
-catch {
- Write-Host $_
- Write-Host $_.Exception
- exit 1
-finally {
- Test-NuGetCache "end of ci"
- Pop-Location